Prayers, A Lifetime Of Conversation With Our Heavenly Father - Sun Myung Moon |
Victory [Part 2 of 4]
Please Let Us Become The Elite Troops Of Heaven Which Have Victory Over Satan
When we reflect that a history of struggle remains for us which even if we die we cannot help but inherit as the work you have left to us, please let all of us who are here open ourselves before you and ask ourselves whether we are truly the elite troops of heaven who can fight -- the elite troops of heaven who can fight and bring the victory. Father, we earnestly hope for and desire this.
We know that the enemy which we must fight against is not some certain person on the earth, but Satan who grasped the authority of the skies and raised the banner of rebellion against God and has been accusing God throughout the long course of history of 6,000 years.
When we think that today we have the responsibility and mission to subjugate this tremendous enemy in front of you, Father, we realize that basking in your grace we have desired only to receive your love and until now we have wanted such easy lives. Father, please bear with us.
Up until now we have been forgetting that in order to subjugate our enemies, even facing the adversity of the cross or terrible troubles and battles, we are in a position where our minds and hearts must not change.
But from now on, beloved Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will please let us become the elite troops of heaven who will hold on to our unchanging hearts and be able to fight millions of Satans all alone.
Are there any sons or daughters exhausted by the struggle while going forth supporting this Will? Oh, Father, please give them strength. Are there any who are hesitating? Please give them your courage. Then they will be able to rush towards the goal of victory. Beloved Father, we earnestly hope that you will let them become loving sons and daughters who can dash at and run straight to goal of the battle.
Since we have the responsibility to go over the peak of Golgotha to victory through hand-to-hand combat in the very end, we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will let us become your sons and daughters who have your strength, heart, resolution and determination, who can rush towards the site of every battle, and who, while feeling your grief, can win the victory.
Please let us lay open before you the place where our heart dwells. Please let your will appear as a concrete objective. And oh, Father, are there any weak people among your sons and daughters who have the mission of standing up to Satan and showing your standard? Please give them strength. Are there any who pray to you and squeeze out the grief of heaven?
Oh Father, please give them happiness. Are there any working hard to find heaven? Please appear to them as goodness and public justice.
Now please let us be your sons and daughters who can go forward towards your will taking responsibility for it alone even though walls block the way in front of us along this course of struggle that we must go.
We earnestly hope that you will let us be able to establish the standard of your sons and daughters who can win the victory even if we have to offer our very last breath following the example of Jesus' victory as he overcame infinite suffering on his way to the cross.
We offer up all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
October 27, 1957
Please Let Us Attain The Third Israel
In the spirit world things are organized in the name of the second Israel. But today Christianity which is spread widely throughout the world is not able to set up the order of the second Israel. Father! Please awaken this sleeping people, and awaken the Christians of the world who are sleeping.
Please give to us the authority of the chosen people who can build the third Israel throughout the world today, and who can become one with the spirit world and establish order on the earth, giving the blessing in place of the second Israel.
Then please let us take over the heavenly mission which must go up through the tribes which have been set in order though the people, through the nation and through the world, and please let us take over the course of Moses' struggle.
And please let us take over the course of Jesus' struggle and cast out Satan's criticisms and accusations, and beyond that, let us attend you, Father, and let us receive your glory. Father, we earnestly hope for and desire this. We earnestly hope that you will establish sons and daughters of joy who can win over the sufferings of the chosen people of Israel whom you have selected.
Please let us achieve the course of restoration of the world-level Canaan. And now please let us band together into one and be victorious in the course of the struggle with Satan. Please don't let us become a group that rebels against the one central will of Jesus, and don't let us become a group that causes you to suffer.
Now we sincerely ask you to let us become sons and daughters who will more than fulfill the third Israel and who will not cause heaven to worry.
We offer all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
February 9, 1958
Please Let Us Realize The World Of True Freedom, Liberation And Unification
Father! Please take pity on humankind who has lost the garden of freedom, on humankind who has lost the garden of liberation, and on humankind who has lost the garden of unification. We thought that all the things that were lost could be resolved only in the external world, but we have come to understand the historical sorrow that although things went forward with one external standard, internally they were divided.
Please let us have overflowing strength of ideology, strength of love, and strength of life facing God, which can win the world of internal freedom, the world of internal liberation, and the world of internal unification which are the problems now. Please establish in our hearts one standard of heart that will allow us to tread upon and go beyond resentment, sadness and suffering while laughing even at death.
Father! When we look at the historical world of today, we realize that it is moving and going forward centered on material things, and it has a form that externally looks like it is unified while it promotes division internally. But when we look internally, we understand that history has flowed in the opposite direction in order to avoid a lack of mind, in order to avoid a lack of life, and in order to avoid a lack of love.
Father! Today in the hearts of humankind who are living on this earth there is not just material scarcity and exhaustion; we are not just being pressed hard materially; we are being hit by mental exhaustion and are being pressed hard mentally.
Therefore, to fill this, please grant us the fire of the Holy Spirit and your life, Father, and the strength of your love. And please grant to us all internal life which can be obtained only in a place which is exploding, and your heart of freedom, Father, your heart of liberation, and your heart of unification which can absorb even the ideology of freedom which we have pursued.
In the face of the course of history of searching, wandering and working, please now let your heart, Father, explode in our hearts. Please let us possess your life force, your ideology, and freedom based on lives centered on your love, freedom based on ideology, freedom based on love.
And furthermore please let us possess the entirety realized by the liberation and unification based on all those things. And while we say, "Oh, Father, please be comforted now. We now know what Your heart is like," please let us come to possess the foundation of heart that can fulfill your desire, Father, you, who have worked so hard in the course of history
Then we will attend you, Father, and from a position where we can sing of life, and ideology and liberation and you can receive glory, we will relieve even the heart of our Father who has been carrying out the providence to restore the freedom which relieves the lamentations and suffering of restoration and the anguish of restoration. We earnestly hope that you will please let us become your sons and daughters and please let all the people of the world attend you, Father, and be able to sing of freedom, and be able to sing of liberation and be able to sing of unification.
We have prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
October 12, 1958
Please Let Us Become Those Who Remain With You To The Very End, Father
Today we have gathered once more at your knees, Father, but we are worried that we might not be able to offer glory to you, our anguished Father. We are worried that absurd charges might appear in front of the Will which you desire. Oh Father, if we are not suitable, let us go of our own will to a low place, and please let us at least have hearts that sincerely desire your pity.
If you don't care for us, Father, then how could we see your glory on this earth? If we cannot become those who can remain in your heart, how can we … see the will of the garden you allowed? Oh, Father! Please let us become a group that can remain in your mind, a group that can be transformed in your heart, a group that can live together with you. From the very beginning we have yearned for that, and watching that Will, we have gone forward.
Please let this be a time when we question whether we, who have pledged before you, who have determined ourselves before you, whether we have become those who can obey your commands.
The last days are approaching, and we know that you must be lamenting that there is no group that will take responsibility for you. We have found you and have seen your glory, and we fancy ourselves to be your sons.
We know that you are lamenting because you see no group appearing that can take responsibility for any one area of your will which remains, of the providence you permit, or your course of struggle. Oh, Father, at this time please let us once again be able to shed tears of bitter repentance and raise up an altar of redemption before you.
We know about the people of Israel who collapsed in the wilderness while they resented you and their minds wished for rest during the course in the wilderness. Today in order for us to not become like that we are now attending you and seeking to take your hand, so, beloved Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will lead us to become a group that participates in your glory.
At this time when you are searching for your sons and daughters who will work for the earth, please do not let us be people who remain clinging to ourselves when facing you, Father. We ourselves feel our inadequacies; we are so inadequate that we dare not appear before your altar, Father. But please let us become your sons and daughters who can keep to the very end, even to death, the path of Golgotha for the sake of this Will. And we earnestly hope that you will let us be a group that remains to the end.
We have offered all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
October 19, 1958
Please Let Us Become Brave Men Of Heaven By Overcoming All Things
Father! We know that in order to move eternal life, life must be moved by life, and love must be moved by love. Therefore, Father, you who are the subject of life, please appear as life, and you who are the subject of love, please appear as love.
We are suffering the drying up of life, and we are suffering the drying up of love. And while that is happening, we are at a poverty-stricken point in all doctrinal aspects, and we are so inadequate that we cannot even protect our lives for one day. Betraying heaven and earth we are holding in our hearts the resentment of the fall which lost your ideology and this day, too, we bow before you in sorrow, Father.
Please embrace our pitiful appearances, Father. It you say you do not know us, who would take responsibility for us? And if you do not hold on to us, who would hold on to us? As we have no leader before us and no teacher before us, we earnestly hope and desire that only you, Father, will be together with us.
When we come to realize that you work so hard to comfort our hearts each time we stiffer a difficult experience or have a sorrowful experience, we cannot help but report to you that we are ashamed before you. We are sorry, Father, that you have shed tears watching us go along the path of persecution as we follow the way where you told us, "Go."
Responding to your call when you tell us, "Come," we follow in your footsteps. Since we have even determined to go the way of death, Father, when the path of death appears, please don't let us retreat before it, afraid of the line of death.
Even if we run into the pain of our bodies being ripped apart or our hearts being torn to shreds, as long as your sighs remain, your desire remains, your love remains, we earnestly hope that you will let us become heaven's true sons and daughters, heavens true brave hearts who can overcome all things.
We have prayed these things in the name of the Lord.
December 21, 1958
Please Let Us Become The Elite Soldiers Of Heaven Who Are Strong And Of Good Courage
Now the time has come when we must resolve the course of history of universal sorrow and create a new history of joy. Father, our strength is insufficient, so please give us powerful strength, and please let us have powerful ambition. We earnestly hope, Father, that you will let us be the figures of the elite troops of heaven who can go forward with confidence to the goal with new valor.
You said, "Be strong and of good courage," to Joshua and Caleb who were looking at the land of Canaan. Since the standard you established for Joshua when he faced his enemies was to "Be strong and of good courage," today we cannot help but fully attack the capital of Canaan with strength and good courage.
At this time when the battle of the final judgment is right before our eyes, we know that you need sons and daughters who can face the forces of darkness and take responsibility and fight on the earth. Father, we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will let your sons and daughters who are gathered here become those kinds of responsible people.
Please take dominion of each of the hearts of your sons and daughters who are gathered here.
Is there anyone who is insisting on establishing himself today? Is there anyone who is relating to you, Father, through some ideology, or thought system, or concept or understanding? Then he is one who does not know your absolute authority, Father. He is someone who does not know the suffering behind you.
Please let us be able to break down the wall of death which has been blocking us for six thousand years through enmity and sorrow. Then millions of saints can be mobilized, and please let the many spirits of the spirit world centered on the Triune God offer a welcome of joy at this time. We earnestly hope that you will let this be the time when we can promise the day of liberation and restoration to all the beings of the universe.
We offer this in the name of the Lord. Amen.
December 21, 1958
Please Let Us Bear The Final Fruit By Making An Effort And Enduring To The End
Until now many people have come and gone for the sake of your Will, but we know that your having called us who are so insignificant and gathering us in this place is a great blessing. And we know that your having gathered us means that you have something to request of us. Oh Father! We earnestly hope and desire that at this time you will pour your words of life and your grace of life into each individual soul.
As we gaze at the garden of hope, we realize that today and tomorrow a battlefield remains where we must pioneer the route of the battle. Therefore, please guide us to be able to drive out and sweep away the wave of death with minds and bodies that are strong and of good courage. And, Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will let us become your sons and daughters who have the power of life and the grace of resurrection.
Beloved Father! Please bless the many religious bodies who gather representing this people. And Father, please especially pour out your grace of blessings on the family members who are praying earnestly on bended knees before you in loneliness. Please protect them and reach out to them with endless blessings, and counsel them through endless works.
On the remaining battlefield of the final battle with Satan, we earnestly hope and desire that you will not let us be defeated and that you will let us become your sons and daughters who will sing loudly the triumphal song of glory and your sons and daughters whom you can praise.
Oh Father, we know that many have made efforts for you, Father, but because they could not endure to the end and could not win their efforts and work could not bear fruit. Therefore, we earnestly hope that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who can endure and strive to the end until we realize the final fruits for you, Father, and please let us go forward today and tomorrow, staking our entire lives regardless of what kind of battle there is.
We offer all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
March 22, 1959
Please Let Us Bear Good Fruit
Father! Until now we have not known what your will was. We did not know your will for history; we did not know your will for this age, and we did not know your will for our lives and our daily activities. But it is awe-striking and we thank you that you have allowed us the blessing of being able to know your historical Will. We truly thank you, Father, for the blessing of teaching us the heart of the age, the heart of life, the heart of daily activities, and even the heart of time.
Embracing these hearts we will have to go through the gate of the apostles, and following the path that Christ went, we will have to go through the narrow gate. Then we will become those who can fight and win at the point of death and more than receive the blessing of resurrection, and we will leave on this earth once again resurrected tribes of goodness. We know your words that it is only by bearing fruit that we can avoid the judgment.
Since you have said that every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire, we must become good trees. Please allow us to become good trees and to be people who bear good fruit.
In order to gather good fruit, Jesus, too, has been struggling for two thousand years. Therefore, please give us the grace of resurrection today and allow us as good trees to be able to bear good fruit. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to be sons and daughters who know how to sow seeds on the earth.
This is your will, Father; this is the purpose of our Father who has come to the earth. We know that this is the content for which you have struggled. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to be able to cling to you and fight, and to be able to live with that content, that will, and that purpose deep in our hearts.
We earnestly request you to let us become the most filial sons and daughters who can comfort you and who can comfort the Lord by having accomplished the will which was left and by having run to the end of the path.
We offer all these things in the name of the Lord.
April 26, 1959
Please, Let Us Become Brave Soldiers Of Heaven Who Rush Towards Canaan
Father, we humans are surrounded by misery with the waves of death rolling over us. But you have been carrying out the providence of the history of struggle while being falsely accused, and you have been working so hard during that long period of time in order to bring about the day when you could take pity on the earth. We realize that we could not establish our dignity before you and that we are sinners whom you cannot believe even though you want to.
Now please deliver us from this six-thousand-year history which has been like the affliction in Egypt. Thank you for your promise of the day and the age of glory. Through history we know well that you had many saints and sages walk the path of tears and blood before others, and it was more than a few times that you ordered the direction they had to go, telling them the path would be like that.
Oh Father of pity! Oh Father of love! We know that it is difficult for you to hold on to this earth and to take our hands. We are unprepared and disloyal, but as we have come before your majesty adoring your mercy and longing for your love, please bear with us.
Please have pity on us who are living our lives on this earth where sorrow and lamentations remain.
Please have pity on us who are struggling in the realities of daily life. Even though we should be those who are concerned with the heart of heaven, we cannot help but look at this land with tears and sorrow. And we cannot help but lament over our hearts which cannot help but weep loudly for the sake of heaven.
I pray that, filled with the kind of heart that longed for the restoration of Canaan, you will clear away, Father, the realm of lamentations of this history of six thousand years of tribulations like the course of the affliction in Egypt.
Humankind has hoped and believed and followed. We know that the path has been a course of toil, and the footsteps demanded sorrow. Because it was humankind who committed the act of the fall which caused resentment, we must go whether we want to or not.
Ever since humankind, which is struggling in a pit of despair, knew of the promise of heaven, we have been struggling in order to get out of this pit of death. But we know that we have not been able to get out from under Satan's command even up to today. And furthermore, we know that even more than anyone else, we ourselves are among them.
Now the time has come that in order to live we must call out to you alone, to our living Father, and the time has come that it will not do unless sons and daughters who give their full loyalty appear for the sake of our Father who has established the Will of the providence.
Therefore, please allow us to have at least earnest hearts which proclaim they will struggle to establish that nation, and today and tomorrow please let us reproach our unprepared selves, deplore our incomplete states, and strike our disloyal selves. Beloved Father, we earnestly hope for and desire this.
Oh Father! We know well that when the 600,000 people of Israel escaped from Pharaoh's palace, their shout of joy rose up to heaven, but later, when the soldiers of Pharaoh followed them, they lamented and reproached heaven as they went their way. Today when we come before you, Father, are our hearts filled with joy? We are afraid that contrary to that heart, a heart that reproaches heaven will grow within us.
Even if we have the sorrow of running into some kind of sadness or some kind of crookedness, and even if our enemies dig pits of sin and lie in wait for us, we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will not let us lose the fidelity which becomes the elite soldiers of heaven.
On the way there will be mountain peaks, gravelly fields and wastelands, and there will be times when enemies plot against us. Therefore, we earnestly hope and pray that you will allow us to become brave soldiers of heaven who can each feel responsibility in our hearts and charge forward and not reconsider the determination we have already made, and today and tomorrow develop the straight road of the battle until the promised land of Canaan is liberated.
We pray all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
May 17, 1959