Seminars In the Spirit World With the Four Religious Founders |
By Sang Hun Lee - Channeled by Young Soon Kim |
Seminars in the spirit world with the Four Religious Founders [Part 3]
February 3 - April 11, 2001
Dr. Sang Hun Lee, Presiding
Reporter: Young Soon Kim
3. What part of the Divine Principle is incomprehensible or problematic to you?
Overall, the Divine Principle is rather complex and difficult to understand. However, if you pay attention to it, your mind will open and ignorance will be expelled. Then your comprehension will grow through a mysterious principled power, just as with practice math problems are smoothly solved. I do not think that these are long-term problems, but some parts are hard to understand. They are as follows:
First, although God is the Creator and Master of all things, why are there a number of occasions upon which He could not do things as He pleased? When Adam and Eve were in a crisis after the fall, why could God not scold them more severely? Why couldn't He interfere with them so that they would have stopped from committing the fall? Then human beings would not have suffered this much, nor would God have needed to go through such pain.
Another point is that in "The Advent of the Messiah and the Purpose of His Return," it says that there was a 3-hour period of darkness immediately after Jesus' death on the cross that expressed God's profoundly aching heart. But why? Had God's will been fulfilled through the crucifixion, God would not have needed to feel pain. Nor would Jesus have needed to return, since his will was realized through the cross.
And in Part II, I can see that God is leading a dispensation of restoration in incredible ways through the parallels of history. But I could not understand clearly why God had to let people walk a parallel path when many providential figures failed to fulfill their responsibility. During the course of the providence of restoration in parallels, if He wants people to fulfill their responsibility, rather than letting them make a mistake, could He not have led them more strongly? If God is omnipotent, why did He have to wait so patiently for many thousands of years?
[Dr. Lee] Such questions were raised not only by Confucius, but also by others among the four major religious founders. One day, Buddha asked Jesus a question during the seminar: "What were the 12 disciples doing before you were crucified?" Jesus replied: "Had they believed in me as the Messiah 100 percent, they would not have scattered like that. They only followed me because they were amazed by my signs and miracles. But when the situation changed and it became difficult for me, they looked at me only from a humanistic viewpoint."
With Jesus' answer, Confucius realized that God's providence was prolonged because of the failure of human beings' to take responsibility for their mission. Yet he wondered why human intellect could reach only that level, and felt frustrated.
The fact that God created human beings as beings who have to perfect themselves during their immaturity, rather than as beings who are already perfected, bothered Confucius as well. Could God not do everything for them? Can the privileges granted human beings not extend that far? He wondered thus.
[Confucius] Anyhow, our seminar hours are serious, but interesting. But when we realized that God's dispensation has taken so many thousands of years totally due to human failures, we felt heartbroken. At the same time, we realized the value of the physical body. Since God sent Jesus as the Messiah, the people who should have received him were also God's children. Nevertheless, why could they not fulfill their responsibility, tying up human history like a tangled thread and prolonging the phrase, "restoration"? As human beings on Earth are the ones who can untangle the tangled history, if we take a wrong direction in our life, it will be as if we are throwing a stone at God. God is our eternal Parent, our Father and Mother. I hope that you will not create other histories that will be painful to Him.
4. What is your reflection on the Second Coming?
The idea of a Second Coming made my heart ache. Why do human beings need the Lord to return? If God's fundamental attribute is true love, the love that caused human beings to fall can be termed false love. All human beings desire true love, yet they are unable to explain the difference between true love and false love.
Before explaining about true love, let me first explain false love. Human beings are born from ancestors who possessed the original sin. No matter how devoted someone may be, his or her children and descendants are also born with the original sin. Therefore, we must first cleanse the original sin. However, this problem of lineage cannot be resolved simply because human beings want it to be so. It can be done only through God, through a person chosen by God, after making certain indemnity conditions. Only the person who is approved and anointed by God can resolve that problem.
That particular person is the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. Long preparations were made for him to be chosen. And until he was recognized as the Messiah who was to come, he had to undergo a course of incredible suffering, including imprisonment. Despite many tribulations, he offered the Divine Principle as we entered the Completed Testament Age, just as the Old Testament and the New Testament were presented in earlier ages.
The Divine Principle is the gospel for the Completed Testament Age, a jewel-like textbook that teaches formulas and principles of life. Everyone should read it. Please read it carefully. It contains some homework for all people to complete while on Earth. The Divine Principle was not written by ordinary study, research and rational deduction. Reverend Moon traveled throughout the spirit world and discussed many things with God. He also fought bloody battles with Satan and discovered truths after gaining victories over him. How could anyone write a book like this with human ability alone? Again, I recommend that you read it with care. Those with ears to hear will gain wisdom and find an awakening.
Reverend Moon walked a path of unbelievable indemnity, going beyond the cross to become victorious as God's anointed. He cleansed false love and is guiding humanity to the original state that God desired for us.
Perhaps earthly people might not be able to understand this. This is so because the differences between a true person and a false person are invisible to people on earth. But consider: how do we differ from Jesus? We are all human beings, but Jesus is the Messiah who was sent by God. Due to human ignorance, his people did not receive him even in his own hometown. Rejected, he was unable to exercise his complete power as the Messiah. Reverend Sun Myung Moon is one anointed to fulfill the mission that Jesus was unable to complete.
Look at the providence of God, who has been leading the history of the providence through parallel ages. How patiently He had to wait for the proper time to send the Messiah in order to cleanse the original sin and restore human beings to God as His children. Thinking of this, please study the book thoroughly. Now, if you attend the anointed one sent by God and participate in the Blessing, the most precious of all of the events he conducts, your original sin will be removed and from there a new world will be disclosed to you. You too can become the center of God's providence of restoration. Can you distinguish true love from false love? If you cannot understand, pray repeatedly. If you just sit and wait, you will drift away from God's providence.
March 1, 2001
5. As the founder of Confucianism, what do you think of the Divine Principle?
At the time of God's creation, human beings desired to live with God-centered ideas while attending Him. However, due to the human fall, their relationship with God was severed. Time flowed on and history continued centered on fallen human beings. However, although there was a breakdown between God and human beings, they remained imperfect but with an original mind always thirsting for someone on whom they could depend, even if that someone was not the original God who created the universe. Without that, there could have been no way for them to be saved. Through their original mind, human beings, created as God's children, had a way return to the bosom of God.
Although Satan tempted human beings by cunning, he cannot change their basic identity. That identity is their privilege as God's children. As the founder of Confucianism, to put it simply, the Unification Principle is a gospel, a book that guides human beings to the way of salvation. I do not think that there exist any other books that are greater then this book. From the Principle of Creation to the Second Advent, I carefully read, listened and reflected upon every chapter. As a person who left many books on Earth, I could not help it as feelings of astonishment, passion, emptiness, perplexity and shame passed through me.
All I can think of is that this Divine Principle is not a book that could have been written by human ability alone. I even came to have a humanistic thought: "How many precious books could I have written had I realized even part of the contents in this book?" There was no part that did not impress me, but the Principle of Creation, the point on the dual characteristics in particular, stunned me so deeply that I was dumbstruck a number of times. God is so systematic and simple. He did not guide human beings into complications. As our Parent and Master, God created human beings and all things as the expression of Himself in a thoughtful and organized fashion and system, but human beings do not know it.
[Dr. Lee] During the lecture on God's dual characteristics, Confucius thought that the Principle lecturer was intoxicated with himself, bragging about his knowledge and scientific theories. However, as he continued to listen to lectures, he came to understand God's providence for humankind, and his heart was filled with tears of woe, feeling grief and sorrow for God.
[Confucius] How could God, who created human beings and all things with a desire to experience joy and happiness from His object partners, endure the pain and loneliness? That is not all. In the creation, there is nothing that does not exist in pairs, but who is God's object partner? We in the position of His children have been distant from Him, living as strangers. That is not all. I feel saddened by the fact that whether yesterday or today, most earthly people are living aimless lives. We, the substantial objects of God, are living in ignorance of our Creator and His reality.
On Earth, there are many followers of Confucius. The common agony of the four major religious founders, Jesus, Confucius, Buddha and Muhammad, is how to awaken and educate earthly people. No matter how much we explain, they do not believe, but react with suspicion and doubt. However, God's will to save humankind has not changed. Today in the Completed Testament Age, which is beyond the Old Testament Age and New Testament Age, things that never happened in the past are being realized in reality. On Earth, people are still divided into different religions and denominations, but here in the spirit world, the four major religious founders and Saint Augustine are attending the Divine Principle seminar every day, concentrating on the restoration of earthly people. Yet still, people on earth do not pay attention to it. Nor is the earnest message of Buddha, filled with agony and compassion, so helpful to earthly people. Nevertheless, as the founder of a religion, and as a person in charge of a religion, I am sincerely petitioning my beloved followers to listen to my message so that they might not have difficulty upon their arrival in the spirit world.
[Dr. Lee] I often see Buddha in tearful prayers. The common concern of the four major religious founders is how they can take responsibility for their own religion. Yet since they lost their physical bodies, they cannot do as much as they desire to do.
[Confucius] As the founder of Confucianism, what should I request? The only wish of the four major religious founders is for people to live as God originally desired human beings to live, under the same ideal of God. Therefore, I wish that my followers would study the Unification Principle without any prejudice, just as they studied my life and books. The Buddha is petitioning his followers with the same desperate heart.
The four major religious founders feel agony and inner conflicts over the inability of earthly people who cannot transcend old-fashioned ideas and thoughts. Along with the flow of time, civilization is tremendously developed, and people can now travel anywhere as if they were neighbors. Nevertheless, why is people's love for God so prejudiced and outdated? I am saddened by earthly people and feel heartbroken. My dear followers, I have a request for you. Would you grant my wish? If so, please thoroughly read Buddha's message. That is my request for you.
6. How would you like to introduce the Divine Principle to your followers?
God and human beings are in a father and child relationship. That relationship of father and child is destined. It is beyond condition or reason. It is unconditional. Whether joyful, happy, sad or lonely, a father and child share the same feelings together.
Children should pay attention to their parents-where they are living, how they are doing, if they are hungry, if they are suffering some hardship, if they are healthy, and so forth. That is the minimum duty of children towards their physical parents. God is our Creator and Parent. Nevertheless, our relationship with Him has been disconnected for so long. Instead, a false parent acted in His stead. For ages we lived a life of ignorance, trapped by him. However, we human beings should know that all this time God has been trying to restore our relationship with Him as parent and child. Finally, God has been crowned as the King before all humanity and stands as the Parent of all humanity. Even so, God is still not free due to the environment and the nations that are not prepared to receive Him.
Only a few will be able to understand what I am talking about. I think that Exposition of the Divine Principle is the book to save all humankind. I left many books behind, but none of them can save the human spirit. The Divine Principle is not susceptible to human analysis. It contains heavenly secrets that were long hidden by God. Reverend Sun Myung Moon revealed them through his life-risking journeys between the spirit world and physical world. If you read it casually, it will be difficult for you to understand it.
My followers know that my books are too difficult for the public to read and understand. Nevertheless, they study them, analyze them and interpret them. They may be helpful for life on earth, but there is not even one verse that can guide you in your life after death and help you take responsibility for it.
Simply speaking, your life on Earth is temporary and transient, but your life here in the spirit world is an eternal heavenly path. If this is so, rather than studying books that are helpful and comforting for your earthly life, would it not be far better for you to study books that can prepare you for your eternal life? I did not know anything about the other life, and therefore could not do anything about it. Since I was so ignorant about it, how could I? What a foolish man I was! Earthly people who follow the teachings of Confucianism with respect and reverence, please be serious about the point that I am now making.
God is our Parent, and we are His children. If anyone thinks that there is a greater truth than that, go for it. Yet, the other life is eternal, and we were created to live in that eternal world, attending Him. That is God's truth and the fundamental teaching of the Divine Principle. Please keep this in mind.
March 13, 2001
7. What is your impression of Reverend Sun Myung Moon, and what is your understanding about him?
Who is Reverend Sun Myung Moon? To earthly people in the flesh, who see him with their physical eyes, he appears as an ordinary man. They will be unable to notice much that is different about him. However, if they knew all things about the spirit world, the Earth would have become the Kingdom of Heaven already.
I would like to praise him highly and inform earthly people who he is. Yet what can I do with my empty feeling? Still, each of us promised one another to do our best, so that we would not be accused for failing to fulfill our responsibility.
Dear earthly people, religious believers, atheists! Your life on earth is not eternal. Your current life is only momentary. When you wake up from your dream, as the dawn arrives, you will see this world is like a dream you have for one night. Once I tasted the eternal world and looked at the Earth, I felt as if my life there was laughable and foolish. Please wake up from your temporary world and listen to the message of Confucius.
Reverend Sun Myung Moon lives as you are, in the flesh. Yet we witnessed how God moves with him. Whenever Reverend Moon moved, the light of God poured upon his seat. The light was so bright that we often could not keep our eyes open. However, earthly people cannot experience this, and therefore he just focuses on giving his words. Every time Reverend Moon moves, God covers him with incredible light, sometimes becoming one, sometimes becoming two. At times we can see only light and are unable to see him, but we can hear him.
One day, we saw him in prayer before the public. Splendid rays of God's blood and sweat shone upon him. Those tears and blood dripped onto the seats of the audience, transforming whomever it touched, draping them with white robes and making them dance as angels while they were exiting. Then, the bloody throne of God and Reverend Moon's precious body became totally one, with only the one desire of saving all humankind, and each drop of their sweat and blood penetrated our hearts as if stabbing us with a knife. Do earthly people know this? We witnessed it when he was praying in the hall at the United Nations.
Dear earthly people, I, Confucius, personally witnessed it. God has shown me Reverend Moon's thorough thoughtfulness for God's will on countless occasions.
What good are denominations? Once we have met the great teacher, the true teacher, the true parent, should live with him. And once coming to this world, the spirit world, we are to live with God. That is the original purpose of God's will for our life.
Wise religious believers are people who do not live only for the short span of life on Earth, but people who study the eternal world and are preparing for it. Please discard your outdated thoughts and accept the new truth. That is the shortcut to the Kingdom of Heaven.
March 15, 2001
8. What are your plans for the future?
As a person who came to know the Divine Principle and the will of God, there is only one way. I would like to attend God as my Parent and fulfill my duty as a child. How can I fulfill that? Attending God cannot be done only by rational intellect. I would like to attend Him as if I actually lived together with Him. I would go and visit Him in his room every day and greet Him in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening and at night.
When I was living on the Earth, had I realized that I should attend God as my Parent, I would have left behind many good books of which I would not be ashamed, and many people would have learned the truth. I missed such a precious opportunity. I was truly ignorant. However, I have come to understand it now, and would like to focus only on this way. Also, I would like to cooperate with earthly people as much as I can. Unfortunately, their views are so old-fashioned. How can I open the tightly closed door of someone's mind? That is a most serious question.
The life of Confucius included struggles with poverty. I was attached to considering the moral and ethical norms by which people should walk, and I also endeavored to live by them. Yet I was not closed-minded to the truths that others possessed. Now the truth of the eternal world has been taught to all people, and also various fields have been revealed through the blood-stained efforts of Dr. Sang Hun Lee. Even if it does not sound real to you, it is only right for you believers to pay attention and study it. If you are obstinate about your own views, it is nothing but arrogance, and you will be unable to escape your own boundaries. If those boundaries are too high and too strong, you will be confined by them and shrouded in their shadows and will not be able to see the bright light on the outside. Open the curtains that have covered the windows and look at the splendid sunlight that is dawning in the east. The rays of sunlight will congratulate you like a rainbow and embrace you.
As did Dr. Sang Hun Lee, Confucius would like to reveal facts about the lives of scholars in the spirit world. Yet as it is only my personal hope, I will not do it. Visiting here and there, I wish I could teach people how to live with God as their Parent. It would be such a happy life.
Although I am unqualified and unworthy, I would like to tell people to study and analyze the teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon, the Divine Principle. I would like to be able to teach more people in a more effective way, by becoming a person of the Principle.
Although I do not think that Reverend Moon would approve of me doing it, and further, there are numerous professionals from the Unification Church in this field, yet if I were asked what I would most like to do, my answer would be to become a Divine Principle lecturer. It is so because Divine Principle is the foundation for everyone and points the direction for everyone to take in the eternal world.
I do not know God's plan for me. I now know that God is our Parent and Father. And through the Divine Principle, I also came to know the direction of my life. What other plan could I want? There can be only one way.
And yet, even I now realize that I have something to do, pioneering a barren field that can contribute to God.
9. What would you like to tell earthly people?
I wish to say that in the light of the new truth, everyone should take a humble attitude as a genuine believer and have his or her own encounter with God.
10. How do you feel after having been blessed?
On Earth, the term "blessing" is commonly used when you enjoy good luck. Here the term means something totally different. Simply speaking, it means marriage. However, it still sounds unusual to hear of the Blessing given to people in the spirit world.
Today, Confucius would like to speak to earthly people not as a person who believes in Confucianism. The time given us is extremely precious. It will never return.
On earth, many people marry. When they are not happy with their marriage, they separate. That is the common view of marriage. I said clearly that the term Blessing refers to marriage. Had human beings not fallen during their period of growth, as children of God they were to have received a marriage benediction from Him. They would have attended God as the officiator of the ceremony. However, due to their wrong beginning, which was marked by them marrying each other on their own, God could not officiate their wedding ceremony. So although on earth they could be a couple, in the eternity of the spirit world they could not. They became strangers to each other.
Therefore, I want you to clearly remember that marriages on Earth do not last eternally in the spirit world. It is ironic that people spend enormous amounts of money for a ceremony that begins only a temporary marriage.
Here, what does the Blessing mean? Since you are living on earth in the flesh, you are not only limited by time and space, but you also think of saving face or checking others' mood so as not to hurt their feelings. Thus you must be cautious about everything that you do. Regardless, I cannot help but be honest in sharing everything, since this is such a precious opportunity given to me.
Reverend Sun Myung Moon not only blessed the four major religious founders, but also Saint Augustine. Their wives are now living on earth. Can believers accept this? If you do not, what can I do? The four major religious founders are united in support of what Reverend Moon is doing. We now announce to the people on earth that Reverend Moon directed us to convene a seminar of the four great religious founders. Unlike at a formal seminar, we are gathered together like family members enjoying the study of the Divine Principle. It is painful that we have no place on earth with which to cooperate. It is because people are stubborn, attached to their own beliefs and faiths.
Reverend Moon is walking his path despite his old age, shedding bloody tears and sweat in his final years of dedication for humankind. Dear earthly people, what then shall we do? Everyone should receive Reverend Moon's blessing. Then those couples can dwell in the eternal place. They can live together, loving each other for eternity, together with God as their Parent.
Dear people on Earth! If you truly want to remain as a couple with eternal love, think again. If you are wandering within your own boundaries, the Kingdom of Heaven will have nothing to do with you. Listen to Reverend Moon's messages. He is crying out to you, burning his last ounce of energy in a bright light, in order to break down the walls that separate us from one another and to make us one in love. Confucius, who was blessed by him here in the spirit world, is sending you this message with an earnest heart.
March 26, 2001
11. What part of the Divine Principle would you most like to lecture?
I listened to Divine Principle lectures a number of times, because each time my reception and understanding was different, depending on the internal preparations and conditions that I made. If you study or listen to the Divine Principle with the purpose of receiving a particular bit of knowledge, it may be stimulating to your mind but it will not be helpful at all for your spiritual growth.
I experienced many things while studying it and listening to it. Let me give you some examples. One day, Mr. Eu was immersed in giving a lecture on the incorporeal world in the Principle of Creation. In the middle of the lecture, I saw a vision in which Mr. Eu was gone, and instead Reverend Moon was standing there, perspiring. Each drop of his sweat transformed into blood and dripped from his forehead. That blood was flowing onto the ground, and people who were passing by wailed at that blood and prayed. This shocked me. Then, I saw Mr. Eu giving the lecture again, but I could not listen to the lecture because I had such an aching heart. Touched by the attitudes of the Unification Church members who are desperate to convey the truth, I had to go through such torturous experiences a number of times.
Dear earthly people, you cannot understand or even imagine life here in the spirit world. How can I become a Divine Principle lecturer? Who could imitate the endeavors and efforts of the Unification Church members? I feel that I am so far away from them in my level of heart.
Let me give you one more example. During the seminar, Dr. Sang Hun Lee posed a question to the four major religious founders and Saint Augustine. "Earthly people remember you as ones who made great contributions to the world. If you could return to earth, what is the first thing that you would do?" No one opened his mouth. Or rather, no one could, because from his serious and heavy facial expression, we knew that the purpose of his question was not to evoke our answers. Dr. Lee's appearance was so sad that we could not even look straight at his face. Again and again he was so astonished and moved, and we could not tell his real feelings. His voice was always wet with tears and he could not recover from fatigue. You might wonder, why does he live such a difficult life in a place as beautiful as this? Yet from his expression I could see that he just could not take a rest, being too anxious about reality.
Phenomena in the spirit world are invisible to the eyes of earthly people, but they are real and substantial. When Dr. Lee was living on the Earth, Reverend Moon taught him but he did not fully believe it. So he now feels responsible to let people know about the spirit world and prove it to be real, especially while Reverend Moon is still alive on the Earth. Nevertheless, countless earthly people still treat it as if it were a story in a dream. Even Dr. Lee, when he arrived in the spirit world, was agonized and surprised to learn that it is real. This made him feel sorry and regretful that he was not the filial son that he wanted to be. Thus, he worries incessantly about how he can let earthly people know this truth.
Then he appealed to us: "Can you accept me as I am? I was a son who violated the heart of the Parents of Heaven and Earth, committing many impious sins. And now, even if I may be thrown into the fire like grass, I want to go the way of filial piety. Please help me."
We religious founders just kept silent as we watched him praying in tears. We often witnessed such scenes. Truly, Dr. Sang Hun Lee made us ache in our hearts. His life itself moved us even more than his lectures. His testimonies about how he could not help changing the direction of his life became great lessons for us.
Thus observing the lives of those who have been living with the Divine Principle all their lives, how could I dare say that I would like to become a Divine Principle lecturer? I know that not just anyone can become one.
[Dr. Lee] Then, is there any subject on which you would like to give a lecture?
[Confucius] I have a dream and hope. Since I encountered the new truth, I do want to be useful. I would like to give lectures on the Divine Principle in a unique style that is appropriate to me. Will that day ever come? I do not know. Until Reverend Moon comes to this world, I will do my best to study and prepare, so that I might demonstrate my first lecture before him. For this, I welcome your critiques. I have certain subjects about which I would like to give lectures, but they are confidential. I would like to thoroughly practice these lectures and offer them for Reverend Moon's inspection. I would like to learn all the valuable lessons I can and share true love with humanity.
March 27, 2001
12. What do you think about the many books you wrote on the Earth?
Of the questions of Dr. Sang Hun Lee gave me, this is the one I want least to answer. It is so because all the books I wrote cannot help people after they arrive in this world. Whenever I published a book, it contained my philosophy. It was not easy to create it. However, as has been repeated several times, I did not deeply understand the relationship between God and human beings, and so I could not write about it in my books.
People cannot come to the spirit world with the knowledge, money, or power that they accumulated on Earth. What is most important to God is the result we brought, including how we lived, for what we lived, the life of faith we led and so forth, in the position of His child.
I do not believe that my leaving many books that promote human knowledge and intellect makes me a good child of God. Yet as the founder of a religion and one of the four major religious founders, it is true that God treats me, Confucius, very well. It seems that God graciously considers that my life benefited humanity. While I did not deny God, one thing that I am ashamed of is that I did not attain the idea that God and human beings are in the relationship of parent and child, and are connected through heart in that special relationship. I am ashamed that I could not leave even one book that teaches this. The common point of the four great religious founders, other than Jesus, is that they did not teach the relationship of parent and child between God and human beings. Thus they caused Him to walk an even lonelier path.
When in the flesh, I focused mainly on how to live a good physical life. I failed to prepare people for the spirit world and how they should live there. I did not write any books about preparation for life in the spirit world, and that pains me greatly.
Each second of time I have to give you for this report is so precious. Therefore, I would like to convey a valuable message, whether to those who follow my religion or others.
My concern is how earthly people will respond to my message. Nothing like this has happened in history. We are now entering a wonderful time and environment after the Coronation Ceremony for the Kingship of God brought us past the Old Testament Age and the New Testament Age. The problem is that people on earth do not yet know this. They should be grateful for the blessing that is being bestowed upon them through a woman on earth. She is serving as a medium to reveal heavenly secrets that introduce them to the new era. In this new era, God and human beings can be united in a relationship of oneness like that of parent and child. God so loves the world, and this woman is letting the world understand the direction of God's providence at this time. Heaven and Earth can become one and realize the ideal that was originally intended. I would like to take this opportunity that might not come again, to share this message even if people on earth do not believe me.
The books left by Confucius are valuable to earthly people, but they are useless when people come to this world. This is a world where only those who are prepared to live in the eternal world can meet me. Therefore, dear earthly people, followers of Confucianism, if you truly appreciate the books written by Confucius, please find the book that will prepare you for the eternal world. I request this of you. This is a place where everyone without exception has to come. This is a writing given to earthly people by Confucius.
March 29, 2001
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