Prayers, A Lifetime Of Conversation With Our Heavenly Father - Sun Myung Moon |
Resurrection [Part 2 of 4]
Please Restore Us As Original Human Beings
Father! Please allow our hearts to endlessly soar up towards you. Please put the concept of creation which you had when you created everything, into the center of our hearts, which are like that, and please allow us to become people whose minds are able to be moved if you are moved, and whose hearts are able to be determined if you are determined.
Please allow our minds and our hearts to move according to you, and to be able to be used only as yours. And we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow our minds and bodies to be able to transform themselves into belonging to you alone, and to be able to penetrate into the original world as belonging to you.
Today our minds are longing exceedingly for our original hearts, and they are demanding the original nature of the original creation. We know that in order to do that, your new words are needed. Even though humankind, whom you created in order to find joy, fell and is living in an evil world, the original nature is moving towards the original world. In order to have our original nature called and raised up, for 6,000 years we have longed for and sought the original words of re-creation. We have looked for and yearned for those kinds of words for 6,000 years... Now the city of death has the day of judgment ahead of it.
Father! Being faced with such a period, humankind, which is struggling with this world of fear, which is wandering around without knowing which way to go, has lost its center, and doesn't know what it will be faced with, and can't find a place to stay. Please have compassion for all humankind, and please guide humankind to be able to return into your embrace.
We know that the children who have gathered here are temples you may come and visit, and at the same time are original foundations. If you do not act, Father, all the things of creation on this earth will face the Day of Judgment and go through endless suffering. Therefore, oh Father, please extend your touch of re-creation.
Isn't there the original principle of creation of you having created Adam and Eve in order to love? Depending on that principle, in order to find and raise humankind back up to you, I shall not care about fatigue; I shall not care about suffering unjustly or sorrow; I shall not care about going the way of anger and tears; and I shall not care about an altar of blood. Please allow me to be able to understand the heart of my father who is holding me. Please guide us to understand the historical situation of our father who cannot help but do that.
At this time please let us consider our father's impatient heart, and quietly, beautifully please transform us into people who belong to you alone.
Please expel everything that is not yours alone. Please allow us to be able to be happy if you are happy, and to move if you move. And we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will restore us to being those who are able to speak out with a new voice and to appear as the original beings who have the glory of beauty in the presence of all things.
Now I have understood that my mind is not mine; I have understood that my body is not mine; and I have understood that this land where I am living is not mine. I have understood the fact that this universe is not mine, and all the things you created are not mine.
I know that all these things originated from you, Father, and as things connected with your will, they were created for you. I know that the original nature of creation is for all people, who were created related to one center, to find the glory of happiness. Please restore the original state, the realization of the kind of harmony where our minds can move and the entire universe can move transformed into the glory of the one established center.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
December 21, 1958
Thank You For Letting Us Come To Understand Our Original Value
Please establish us in relation to the Will and teach us our moral obligation. And we cannot help but thank you at this time for teaching us our original value.
Now please connect our minds with your mind, Father, and please allow our minds to become able to represent your mind. Please let everything that we feel in our minds represent your feelings, and we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow this time to become one when everything we experience is able to remove our human nature and we will become able to represent heavenly nature in our experiences.
Father! Since we who left you must meet you again, please allow our footsteps to become earnest struggling footsteps seeking to find our lost father. Since we know that it will not do unless our behavior flows out of earnest hearts and earnest faithfulness, oh Father, please let us go forth with new determination.
On this day, we know that it will not do if our innermost thoughts do nor become one in relation to you. Since it will not do unless we are held by your embrace, oh Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will come personally and caress our minds and embrace our bodies.
Since we know now that it will not do unless we become living sacrifices for you, Father, from this time forth please allow us to become living sacrifices for you.
We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
January 11, 1959
Please Allow Us To Awaken From Our Sleep Of Ignorance, Having Forgotten Our Original Appearance
We must open our eyes and look to heaven. Our eyes have become dark as though it were dark outside, but without resting day or night we must look up to see whether something is appearing. We must look at everything that has been left in pieces in the history after Adam.
Since these things have made us unable to find the center of life and the standard of ideology, please let us have minds which are able to overcome them, to look again to heaven, to go beyond human emotion and to be moved by heavenly emotion.
We know that we are those who must find your lost idea and the original garden which was lost, and we must take dominion over and protect all the things of creation. We must form a relationship of love with all the things of creation and tie them together and offer them back to you. And we know we have the complete responsibility to let the flowers of your love blossom through your heart which created heaven and earth and to tie them together and offer them to you.
Please awaken all the people of the world who are in a deep sleep and have not been able to move even one step. And we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow them to become people who can see again and can look to heaven greeting a new morning of brightness.
Please allow us to become the second group of people who are able open our eyes anew and to look up to heaven and raise up a new sense of determination in front of world history. And we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become those who move a new tribe connected by a new heart and new ideology.
Please open our eyes again towards heaven. Since we know that you first blocked the way of this people in order to let them become a group who could find a new place which humankind has never seen, please lead us to go forward steadily today and tomorrow, not being disappointed and forgetting our fatigue.
This land can survive only if people appear who can open their eyes again and look towards heaven. And since we know that because of this movement the world will be able to survive, we earnestly ask you to please allow us to become the people who can take responsibility for this.
We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
February 15, 1959
Please Take Dominion Over Our Minds And Bodies
Father! Please take dominion over our minds and bodies. We have minds, but we know that they are not ours, and we have bodies, but we know that they are not ours.
Although our minds head towards goodness, our bodies go in the direction of evil; so between them we find ourselves struggling. We know that you relate to us knowing that we are not able to escape the realm of heaven's lamentations. Father, please have compassion on us who are like this, and please give us the grace of the life of heaven. It will not do unless you give us the strong power of resurrection in our hearts.
Our bodies seek to subjugate our minds, but the will of heaven is to find and establish a standard of victory where the mind strikes the body and is able to eternally subjugate it. Today we know that it will not do unless that standard is realized through us, and that inevitable battle remains before us. Accordingly the battles which continuously appear before us are not battles we should fear. The many kinds of sorrow we run into in this situation of struggle are not great sorrows. Rather please allow us to feel today that a greater sorrow is the fact that in the battle between our minds and bodies our mind is dominated by our bodies.
Oh Father! Please raise up strong minds, and please add powerful grace to them. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will help us to possess the ability to be able to have our minds subjugate our bodies.
Through living centered on the mind we know that if this work is not accomplished by us, the complete resurrection of life will not be able to be accomplished. Therefore, oh Father, it will not do unless our minds are stirred up.
Our minds deal with life, and deal with grace, and are able to be transformed by the work of resurrection. Please allow the stimulation and inspiration which our minds receive be able to shield our bodies and to be able to shield our environments. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that such a work of heavenly re-creation will appear in the midst of our bodies.
Although our minds are endlessly soaring up towards the glory of our father, our bodies which are heading towards our father are endlessly exhausted and struggling. Therefore, Father, please alter this environment and please allow a garden of joy where our bodies can move as our minds desire to appear quickly before all people on this earth.
If there are sons and daughters like that, please bless them to be able to move heaven to have dominion over this earth and to remain long in history.
We have humbly prayed these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
April 26, 1959
Please Look At Us With Compassion And Carry Out Your Work Of Re-Creation
Father! We are exhausted from sorrow and exhausted from difficulties, and we are struggling and don't even know which direction to go. Please look at us compassionately. Please take hold of us who are wandering and don't have any place to depend on.
We have felt that the grace which you allowed us is amazing and great; but even having received that grace, our disloyal selves have not been able to return glory to you. Father, please bear with us.
Father, although you have already presented to us the way to avoid sorrow in this sorrowful world, please bear with the fact that we have been insufficient to support the Will you announced in advance. And please bear with our not having been grateful to you and not having gone that way, even though we knew you had established for us a path that could avoid our having to go the course of suffering.
Now for the rest of our lives we hope to live entrusting ourselves to your heart for the sake of your glory and your joy, but on this earth the power of death and the influence of sin are surrounding us so strongly. Since you also know that this is very difficult to overcome, please manifest yourself, oh Father of compassion.
Father, please bear with the fact that as yet we have not been able to return joy to you, Father, or praise your glory from a liberated position. Please reach out with new authority and dominate the powers of darkness.
We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will carry out the work of re-creation so that we will be able to sing of the glory of resurrection as people of victory.
Because the power of death is sweeping us away, while going through this final decision of life and death and the sense of life, we need spontaneous ability and automatic strength to be able to push through this. Therefore, Father, if there are sons and daughters of yours who desire this, please personally supplement their power, and allow them the authority of resurrection. And we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow them to become elite soldiers of heaven who embrace the hope of tomorrow and go forth pioneering their lives day by day.
Even if the lives we have lived up until now have been inadequate, Father, please bear with us. If it is your will to stimulate us and tell us in advance about the new promise of tomorrow, we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow us to fulfill completely the responsibility of the pioneers today and tomorrow.
Father! Since our minds want to live for you, want to follow you and want to follow the example of your heart, please act upon that foundation.
Father, please move and show us the glory of resurrection. And we earnestly hope and desire that you will move us into the realm of the blessing of liberation.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
June 7, 1959
Please Let Us Form Relationships With You, Trough Our New Hearts
The thing that many people have longed for and aspired to is the garden of hope, the garden of your idea, but there has been no one who sang that this is the whole of hope while holding you. Father, if there is something that your sons and daughters who have gathered here today now feel, please let them feel passion for you.
Please allow us to realize that you are the whole of ideology, you are the whole of life, and you are the whole of love. Because of the fact that we are unable to represent your entire will, please allow us to understand that today it causes you anguish that you are not able to relate to us in circumstances where you are able to establish your dignity.
Please allow us to be able to establish your dignity now, and since you have allowed us to become those who can establish the dignity of Jesus, if there is sorrow on the earth, each of us must become those who are able to take responsibility for it ourselves. If there is suffering on the earth, please allow us to understand that each of us must take responsibility for it.
On earth our real hearts must communicate with your mind and must communicate with Jesus' mind. Please let each of us determine to take responsibility for your sorrow and difficulties and push everything aside. Since we know that we are facing a historical turning point where it will not do unless we feel the grace of your life, please allow us to have a new foundation in our minds at this time.
Now if we have not been able to have a new concept and a new heart or a standard that is able to have a relationship with you, we earnestly hope and desire that you will please allow us to realize at this time that we will not be able to avoid settling the accounts of our destiny together with the judgment of history. We know that Jesus also lived for the sake of this work, and we know that he did not live the 30 years of his life for his own sake; he lived for his people and for fallen humankind.
Now we know that the age of the Kingdom of Heaven is corning where Jesus will be able to live for himself. We know that there remains for us the final task in which it will not do unless we are allowed to receive the glory of resurrection as those who are substantiations of victory who have gone over all the peaks and valleys of the cross which Jesus went through while on the earth in order to stand as a chosen person of that age and a citizen of that nation.
If we have come to understand this kind of content, we realize that we must bring ourselves into conformity with that reality and that will, and in order to realize the purpose of that will we must prepare a substantial sacrifice. Therefore please be with us, Father.
We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to possess the original temple and make an altar of victory which you can recognize.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
June 7, 1959
Please Lead Us To Become The True Ancestors Of Humankind
We know that the course of restoration is one that goes on and on without end, and we human beings must go in cycles over and over with grief remaining. But when we communicate with the world of heart of our father who has worked so hard, the history of sorrow which has been going in cycles comes to form a relationship with us today. The relationships of those struggles today will be able to become the foundation to constitute the destined relationships of the future. We must realize that these destined relationships of heart are those which must establish the garden of unlimited hope, unlimited joy, and unlimited longing.
Where are the mountains and streams that you are able to be proud of as you go here and there leading Adam around? Where are the flowers that you wanted to be proud of together with Adam, and where are the growing trees, where are the green plains, and where are the flowing streams?
Adam, who could have stood in a position of going together with you in a state of being able to communicate with your heart which is like that, this Adam fell and left your side, Father. But I earnestly hope and desire, my Father, that you will allow us to become people of joy who attend our Father, whom we have longed for, and who keep you right next to us, and who know how to rejoice together with all things, together with all people, and together with the entire cosmos.
We know that if we do not go through the loneliness and anguish of the cross which was left behind, we cannot form our destined relationship, and if we do not have minds that revere the garden of your ideal and are filled with longing, we cannot form that destined relationship. Therefore, please allow us to become sons and daughters of victory who have received your blessing and who have no relationship to the circumstances of the fall, and to become sons and daughters who are able to relate to all things in the original garden as original people who have hearts tilled with longing. And we earnestly hope and desire that you will lead us to become the true ancestors of humankind.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
June 28, 1956
Please Graft Us To Your Heart Of Life
We cannot help but feel that those of us who have bowed down before you have found the path of life after having wandered around here and there.
How can we ever repay your grace of having established us in a position where we can call you, "Abba, Father," and your not having minded the endless suffering we did not even know about, and your having protected us, purified us and led us to this place?
We don't have anything to repay you with. At this time we cannot help but feel that even if we give you our bodies, we cannot repay that grace; and even if we all offer you our hearts and minds, we are inadequate to raise our heads before what you have achieved through your suffering.
We know that it is your desire and it is your situation that you who have led us to this point have the responsibility to save us and to see a day of glory through us. And when we think that you hope to find comfort through people like us, we cannot help but feel ashamed in the presence of our father who has endured the peaks and valleys of the course of history, placing your hope in our inadequate selves.
If our flesh and blood were able to feel for your heart, and our bones were able to take on a form that could constitute a personality, then we would earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you would allow that being to be able to become a substantial form who is able to testify to your unchanging self.
How much you must have longed for a holy, glorious being who could be part of you and return glory to you even with each and every cell. In the course of history our ancestors could not attend you in that way. We know that it is a fact of history that they followed heaven, and then at times felt resentment, and at times broke their promises, and were proud of being in the realm of the chosen people and then gave up.
Father! Since we have received this kind of grief-filled blood lineage, today we confidently say we believe heaven, but we are people who are in a position close to the evil world which is able to betray heaven tomorrow.
Father, please have compassion on us who are like this. Father, please hold on to us. We earnestly hope and desire that you will please graft your heart of life to our thirsting minds, and please carry out the work of resurrection which fills us with new life.
Although many people have come and gone, and even now many are coming and going, since until today there have been no people who grasped your situation and grasped your heart and wept, please allow us to become people who are able to grasp your situation and heart and weep. Please allow there to be many sons and daughters on the earth whose minds are filled with a desire to live for you and who think, "I want to attend my father," and who know how to be indignant with heaven and earth, and to be indignant with history and to be indignant with our fallen ancestors.
We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
September 6, 1959
Please Let Us Realize That We Are Beings Who Have Formed Relationships Above And Below, Front And Back, And Right And Left
Please allow us to realize, Father, that you are not desiring any external form; you are longing for and looking for hearts and minds that adore you and that have been awakened to their original selves deep in their innermost hearts.
When we think about you, our father who has sought for and worked for the being of hope whom you desired while going through the course of complicated battles through the ages and through the course of history, we cannot help but feel that we did not become the "I" we are today by ourselves.
When we were born on the earth, we were born centered on the destined relationships of above and below, front and back, and right and left. Please allow us to understand that without our knowing it, these relationships are urging us to pursue the value of the total object or the value of a completely faultless purpose. Please allow us to realize that centered on this kind of aspect of ourselves, heaven is above us, and the history of goodness together with heavenly fortune is moving below us.
And please allow us to become sons and daughters who can feel that before us is the world of hope and to the right and left are our friends and people and brethren, and please allow us to seek to hold onto the original heart and be able to observe all these things and form the destined relationships of above and below, front and back, and right and left. If there are people who forget themselves completely and long for and struggle for this, even if they have walked a course of not being tolerated in their age and are opposed in their lives, we know that they will stand in front of the palace of heaven without fail in the last days.
Father, please command us now. Please speak. We are longing for and adoring your heart with our minds. Therefore, Father, if there is something that frustrates you, please let us experience it; and if something miserable and sad happens, please demonstrate it to us through our bodies. Please allow us to become sons and daughters of hope who are able to feel the reality of your existence from it being demonstrated through our bodies, and please allow us to bow down our heads and be grateful before you.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
September 27, 1959