Prayers, A Lifetime Of Conversation With Our Heavenly Father - Sun Myung Moon |
Restoration [Part 1 of 4]
Please Let Us Become A Movement That Settles The Debts Of The Past
Father! We did not know that we are living lives that are creating debts to the world of creation while living in the fallen world, and that we are in the position of people who are indebted to each other even among the couples in the family.
We did not know that we are in the position of indebted people in relation to our parents, also, and we did not know that it goes without saying that we are greatly indebted to you, the eternal God, as well.
Even if we look at it from the viewpoint of the fallen world, we are indebted people who rightly deserve to die; we are indebted in relation to the things of creation, and we have been people who are indebted also in relation to Jesus Christ who established the concept of the bride and the bridegroom.
We are people who should repay our debts while representing the love of the eternal God, but without knowing that we should repay those debts, we worried and lamented centered on ourselves alone, we were people who cursed the earth, who cursed the things of creation, and who cursed heaven.
In order to reestablish these kinds of human beings, Jesus struggled without minding even the way of death, and he was crucified on the cross. Because of that, the struggle of two thousand years in order to repay the debt formed in relation to heavenly morality has still not been resolved, and the word "judgment" came to remain.
Please allow us to be able to settle all the debts made throughout the course of history so that we may go over the peak of judgment. Please allow us to understand that we can stand before our eternal Father only if we become people who are more than able to repay all those debts.
We earnestly hope and desire that you still quickly lead us into lives through which we are able to repay our debt to the life that you desire, our debt to your love, by having cast off the conditions of the satans, as people who have repaid our debt to the True Parents, who have repaid our debt to the true couples, and who have repaid our debt to the true things of creation.
Please allow the battle being fought in heaven with Satan to be brought to victory through us on earth, and please let the works being done in heaven be realized on earth. And we earnestly ask and desire that you will please allow us to become your eternal children who feel the love of our eternal Father as joy and glory.
And we earnestly request that you will establish us as your true sons and daughters who are able to take dominion with dignity over all the things of creation as your beloved children who are not ashamed in relation to you, to Jesus and the Holy Spirit, to the many saints and sages, in relation to all the people on the earth, and in relation to all the things of creation.
We have prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
June 10, 1956
Please Let Us Be Able To Tread Upon And Go Beyond The Grief Left By Our Ancestors
We, who have been tormented by death, have longed for you and have gathered again today. Now please allow our minds to be able to dwell in your mind. And please let our minds and bodies be able to move as yours.
You did not avoid endless toil, and you must have gone through so much effort in order to accompany our ancestors while going through each age and each century, and you must have toiled so much in order to pioneer the way of our ancestors! Please pardon that, in spite of that, our ancestors trampled upon the achievements of the hard work of heaven, and were people without honor, who have caused you to have a heart of concern.
We know that the sin committed by our ancestors has remained as the grief of thousands of years, and due to the grief-filled act of the fall, so many people have been driven into misery for six thousand years.
We are afraid that we might inherit once again the minds held by our historical ancestors who betrayed your heart and caused you grief. We are faced with the Last Days, when it will not do unless we tread upon and go beyond the grief left by our ancestors and unless we go over the peak of grief due to the fall. Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow our minds to be captured by your mind, and that you will allow a time of glory in which our bodies are able to represent your body.
Who is the person who will fight representing your heart, the person who will shed tears and appeal having united with your heart? There are many people living on this earth. And the human beings who are alive have many different shapes, but there are very few people who know that you are a Father who has gone repeatedly through a history of sorrow and lamentation because there was not a single person who could be an object partner with whom you could discuss and share, to your heart's content, the heart that you have had in your breast. Since we know the kind of lonely, greatly indignant inner situation of your heart, please let this become a time today in which you are able to open your mind and engraft everything as yours.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
July 5, 1959
Please Let Us Become Heavenly Leaders Who Straighten Out What Was Tangled
We know that the historical course of heaven is the historical course to straighten things out. And we have come to know that in relation to the historical course that heaven is straightening out, multitudes of invisible satans are acting in opposition in order to entangle things.
Please let us realize that although we have said that history is a history to straighten things out, there is also the aspect of acts which are entangling things, the entangling of things by the world that opposes us, in order to keep us from going to a new place again.
We are facing an environment where the history of sorrow for the sake of entangling things and the history of joy for the sake of straightening things out are at a crossroads. We are in the realm of lamentation where our bodies are looking forward to things being entangled, and our minds are looking forward to things being straightened out.
We are looking towards the final stop of the sorrowful history where we must have a time of joy in which our bodies are subjugated to our minds by raising up our minds and striking our bodies. Please do not let us forget that we are people like this; please do not let us forget that we are in this kind of realm of heavenly destiny, and please do not let us forget that we are standing on the course that is for the resolution of this kind of providence of restoration.
Among the people who do not know you today, there are people who hope to be tied to a concept, and there are people who want their consciences and bodies to be tied to an ideology, a thought, or to human morality. But please let us know that when we consider them through the original nature, they are faced with the sorrowful situation of not being able to stand before you eternally, Father.
Among humankind who are going forward on this kind of course which is before them, there are many people who, without their even knowing it, have experienced and felt keenly hearts permeated with anxiety, uneasiness and loneliness, but there is no one to block that.
Therefore, Father, who will take responsibility for exhausted humankind who cannot rejoice together with history, with the time, or with the ideology, and who do not know fundamental rules of life, who do not know the direction of life, who do not know the course of life, and who do not know the purpose of life?
We will have to straighten things out between ourselves. If there are tangled things, straightening them out is a fundamental rule of the course of history. Therefore, in a position where Jesus could have shown a tangled heart of indignation in relation to his enemies, he wanted to straighten it out. Accordingly, we know that he became qualified as a person who could build the garden of the resolution of grief which straightens out the world of enemies.
We know that heaven was also happy about that and established Jesus in the position of the resurrected Jesus. Even if we are ostracized by the people and the people stand in the position of our enemies, please do not let us become persons who consider the people as our enemies. We earnestly hope that you will please let us become sovereigns of life, and please let us become leaders of heavenly life, and even if the world opposes us, please let us become people who have heavenly hearts which are able to go beyond the hearts of the enemies and not consider them enemies, in order to leave behind for them only the open heart of heaven.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
June 14, 1959
Please Let Us End The Course Of Endurance Of Six Thousand Years
Oh Father, who is the majestic Lord of heaven: We know that everything that you created must be together with your ideal forever. A long time ago we realized and for a long time we have been regretting that the terrible grief exists that we have not become human beings who live surrounded by glory, by becoming your true sons and daughters for eternity, together with the praise given to you by the cosmos as your object partner of joy, and together with glory, while we attend you with overflowing joy, having gathered together before your ideal.
Each time we call you, we cannot help but feel the situation of our Father who is sorrowful, and we are mortified, and we regret deeply that we cannot help but confess that we are descendents who have held up the banner of sin, who have betrayed heaven, and whose minds cannot help but feel anxious each time we look up at your holy majesty.
Your order to hold on to your children who had become sinful like that, you left your heart of glory as hope, and you have endured and waited impatiently throughout six thousand long years. When we think about the holy grace of our Father who has toiled not just for a day but for six thousand, long, grief-filled years, because of us, because of our ancestors, because of the many people who are living on the earth today, and because of the many spirit people who are staying in the realm of lamentation in the spirit world, we cannot help but confess once again that we are unworthy sinners, who are awe-struck before you.
Father! Before the love of our Father, who is great and mighty, before the touch of our Father, who has worked so hard, before the footprints of our Father, who has been wounded and has come to us, we are unworthy children who cannot raise our heads. You have walked a way of tears and blood like that. You have waited impatiently for humankind to participate in the way that is like that, but humankind have avoided that way.
It was your heart to want to be together in this kind of miserable situation, but humankind, who should have become your children, did not know that Will of hope and were always pounding nails into your heart.
As extremely unfilial children like that, we have once again come before you, have knelt down, and are calling you our Father. We know that the voice of our Father is filled with infinite sorrow, and the heart of our Father is filled with bitter lamentations, and his heart has been mistreated, and it is all pent up in his breast. We know that you are a Father to be pitied. But your Will still remains, and as long as you do not cast away that Will, we also must hold on to you once again while going this way.
Today also without resting, the waves of death are making our living environment muddy, and they are covering the glory of heaven by occupying the area around us. We know that at this kind of time we must once again bear in mind what kind of position we are in and what is the location of that position.
Today we have been called before the Will of this kind of great providence. We were called without having any kind of achievements. We have come to this place without even any contributions of work. We have come to this place without having anything to give to you. But we have brought earnest hearts which want to hold on to you again, by confessing our evil with repentance and our inadequacy with tears.
Knowing the historical destined relationship of the work of our Father who took pity on the situation of these prodigals, we are hoping for that destined relationship and we have come anticipating that heart of compassion. Therefore, please bind us tightly once more through your deep heart. And we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will establish us to be able to go out and fight in the world.
It will not do unless we are once again awakened to the fact that we must inherit a new world-level role and mission from you at this time, and we must shoulder the responsibility and the mission from the position that it will not do unless "I" do it.
The time is approaching when it will not do unless we indemnify all of the history of the past days of struggle together with the sin of this world. And it will not do unless we form ranks, and we all march forward as the fully-equipped, elite troops of heaven towards the enemy world, while holding the banner of judgment, after having straightened our minds and bodies once again, and while looking towards the new garden of hope.
We earnestly hope that you will let us become true sons and daughters who pledge to become filial children of heaven, and that you will let us become brave people of heaven, and that you will let us become the true, elite troops of heaven who are able to give everything we have to the battle, while not wasting a single hour of any day, bearing in mind that we are carrying this kind of responsibility and mission on our two shoulders.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
August I1, 1963
Please Let Us Restore The Cosmic Day Of The Parents
We know that the foundation of glory which you were looking forward to was a place penetrated by the destined relationship of True Parents centered on your love without indignation, without lamentation, and without sorrow. The True Parents are the center of the ideal of creation and are the hope of history. From the day they were lost due to the mistake of Adam and Eve, who were the first ancestors of humankind, we became orphans, and it became our lot to moan, held in the embrace of the enemy.
We know that you have worked hard in order to establish the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, and world-level destined relationship of the parents, while going through the course of history, and you have prepared the cosmic period of the Last Days by laying down the bridge of the six-thousand-year history, and you have been going through the grief-filled course of restoration in order to find and establish once again, horizontally, the value of the substantial parents of the individual-level victory, the value of the substantial parents of the family-level victory, and up to the value of the substantial parents of the tribe, nation, and world-level victories.
We have come to know that the True Parents, who were to come without our knowing, have lived a grief-filled life in the position of pioneers.
When we think that you have prepared in reality a stage where we can struggle for the sake of the individual, the family, the tribe, and the people, we are grateful.
Father! We thank you for having taken responsibility for the history that remained. Father, we are filled with awe by the fact that you have established the True Parents before us here on the earth, by your having worked hard as a pioneer, going the way before us until now.
We have come to know that your having given us suffering was in order to connect us to the level representing the people of the world, and your having given us the suffering of the True Parents was in order to subjugate the satans covering us. Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow this to become a time when we swear to fulfill that responsibility.
When have we knelt down and attended individual-level parents, attended family-level parents, attended tribe-level parents, or attended people-level parents? And have we become people who are able to attend such parents?
We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to determine that we will prepare the way on which the parents will come, by your letting us take responsibility for the way that is heading towards the enemy world, the way of tears, the way that restores that grief at least today, by repenting for the past in which we could not become people like that, by pioneering the way of the people-level cross, and by pioneering the way of the national-level cross.
Since we now go the remaining way in joy, oh Father, please do not worry. We earnestly request that you will let us be able to take responsibility for the cross, to devote ourselves for the sake of taking the world away from Satan, and to prepare a way on which you can follow us in joy.
Since the proclaim that all the good people in the spirit world and on earth, who are hoping for truth, will become the people of heaven for the sake of the Will, and will assist us, please let heaven and earth officially recognize this.
Since we are hoping that a world of peace, centered on the glory of the victory, on praise, on joy and on love will be accomplished through us in the name of the True Parents, Father, by that day coming quickly, please allow us to restore the day of the cosmic victory entirely and to restore a cosmic day for you, Father.
We have prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
April 17, 1964: the fifth Parents' Day
We Thank You For The Day Of All Things Which You Have Restored
Father! Today at this time we dare to consider your heart when you were creating all the things of creation. It is the purpose and the hope of the original creation that the destined relationship of one family be formed in relation to the entire universe on the foundation of your heart which is the center of happiness and rejoicing and is the center of all things.
When we think about that, we realize that today this earth has repeated the history of the fall without having become united, centered on your heart, on your hope, or on your situation. Please guide us to become people who are able to repent once again for all our historical inadequacies, while thinking about all these kinds of things.
Please have compassion, Father, for the many people who must run along the way of the battle for the sake of the hope of tomorrow, while not having been able to cast away the world of death as vet. And we earnestly hope that you will have compassion for the many believers who, kicking aside the present age, are rushing forward today in the direction of the land of the original homeland which is the land of the ideal of creation which you wanted to accomplish.
We know, Father, that there is a great deal of grief in your heart, in the heart of our Father, who has gone through the most adverse situations among adverse situations, while acting and taking responsibility for the past, the present and the future.
When we consider the sorrowful past in which people ended up pounding nails into your heart, in spite of the fact that they should have sung songs praising your eternal idea and heart in front of your heart and your ideal, please let us bear deep in our minds once again that we are people who must bow our heads and kneel down before you, while feeling how sorrowful your heart must have been, and who must raise up an altar of atonement.
Father! In the long course of history, many days have flowed by, but were you able to be happy for even a single day among them? In this kind of flow of history, you have sought and established a true day of parents on this earth, and you have found and established a true day of all things. Father, today is the very Day of All Things which you sought by working so hard.
Father! We cannot help but have minds that are filled with deep emotion as we greet this day today, while reflecting once again on the providence which you have worked hard on and carried out.
Along the course that has flowed by, you have walked forward through the miserable adversity of sorrow and anguish, we come to feel once again that these were days that you prepared while promising the one day of certain victory in relation to the Will of your mighty providence.
Father! We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will awaken us to the fact that we are people who must be grateful thousands and hundreds of thousands of times when we think that the greater the adversity was in the past, it appears as a condition for greater gratitude today. Desiring that you will fill all with ample grace today on this day which is a day of joy and glory, we have humbly prayed all these things in the holy name of the True Parents. Amen.
June 19, 1966: the fourth Day of All Things
Please Let Us Become Your Children Who Go Over The World-Level Wall Of Sorrow
Father! From the day when the struggle of Cain and Abel began, from that time when the foundation of death established itself until now, the world of death has not disappeared. Today we feel that the history of your struggle has continued down through the age with humankind being unable to remove the yoke of this kind of environment.
We must feel once again that if conditions of lamentation still remain, those conditions must be straightened out, and if labor that we must do still remains, we must put in order this foundation which is wrong, and settle the accounts of that work.
While continuing along this way of peaks, which has good as its basis, the history of sorrow has continued on down until now, by collapsing and getting up again, and then crashing into sorrow again, as a history of collapsing over and over again and then getting up again and crashing again. We have come to think that this wall of sorrow which has appeared before the present age is the remaining world-level wall.
Oh Father! In order to remove this wall, an individual will not be sufficient. And a few people who have a common will, will not be sufficient. In order to do that you called and gathered individuals, and established the family; you called and gathered families, and established the tribe; you called and gathered tribes, and formed the people; and you called and gathered peoples, and formed the nation. And even when the nation was established, it was your hope to march forward farther towards one united world.
But we must think about the fact that it will not do unless there is an individual, a family, a tribe and a people who are able to settle the accounts of sin and take responsibility for your work according to the purpose you have willed.
In spite of the fact that history became one of external sorrow due to people, how many sons and daughters do you have who are struggling for the sake of the world and who are taking responsibility for all the things on earth?
Please let this become a time in which we examine ourselves again through each of our hearts, and we have a new attitude in relation to you. Please let this become a time in which we are able to realize once again whether we have become people whom you can remember as having attitudes of compassion and conditions of compassion.
Oh Father! We must come to know the fact that you are a Father who is waiting for the time when you can give us a blessing, while responding to our requests even when you are in agony.
We have been thinking about how severe the suffering of your heart must have been and how severe the wounds must have been in the mind of our Father who has faced that sorrowful history for six thousand years while days like that continued on and on.
Who is there to remove the heartistic grief which is twisted and tangled like this? It will not do unless it is a true son of filial piety; it will not do unless it is a true daughter of filial piety.
But we know that it cannot be done by a filial son who is centered on the family; it cannot be done by a filial son who is centered on the tribe; and it cannot be done by a filial son representing the people.
Please act to let us know the fact that you cannot reveal your heart which permeates and is hidden in your mind, unless to true sons of filial piety, who represent the world, and represent heaven and earth, and whom you can show off to Satan and boast about.
We earnestly hope that you will pardon the past in which we could not think about your being in a position of having such a terrible predicament.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the holy name of the True Parents. Amen.
June 8, 1967
Please Let Us Harvest The Fruits Of Goodness At This Historical Crossroads
We have come to know that the way we are going, called by you, is not a smooth way. Please let us realize the fact that before our eyes today the world of life and the world of death are reaching a crossing point.
We, who know that at this point when the historical crossover is confusing the direction we should go, at this point when the religious people throughout the world are being broken, we know that when heaven breaks them, it is striking after having established a standard of goodness, and we know what kind of standard the time of heaven has reached.
Now we will call out to you under the bright, blue sky, having straightened up our expressions and attitudes. We think the heaven and earth of freedom are approaching when we will be able to run to you swinging our arms and dancing while saying that our time has come.
When we have thought about the fact that the sorrowful past is able to turn into joy, and regrettable, grievous facts are being changed into a time which is approaching which can boast about the brilliant power of heaven, we have realized that all those things that drove us into this kind of position, all those things were your love which wanted to bequeath your heart to us.
In this moment when life and death are crossing over each other, please let us become your sons and daughters who are able to subjugate the dominion of death with the authority of life.
We are trying to break through to that position in order to harvest, in order to gather in the fruits of goodness which you have sown. We know that we are doing that in Korea, we are doing that in Japan, and we are doing that in many nations of the world.
Sweat will have to flow from the foreheads of such unification workers, and tears will have to flow from their eyes, and we know that the mission still remains that they will have to fulfill for you through their hands and bodies shedding blood.
Therefore, please let us become sons and daughters who anticipate dying over and over again until the day comes when you can rest after we have gone this way to the end. Please let us become your sons and daughters who determine to fight again and again and who determine not to become people who become exhausted during the battle. Father, we earnestly hope for and desire this.
Please let us become your sons and daughters who are able to forget the anguish of the grief-filled history; who are able to embrace the deep heart of life; who are able to boast before all the people of the world by having the day of joy come on earth when we can call you "Father!" until our throats burst in the heaven and earth of freedom; and please let us be able to raise you up and to sing the song of victory.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the holy name of the True Parents. Amen.
June 9, 1968
We Thank You That We Have This Universal-Level Children's Day
Father! Today is November 20, 1968, by the lunar calendar, October 1. Nine years ago today, this new Children's Day was proclaimed on this earth.
During that time we have seen many days go by; and several years have passed. Along this course following the Will, each time we attend this kind of event longing for the aspect of the true children you are seeking, when we look from the viewpoint of the standard you are hoping for, we see that we are still too different from what you are hoping for. The more we think about that, we feel we do not have the dignity to meet you. Oh Father, please look on us with compassion.
Father! We know that in order to commemorate this day, today, facing this headquarters, many children, who are spread out in each area of South Korea, are bowing down to you respectfully with earnest hearts. And we know that not only in Korea, but your many children, who are spread out overseas as well, who are dragging their exhausted bodies along the lonely course of the pioneer, are thinking deep in their minds about the value of attending a day like this. These children are eagerly looking forward with earnest hearts to being able to greet this day themselves in the land of Korea, and they are praying, shedding tears for the sake of that day.
We earnestly hope and desire that you will resolve their grief, and that you will look upon their concerns, by being together with them personally even though all of their situations and environments are different.
Since there are many religious people on the earth who are going the way of morality and are offering devotion, please let them have the glory of children by finding the place they are hoping for. And since the hopes of the people, who are professing a day of liberation, must by all means bear fruit on the earth, we earnestly hope and desire that you will let them participate in an occasion that celebrates this kind of day together with us by their meeting you substantially on the earth and by your having dealt with the minds of the people who long for that place.
We know that not only those on the earth but also our ancestors and the many saints and sages, who are in the spirit world, have walked the course of the indemnity of restoration for the sake of this earth until now. And we also know that you have pioneered the course of restoration through indemnity by setting up the next descendent if an individual could not fulfill his responsibility.
Although our many ancestors who have gone to the spirit world worked hard, following the Will, and established the foundation of public righteousness, they were not able to have a day of the resolution of grief while on the earth. But when we think about the fact that today we are able to have the resolution of grief due to having Children's Day on the earth, we earnestly hope and desire that you will let us clearly realize that our having Children's Day today has universal significance.
Each time we attend a ceremony like this, please do not allow us to think of it as a formality, as a ceremony or gathering like the ordinary ceremonies of the world. We are sincerely grateful, and we sincerely commemorate that this kind of commemorative day has appeared for the first time since history began.
We earnestly hope that you will allow us to become your sons and daughters who, while groping for the heart of love, are able to be grateful that you have worked terribly hard until now, and you have pioneered the way of the providence of restoration.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the holy name of the True Parents. Amen.
November 20, 1968: The ninth Children's Day