Prayers, A Lifetime Of Conversation With Our Heavenly Father - Sun Myung Moon |
Entreaty [Part 1 of 5]
Father! Please Bear With Our Unworthiness
Father! Since many members are thirsting for life and have gathered here before this altar, please allow them to represent your glory; and representing the altar of joy please let them know your deliberations and dilemmas; and please allow them to be able to experience your heart. We know that you are in a position where you cannot help but believe in these insignificant beings as you relate to them, and we know that you are in a position where you cannot help but carry out your works through them.
Even though we know that up until today heaven has been in a position where it must believe us, believe in and establish us, we ask you, Father, to please bear with our faults of the past which made you unable to believe in us.
We humans beings have not been able to fulfill our responsibility to become people you can trust, so Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will bear with us at this time. Please allow us to become those who believe you and trust you, and can give up our lives for you, and can honestly offer our daily lives to you. My beloved father, we earnestly hope and desire that you can take us as sacrifices proper for you to accept. Oh, Father! Since you have called us who are so unworthy from among so many people, please accept us and embrace us with your compassionate love.
We offer our minds and bodies to you, so please allow us to experience your anxious mind, and our beloved Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become children who are able to accept and carry out your desire. Your heartbreaking situation formed throughout six thousand years has continued until today, and when we consider your history of lamentation which has continued until today, and consider that today, we ourselves are the very source of your lamentations, we ask you to please bear with us.
Please make us into the realizations of the life and the idea you desired, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will make us into roots of life which can give you joy. We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
May 23, 1956
Please Allow Us To Become Living Sacrifices Of Goodness Alone
Oh, Father of love! Oh, Father of compassion! By ourselves alone, with just our strength, we cannot possibly separate goodness and evil and raise goodness up to be goodness. Therefore, please reveal the power of goodness which heaven has sheltered and the power of love which heaven has hidden, and please work through the power of resurrection.
Please allow us to be able to reveal a power capable of being good even in our unworthy position. And our beloved Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to be able to have the glory of resurrection, and to be able to bow before you, having given our minds and bodies fully for you and to be able to reveal glory having spent our minds and bodies completely.
Father! Please purify our minds, and please work with your purifying touch in the soul of each one here. Please reveal what is in the mind and body of each one, Father, and purify each thing. Since it will not do unless all the improper elements are divided out and cast away, oh, Father, please personally become the master of separation and the master of our hearts.
I earnestly hope and desire, my Father, that you will allow us to be able to separate good and evil and then do away with evil, and to be able offer ourselves through one center before the majesty of our father as living sacrifices of goodness alone.
Oh, Father! Please allow us to recognize the unworthiness of ourselves in front of your manifested external form, and to discover that we ourselves are in the realm of death, having received the power of the sins of the past. In front of you, Father, in front of the altar of the glory of goodness, please let us be able to reveal ourselves and please eliminate any improper habits from the past and any concepts that keep us from believing you.
Please allow us to receive a new stimulation of goodness and to feel anew the value of your internal nature and to feel an impact in our minds and bodies. We earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will carry out a work of repentance and inspiration. Father! Please accept us and take dominion over us. Please don't allow even one person among us to be dominated by Satan.
After going through your almighty works and your works of efforts for recreation, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to cast away the force of today's habits. Please eliminate at this time, Father, all the unacceptable, improper elements of sin, and by personally intervening, please act to fill all of us with only the elements of glory that you can take dominion over, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will completely take dominion over us.
We humbly pray this in the name of the Lord. Amen.
July 11, 1956
Since We Will Humbly Take On Everything, Please Go Ahead And Act
Father! Please, you alone protect everything, and you alone take over and take dominion.
Please let this become a time of knowing that not even our lives are our own, and not even our knowledge is our own, nor are all our concepts our own. Please allow us to be on the move only if heaven is on the move and to decide something only if heaven decides, as people who have entrusted ourselves only to you.
Please let us understand that even if a concept is considered outstanding in the world, it cannot avoid the destiny of heaven. Please let us realize that the ignorance of the world has penetrated this land, and please allow us to understand that the shadow of sin has formed a relationship with the entire world. Beloved Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to be awakened to our unworthiness and to be inspired by the movement of destiny and to feel awe-stricken as we deal with the whole.
Father! Please command us. Please advise us and tell us what you want. Please reveal the power of resurrection, and allow the power that can push aside the wall of darkness which is blocking us to explode. We earnestly hope for and desire this. Since the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, please reveal a power that can go beyond this weak body, and please move according to the authority of your touch, and please allow us to be able to truly accept being molded by your touch, by the blessing of recreation which you shower upon us. We earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow us to become gentle, humble people who can be molded into an external form of glory.
Since today you have called us though we are worthless people, please allow us to be able to fulfill your desire. Please allow a living altar to appear for the sake of finding a way for this pitiful people to live, this people who are in the midst of distress, who are dying. Please place our individual beings in front of you today Father, and allow us to stand in a position of being able to receive answers to our questions, and please allow us to be capable of receiving and carrying out the mission heavenly destiny asks of us.
Please allow us to be able to fight with all evil and separate it out, and please allow us to separate good and evil and to stand in the position of goodness.
Please allow us to believe that Satan's evil will be liquidated, and things of goodness will remain, and please allow us to become those people who enter on the straight way and live in the midst of your glow.
We pray in the name of the lord. Amen.
July 19, 1956
Please Keep Us And Take Dominion Over Us
We are praying earnestly to you, Father. First, we know that our minds and bodies must become sacrifices like the gold, frankincense and myrrh given by the wise men from the east.
We know that it will not do unless we become sacrifices. Please allow us to offer our minds and bodies. Beloved Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will not allow us to become abominations before the altar.
The more that we understand what you have chosen as your purpose of goodness and righteousness, and the more we think about your having once again sought out our unworthy selves, we cannot help but be contrite about our insufficiency in relation to you. We have let go of all our rituals, concepts and insistence on ideology, and since we have bowed down before you, Father, please help us.
Father! Please take responsibility for everything. Please receive our minds and bodies completely and take dominion over them, and please allow us to become people who are able to embrace the history of six thousand years and comfort your anguished heart. Beloved Father, we earnestly hope and desire that we will be able to unite, and as a unified sacrifice be able to bow before you in joy together with the many saints, and that you, the living God, will take dominion over the entirety of our minds and bodies.
Father! Please take pity on this people. We know that you have toiled through the long course of history in order to be able to love this people. We know that when you chose us, in order to reveal your will you had toiled in ways known to none.
We know that the enmity of this people has penetrated into heaven, and we know that the enmity of all humankind on the earth has also penetrated heaven. Since we know that heaven is lamenting because there is no one to become a sacrifice representing the anguish of heaven and earth, please allow us to become sons and daughters who entreat you to resolve in your stead the enmity penetrating the entire universe today. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who will come forward and fight Satan in your stead.
Please allow us to be able to sing your blessings unified around your one will by bringing our minds and bodies into harmony. And we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to be able to bow before you in gratitude for your blessing of liberation.
We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
December 12, 1956
Since We Have Repented For Our Unworthiness, Please Assert Your Dominion Over Everything
Beloved Father! On this lonely course of restoration which cannot help but be trod whether one wants to or not, who is there who will shoulder again the burden of the destiny caused by the fall?
Through the fall of our human ancestors, you came to embrace grief early, Father. And enmity remained in the minds and bodies of humankind. And we know that through the sinful history of the unfaithfulness of the Jewish people, this enmity came to affect the entire world. At this time when heaven and earth are permeated with complaints over this enmity, we earnestly hope and desire that you will open before us the path for us to go.
In order to go on the path you will lead us, first we must find a place where our lives can be at rest. After that, our minds and bodies must become your place to find peace, and then we know that your love for which we long must dwell in our minds and bodies.
Oh, Father of compassion, Father of love, benevolent Father, oh my Father who has worked so hard to reveal your will, please reside in the midst of us! Since we have come before your knees, ashamed, Father, with our defiled minds and bodies just as they are, please bear with us.
If you do not bear with us, if you do not become our standard for going forth, then there is no one more pitiful than us. Oh, Father! Because you have been our eternal ideal, our eternal hope, and our eternal life, and you know the situation we are facing today and the entire will we are hoping for, it will not do unless you appear to us and take dominion personally.
First, please allow us to become people with elements of the original nature and essence which can receive your dominion, and please allow our minds and bodies to be able to be captured by your words of bidding and your work of construction. And then, in front of your glory, please allow to be revealed your direct works of power which will make us unable not to surrender even if we don't want to.
And we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will take dominion over all our minds and bodies and that you will remove from us the roots of sin which you cannot endure. Since the waves of death are trying to sweep us away, please block all those things. And if personal enmities have permeated us, please remove them.
Are there any minds, or wills, or thoughts, or insistence on ideologies left that are centered on ourselves? Oh Father, please appear as the reality of power and please only you take dominion and assert yourself, and mold all our minds so that we may be able to resemble your external form.
We earnestly ask you to allow this, and we have prayed these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
March 3, 1957
Please Enlighten Us In This Hour
Father! We know that at this time it will not do unless our minds and bodies resemble you completely. So please embrace us to your eternal bosom and in order to realize your will, please let us inherit your heart which has loved billions of people. And please allow us to realize that this is the time when we must appear with hearts like yours.
This land is the land where you toiled and shed blood, and because we know that this land is the land where humankind went the difficult path of the cross, the land where the people of the world went the course of Golgotha, Father, please lead us to come to realize by ourselves what kind of situation we are facing today.
If we are going to acknowledge that we are following the footsteps of Jesus' thirty-year life of suffering, then please lead us to clearly understand what kind of environment we are living in and what we must hope for and desire.
At this time when the remaining battle of the cross has come right before our eyes, as individuals we know that we must have hearts that are aware that they can push aside all these sufferings and enmities, so, Heaven, please have pity on us at this time.
Please lead us to feel our unworthiness, and guide us to feel our inadequacy by ourselves, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow this time to become a time when we can shed tears of anguish in front of you, Father, lamenting our own incompleteness.
Asking you to take dominion over all things, we have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
March 10, 1957
Please Grant Us Your Love And The Grace Of Your Compassion
Oh Father of compassion! We earnestly hope and desire that you will bear with our situation of not being able to think of the authority, honor or situation of our Father who has such an aching heart, but rather we are living by receiving the power of your compassion.
Since we, who are here on this dark earth of death, know that without grace and the power of life, we would never be able to offer the glory of victory to you, oh Father, please allow us your promised grace. We earnestly hope and desire that as you turn out the providence, you will reveal your entire will and that you will reveal it to us.
Inadequate as we are, how dare we show ourselves before you? How could we raise our heads before heaven? Even if we died a hundred million times, we are beings who deserve it. We are held prisoner by the chains of sin, and we are people who deserve to go through the suffering of the judgment.
Therefore, we hope for your merciful love and hope for your grace, and since we have prostrated ourselves before you with minds that report truthfully on their own, we have laid out before you everything that we have. Please allow us to do away with anything that is not proper, and to maintain the mentality you grant us, and we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will guide us to be able to appeal to heaven for your mighty grace.
Father! Please take pity on us. In order to find and go this way which others deny, we remember times that filled our minds with sorrow, and we know that there were times filled with worries and trials; accordingly, Father, even if this is a position that others deny, may the grace of your recognition alone pour down on us.
Beloved Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you alone will embrace us, that you alone will comfort us, and that you alone will counsel us. Among ignorant humankind if there is a person who can understand the anguish of heaven, oh Father, even if he were struck with the distress of anguish a hundred million times, we know that he would be victorious without fail.
Please let us be sons and daughters who experience your anguish through our minds and bodies, and please let us experience the concern your heart felt when dealing with the earth, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will establish us as sons and daughters who can fulfill our duties.
Father! Please do not let us remain, in our ignorance, in a position that can lead to ruin. Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will give us the grace of being able to wait impatiently for your love and compassion alone and being able to eliminate the stronghold of evil by exploding it ourselves. We earnestly ask that you will allow our minds and bodies to be captured by the grace of your love and the will you have bid us.
We have humbly prayed in die name of the Lord. Amen.
April 14, 1957
Please Let Us Have An Universal Idea And Truth
Oh Father! Please don't leave us only to ourselves. We know that this world is an environment of failure where humankind has walked a historical course. We know that faith alone is not enough, nor are we alone enough. We hope that you will let us have a universal ideology and truth which will allow us to find the origin of our lives and to transcend ourselves.
And at the same time that we have truth, we know that we must establish a standard where heaven can be present with us. Please guide us to be able to go forth from the position of being able to call you "Father," Father, from a position of knowing that completely through a course of absolute faith.
Jesus told us to seek him through the relationship of the bride and bridegroom. Internally, it is the heart that can understand circumstances, and if it is the word that allows circumstances to be understood internally, then please let us understand the word; and through that word, please let us know truth and heart. We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to form a relationship, Father, which through a heartistic ideology allows us to know even your heart.
Father! Today please do not allow us to remain in our terribly narrow circumstances. Please don't allow us to become foolish and lose the totality of our value by leaning towards small works. Please allow us to see your greater heavenly nature while we adore your greater grace.
That nature has not yet appeared in any form on this earth. And if heaven is hoping to reveal that nature through us, please allow us to move and go forth before you with a bit greater standard of faith and a proper mentality and feeling. And we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will guide us to be able to fulfill that responsibility.
Father! Please pour out the final grace that you wish to allow at this time. Through sacrificial lives, as the sons and daughters of our father of glory, please let us receive our eternal father's entire ideology of faith as the ideology for our daily lives today. We earnestly ask you to guide us to become victorious people who are able to be proud in front of all people of having accomplished that.
We have humbly prayed these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
September 8, 1957
Father! Please Become Our Center
Please, may your deep internal nature of love be present in our minds and bodies. Since we have been embraced in your bosom, Father of love, please pour out upon your sons and daughters the joy of love which is hidden in the fullness of your life.
If it seems we are not able to experience your preciousness and your heart, Father, we know that we will not be able to erase all our relationships of sin which are not proper. Oh Father of compassion, now in this one moment please allow us to be submerged in your love alone, Father, and please allow us to give our full devotion to your providence.
My Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become loving sons and daughters who adapt ourselves to your having dominion, and whose minds can experience the original will and can feel the original heart, and who can more than fulfill our entire responsibility which has been established on the earth.
When we walked along rugged paths until today, when our hearts were sorrowful, we know that you were sorrowful before we were, and even when we were lamenting on our own in the pits of despair, we know that in our stead you were reflecting on all our sins and you were fighting in our stead in the instances of Satan's accusations.
We earnestly hope and desire beloved Father, that you will allow us to feel in our minds and bodies that even if we offer our entire mind and body as a sacrifice to you at this time, Father, there is no way we can repay the grace of our Father who has worked so hard until now.
Oh Father! From among many people, you have called and raised up our unworthy selves. How dare we present ourselves in front of you who have called and raised up this people, from among the many peoples. We have nothing to be proud of. Now what we want is to become people who are able to feel anguish together with you when you feel anguish, and who can feel joy when you feel joy, and whose minds and bodies explode for the will when you desire it.
Father, please protect us. May you alone be our center, May you alone be our Lord. Even though we have nothing to be proud of on the earth, and the place we are standing is a lonely place, since we know that the path we are on is rough, Father, please accept as and take dominion.
Even if we collapse in the battle of the Last Days, please be comforted through the sound of our voice calling, "Father."
Since we are your sons and daughters who have received the counsel of your love, and have determined and pledged to go out and fight again,
Father, please do not turn our minds and bodies over to Satan.
Please embrace us in your realm of love, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will hold and lead us to the end, Father, so that through us you will be able to realize the garden you desire and bring into being the day when all people can rejoice. We are earnestly hoping that you will allow us to remain as centers who can be proud in relation to your will, and who can become like light in relation to your will when we offer everything we have now.
We have prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
September 22, 1957
Please Allow Your Work Of Sanctification
If it were not for you, Father, we could not be comforted. And we know that you cannot allow us your glory. By any chance are our minds moved by sin and sometimes asserting ourselves? We know the historical truth that acting centered on oneself became an act that betrayed the moral laws of heaven.
Accordingly, we lay everything out before you and earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow us to receive the grace of sanctification. And then please allow our mind to manifest itself as your mind and our body to manifest itself as your body. And please let the desire you have take the place of our desire, and today please allow our fighting minds to be together with your mind which is fighting for the will you desire. And we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will give us the blessing of being able to serve your one will alone with an indomitable spirit.
Until now the lives we have lived have been worldly, and we know we have not been able to come out front the midst of the falseness of sin. Now please allow us to find absolute value which transcends time and space, and through one center please allow us to offer everything we have to the will through which you seek to reveal that value.
We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to establish a reciprocal standard where our minds can be harmonized in front of that will and that we will be able to have the joy of being able to sing in the midst of heaven's glory.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
October 20, 1957