Prayers, A Lifetime Of Conversation With Our Heavenly Father - Sun Myung Moon |
Hope [Part 3 / 4]
Father! If we insist on any kind of ideologies centered on ourselves, or any concepts that we feel or are conscious of, please remove all of them.
We are facing a destiny of having to be recreated once again, and we have not been able to resolve our grief over needing to be restored. Therefore, we have realized that even if we have something that we can insist about imposingly before heaven, before you, Father, that cannot become any kind of condition or object partner. We know that no matter how we excuse ourselves before heaven and insist on our difficulties, we are sad and pitiful beings who cannot he compared to our Father who has worked unceasingly.
Now if we have realized that we do not become ourselves by ourselves, and that we are not ourselves, please let us long for the being of the original nature who has let us become ourselves, and please let us be able to penetrate into the mind of the original nature and to bow our heads before that master of the original nature.
Our minds know that there is an absolute master of the universe. Furthermore, when we realize that this master is restraining all of our actions, please allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to feel in our minds that we are not beings who are facing a destined relationship without any purpose; rather we are beings who are facing a destiny of having to go through the course of a restricted environment according to an absolute purpose.
Now we have gathered at your knees and are imagining in our minds your glorious throne, but since we do not know where our minds will wander, or in which direction our minds are heading, Father, we hope that you will please guide us in the direction where we as beings of the original nature are able to rejoice together with heaven.
Even if our faces are ashamed and we are ashamed to look up, please allow this to become a time in which we are able to long for your heart, to look up at you, and to bow down our heads before you. We earnestly hope and desire that this will become a time in which you promise that even if we reach out to you with unworthy hands you will take hold of our hands, Father.
All we want is the reality of life of that one promise that we can cling to your heart alone, Father, and that we can live together with you. Since we have bowed down before you hoping that those things will become the targets of glory about which we will be able to boast forever and ever, even if there are inadequate things about us today, please pardon us, Father.
Earnestly hoping and desiring that you will form with us a destined relationship of father and son which cannot be broken by establishing the hearts you want to establish.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
August 9. 1959
Please Let Us Long For Heavenly Families
Father! We must become people who are able to realize and weep over the sorrow of our father who was not able to find the sons and daughters he wanted to find on this earth, but please pardon us, for we have been in the pitiful situation of wandering around searching for our own satisfaction.
Jesus, too, looked at his mother and younger brothers who were in this kind of situation, and said, "For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother, and sister, and mother." We are people who do not have parents of the original nature, who do not have brothers and sisters of the original nature, who do not have children of the original nature, and who have not become couples of the original nature.
Since what we must hope and long for now are parents of the original nature, brothers and sisters of the original nature, children of the original nature, and couples of the original nature, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who long for parents of the original nature, who long for brothers and sisters of the original nature, who long for children of the original nature, who long for couples of the original nature, and who forget our own prestige and wander looking for them.
Please let a movement of people begin in heaven and earth in which they are able to enjoy the lives of heavenly families which attend you directly. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that in heaven and earth you will let a heartistic revolution, a revolution of love arise, which we cannot help but respond to even if we don't want to, and we cannot help but go to, even if we don't want to, as we are transformed by that ideal and enjoy it. Earnestly hoping that you will allow us to take that as our guiding principle of life and to have it become a turning point in our lives.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
September 27, 1959
Please Let Us Harmonize With You Through Our Minds And Bodies
We cannot help but worry whether our natures dare be offered to you, Father, and when we reflect on our own about whether our minds and bodies are such that they can receive the purpose you have allowed, we cannot help but bow our heads with embarrassed minds. Therefore, please take pity on us, Father.
Who is there who would dare to stand before you, Father, and who is there who has the confidence to be able to stand before you? We know that the farther we go, the more we know there could be no one who does not feel the sorrow of heaven which seems to cut right through us. There has been no one who knew that there are traces of your toil, that you have a heart, and that your awesome internal nature exists which makes us not know what to do with ourselves, and makes us unable to lift up our faces.
But you have raised us to be able to know about those kinds of facts, and we thank you for that. To whom is this due? This did not happened because we are so wonderful, and it did not happen because we have everything we should have. Please allow us to know that it happened because our many ancestors, who admired goodness throughout history, formed with heaven a destined relationship which affected us without our even knowing it.
Please allow us to know that we of today are not just we ourselves alone. Please take dominion over us so that we will become people who are able to respect that destined relationship and rejoice together in that destined relationship; and please do not let us become people who betray that relationship.
Father! In what kind of position are our minds? Please let us think on our own about what our bodies are waiting for, why they are moving, and where they want to he placed.
Please let us feel through our minds that in the midst of silence, at this time, too, you are urging us to feel the value of life. And please let us know that you are our Father who cannot help but feel sorrow while looking at humankind because of the tragic reality of their struggling to hold on to their lives alone.
Oh Father, who rules the world of our hearts and minds, please come personally, and rule over us all at this time according to the original nature, and take dominion over us according to the true nature. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us new words, and that you will let us stand in a position where we are able to harmonize with you through our minds and bodies, having become people who are in harmony with the words of goodness, and who enjoy relating to goodness, to people of the original nature, and to people of the true nature.
Where are there good-looking people, and where are there ugly people? Since we know that we are one through our hearts, please allow us to be able to move and be still and to harmonize and comply with the heart of heaven. And please let your glory alone appear in front of all of our lives, and please act to let the grace of your life penetrate deep into our innermost hearts.
We earnestly hope and desire that by moving our minds and hearts, you will allow this to become a time in which new decisions and determinations to resolve the grief of restoration and to pioneer the course of eternal life, explode out of our innermost hearts. At this time please allow the right of life to all the multitudes who are bowing their heads here, and while earnestly requesting that your many sons and daughters who are in heaven will harmonize with us, too, and cooperate in establishing the foundation of victorious glory.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
October 25, 1959
Please Let Us Harmonize And Become One "Through Our Hearts
Father! Since we who adore you have gathered together on our unworthy bended knees and we are looking forward to being able to meet you, attend you, and discuss together with you, please do not leave us alone. Oh Father! Please harmonize together with our minds, and please form a destined relationship together with our bodies. Please do not let the flow of your earnest heart remain as yours alone. Please let this become a time in which that flow of life itself which exists is able to penetrate deep into our minds.
Please allow us to become people who are able to be submerged in longing for you, and who are able to be held in the embrace of love of our infinite father, while looking up at the majesty of our father who is directing billions of saints. Please let this become a time in which we are able to call out to our father with minds and bodies that bow our heads of our own will, and in which we are able to thank heaven that we are in this warm home of nature.
Father! We know that before being the father who called us, worried about us, and sought us, along the course of the battle, you are the father who, in the midst of silence from a place deep in your heart, could not help but feel even when you did not want to, and could not help but think, even when you did not want to.
And we know that within our lifetimes, we must absolutely form a destined relationship in which you are able to call us your children, and we are able to call you our father.
Have we ever discussed something with you even once in private? Has there ever been a day when, intoxicated with your glory and your gentle voice, we didn't know whether we were in our bodies or outside of our bodies, and we bowed our heads and bowed down to you? We have come to know that in the course of faith we definitely need to have those kinds of moments. And we have come to know that in order to bless us with those kinds of moments, you have toiled until today.
Therefore, please allow this to become a time in which our minds and bodies are able to enjoy attending our original father, are able to enjoy attending our father of the original nature, and are able to enjoy attending our father of the true nature. You are not a father who relates to us having set up certain conditions; rather, you are a father who flows together according to the flow of your mind, and who moves together according to the movement of your mind.
Therefore, we know that the hope and the ideal we must have while living on this earth are only harmonizing with the original feeling, and the original emotion while we have our lives. We have come to know that you are our father, who is working so hard in order to show results while directing everything from a place that cannot be seen; our father, who exists but seems not to be there; our father who has dominion over our minds but seems not to have any relationship with us; our father who governs the infinite world. Since we long to be people of the original nature who are able to harmonize, to be still, and to move with the movement within that governed realm, within that realm of dominion, oh, Father, please do not leave us alone.
If there are people with the doors of their hearts closed, please open those doors, and if there are people who are suffering physically or heartistically through being enslaved by shadows of death please take pity on them as well. Father, please do not leave us alone, and if there are no minds that sincerely long for our father who truly exists, please allow us to realize on our own that we are shameful people before you, who are our father who truly exists, who are our father of heaven.
Today, even though each of our minds is different, even though each of our situations is different, even though each of the environments we are facing, our internal customs, and the concepts, ideologies, and viewpoints we have in our innermost hearts are different, in the world of the original heart, the minds that want to harmonize are the same, and evil people and good people can harmonize there. Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire that you will lead us to he able to do that at this time.
Earnestly hoping and desiring that this will become a time of grace in which we are able to mold ourselves anew through the word, and we are able to attend you, Father, by having found our original hearts through selfless hearts that have confessed everything to you.
Father, we have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
November 1, 1959
Please Let Our Hope And Your Hope Correspond
Father! We know that it is lamentable that our minds have lost the place where they can dwell, and it is lamentable that they have been deprived of their qualification of being able to discuss their value together with the entire world and cosmos.
We know that the original human beings had a direction to go, and in an environment of freedom where they had formed a relationship with you, Father, the great Lord of heaven, they should have sung songs of your value, sublimity, and goodness, and they should have enjoyed harmonizing with you through your heart.
Human beings are searching around in order to find again the original position they lost, and they are taking great pains today also in order to find again the original value they lost.
Our hope is to sing eternally together with the Lord in the garden of the purpose where we are able to rejoice by having harmonized our minds and bodies and having linked our hearts. From the day we move our footsteps in the direction of that garden, no matter what kind of difficulties or sorrows we run into, we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who will not hesitate until the day we obtain all those things. We earnestly hope and desire at the same time that you will decorate with an unchanging value that is more than adequate to move the entire world of beings in heaven and on earth; at least our hearts, which are sincere in relation to you, are like the pine and bamboo, and are always boiling up.
If there is a Lord of creation, we can know even through reasoning that such a being is to be longed for, and we know that: this is your hope also. We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become your sons and daughters who are adequate to win over the dangerous world of sin, the fallen world, and to form a relationship with you on that kind of standard.
We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord, Amen
April 10, 1960
Please Let The Ideal World Of Creation Come Quickly
We know that the time of hope you have longed and longed for is close at hand. Father! Please let your sons and daughters who have gathered here return to having the hearts of little children. We have realized that although human beings know something, it cannot be compared to the things of heaven.
We know that only if we have the satisfaction of a moment of being held in your embrace, will we be able to feel joy eternally while transcending the concept of time, and be able to feel gratitude eternally while transcending the concept of time, and be able to sing of happiness eternally. We also know that that kind of world, the ideal world of creation you hoped for, must be realized on this earth.
Today we are being injured by the complications which arise from society, but since we are looking forward to the world of eternal freedom, happiness, and peace, which is able to transcend time and cover those things, please allow us to have a destined relationship with that kind of world.
We know that you are leading us to that kind of world, and we know that we must determine to make all kinds of sacrifices and go forth in order to make that kind of world. Therefore, please let our footsteps go forth for the sake of accomplishing that world. Please guide us so that we will not be unworthy to receive your blessing, and we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will please allow us not to fail to accomplish our moral obligations of having become your children.
Now we need a lifeboat that can push its way through this environment where waves of death are dashing against us. Please let us ride that lifeboat and be able to sing songs about the glory of salvation, and please let the day come quickly when songs of victory ring throughout heaven and earth.
We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
June 19, 1960
Please Let Our New Determination Become The Foundation Of Your Glory
When we think that so many complications remain for heaven because of our being descendants of sin, who have not been able to remove the traces of death, we do not qualify to give you assurances, suggestions or pledges as we greet the New Year once again.
But because there remains peak after peak of the grief of restoration so that we must pledge and go, and pledge and go again, we feel that it will not do unless we make a new pledge from daybreak before we see the sunlight of the new morning of brightness once again today. Since we pledge that we will fulfill the mission of the pioneer, and the responsibility of men of vision, and the responsibility of people in the vanguard while representing this people and all humankind with new hearts and new minds in this new year, please allow this pledge we have made to move heaven.
Please let us become new selves who are able to have the authority of love with the power of heaven, each time we face the forces of darkness. And by establishing the light of this pledge today, please allow all of the 365 days of one year become like this day today.
Please let these new decisions and new determinations of this year become the foundation of your glory, and please let us become the helms of the sailboats crossing the rivers of suffering in this world of death. Then as for reaching that blessed land, the garden of hope you desire, we earnestly hope that you will not let us suffer any losses or feel any difficulties.
Since at daybreak, too, there are family members who are facing this place while embracing your Will and calling your name, please embrace them. Please let the new light of brightness dwell with those people who are greeting the New Year with hearts filled with tears. We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow your day to come in which light shines forth and the foundation of your glory is raised up high.
Please pardon the sins of the past of this people through the Unification Movement. Considering this people, please forgive the sins of all the people of the world. Considering the people of the world, please pardon the sins of all the sad spirits in heaven and earth. And please forgive the sins of our ancestors who have come and gone from the past until now.
Please watch and protect us until we and this people reveal your day of glory as the light of life in all the nations of the world. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will let the day of victory which remains to come to us quickly, and the dangerous conditions of the battle which remains to disappear through the light of life.
Hoping that your glory will fill the cosmos and it will be together with the blessed couples, this people and all of humankind, we have prayed in the holy name of the True Parents. Amen.
January I, 1964
Please Let Us Realize That You Created All Things To Receive Joy
Father, who created all the things of heaven and earth for your glory! Please allow us to feel once again that your heart of hope, joy, and love fills all of the things of creation. Please let us become sons and daughters who are able to realize that there is not one single being that your hands have not touched for the sake of that lofty and precious hope. Please do not let us forget that there was that kind of day of joy that you created all the things of creation for your eternal nobility and glory, and all the things of creation carne into being in order to be held in your bosom of grace.
Please do not let us forget that there was a foundation of eternal love, a foundation of eternal happiness on which you and all the things of creation, having joined into one, could have lived, and could not have been separated even if you and they had wanted to, by your having established the source of eternal life and the authority of eternal life.
Having all things filled with the hope you anticipated, the glory you hoped for, and the love you looked forward to eagerly, was your hope and the purpose of creation, but who could have even imagined that that hope would bear fruit of sorrow and despair? Who could have known that you who should receive glory would be in the regrettable situation of being ridiculed by your enemies?
Who could have known that, in spite of having to reveal the glory of victory and praise the glory of heaven and praise the glory of earth in front of your infinite love, with tears of sorrow we would shed blood and our flesh would he ripped, for the sake of the historical course of the restoration of grief? In this way today, there is no place on this earth for the world of hope to go, and in heaven and earth this kind of foundation has disappeared without remaining anywhere, and it has become filled with sorrow. When we come to know that, we, who imagine your mind today and who are feeling your heart, cannot help but be bitter about the past days, and we cannot help but sneer at the miserable history of humankind.
Please let us realize how regrettable a fact it is that we are in this kind of position. In spite of the fact that this is the universe you wanted to embrace and these are the children you wanted to love, today the things of creation all over this earth have become symbols of sorrow, and the people are descendants who have betrayed your love, and are descendants who have trampled upon your foundation of heart. When we come to know this kind of fact, please let all of your young children who have gathered here at this time, feel in our minds how precious a thing is each one's responsibility of having to comfort your sorrow, and please let us be able to pledge that we will become beings who are able to comfort your sorrow and repent for all the sins of the past on bended knees.
While earnestly requesting that you will allow this heaven and earth to become a happy one where we can live with and attend our original father, we have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
March 15, 1964
Please Let Us Fulfill Completely The Mission Of Ti Ie Victorious Lord Of Dominion
Father! We know that you and our ancestors have toiled in order to go against the current of the course of truth which had become false while going through the long course of history.
We know that the long course of history includes the labor of our ancestors for the sake of establishing a standard for the character which had become false. Accordingly, we cannot help but thank you, Father, for having directed our many ancestors up until now towards the true truth, towards the true character, and towards the world of the true heart. Father! We must spread the words of the truth of heaven in this land where truth has run dry, and we must establish many destined relationships in this land with true children of heaven.
Through your beloved children, we have come to the stage of forming new families, new tribes, new peoples, and new nations. And we know, oh Father, that centered on the true kinship formed by the destined relationship through your heart, it will not do unless there occurs a new beginning of the people or a great move of the people which will be a new part of world history. Therefore, please be together with us.
Now in these Last Days, in this world, please let us be able to subjugate the historical enemy Satan through the true words of truth, true character and true hearts, and through this standard, please let us be able to purify the evils of society. Please allow us the grace of being able to represent the overall authority of heaven, and we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will add to us the strength and power to be able to establish the authority of the victorious Lord of dominion.
We know clearly that you will, without fail, hand over and bequeath the entire universe to your beloved children. Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire that you will not let us become exhausted in that process, and you will let us be people who endure and remain until we can sing a song of victory to you, our glorious father.
Since we are now beginning this year, please bless us, Father. We know that there will be many sad things, and we will run into lonely and difficult situations. We earnestly hope that you will lead us to the garden you are hoping for and that you will embrace us with the glory of victory in this year.
Asking that you will let the rejoicing of the victory you are hoping for and the glory of eternity be with us, we have prayed in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
January 1, 1966
Please Let Us Become Children Ww'ho Seek Tiie Original Homeland
We must recognize anew and respect of our own accord the fact that we exist in order to seek and offer the joy that you desire and the victory that you desire. And through all the beings we must realize an environment that is able to glorify you. Since in order to do that, it will not happen unless we have something of the subject partner nature. Oh Father, please protect each of our minds which feel your love.
As we look at the remaining course of restoration, please let us feel that you are anxiously appealing at this time, too, Father, asking who will take responsibility for this course. Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become your sons and daughters who are able to sing songs of victory before you, having carried this responsibility to the end, no matter what sacrifices accompany it on the field of battle.
We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become your sons and daughters who can be praised by you, as you stand us up before all of creation and all the people, after we have taken the glory of victory on the battlefield of restoration. Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow each one of us to feel that we must not just sit here like this; we must advance along the course of the battle with grim decisiveness and determination, which is able to mobilize heaven and to mobilize the earth.
Please let us be able to find the land of our original homeland, and please let us he able to find our original brothers and sisters. And please let us become your sons and daughters who are able to have parents and children of the original nature. Please let us become your sons and daughters who are able to realize for you the purpose of joy which you hoped to govern through love.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the holy name of the true Parents. Amen.
May 28, 1967
Please Let Us Realize The Precious Value Of Families Where The Love Of Heaven Is Putting Forth Shoots
Father! We started out with bare hands, but now we are in a position where we envy nothing. We do not need money; we do not need power, either; and we do not need any kind of worldly culture. More than those things, what we need and are thirsting for are the love of God, the love of parents, the love of couples and the love of children. We are seeking after families centered on our Heavenly Father in the original homeland that we have longed for and about which heaven and earth can rejoice.
Father, in this whole world, could there be anything with more value than this kind of family? Even if there were a mountain of precious treasures such as gold, what could be more valuable than the destined relationship of a family centered on the parents' love, the destined relationship of brothers and sisters centered on the parents?
Since we know that this is what you have been seeking, Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to clearly know that we are Unificationists in order to become leaders who are able to connect our motives in order to be able to build history, having enjoyed ourselves here and determined ourselves here in order to leave behind infinite value.
Father! In the long course of history, sorrowful tears have been shed. We know that in every circumstance where men and women have met, sorrowful situations grazed them, and the critical paths of history evoked the lamentations of heaven. Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire that today you will allow us to become a beachhead like iron and stone which is able to defend against the enemy and resolve your grief, by men and women becoming true couples and establishing families.
From that kind of position we must find ourselves, find families, find tribes, find peoples, find nations, and run towards the world of which we are newly aware. Therefore, please do not allow us to be lacking.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the holy name of the True Parents. Amen.
December 8, 1968
Father! Where Are You Dwelling?