True Family and World Peace |
by Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon |
Unification of the World and the Responsibility of Humankind Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon
President, Women's Federation for World Peace
This address was given on April 10, 1992 at the founding rally of the Women's Federation for World Peace, Seoul, Korea.
Distinguished guests, representatives of the Women's Federation for World Peace from seventy countries, women leaders and members of the Women's Federation for Peace in Asia. Let me first express my deep gratitude that such a tremendous crowd has gathered today for this grand occasion, the establishment of the Women's Federation for World Peace and the Seoul Rally of the Women's Federation for Peace in Asia. By your presence, you bring many blessings to our Federation's future, and inspire us to multiply our determination to achieve world peace.
This may be the first time that women have taken the initiative by bringing so many women together in one place. I am certain that from this day forward, women around the world will come to understand their noble role which has been ordained by God, and that a road will be opened for us to build an ideal world filled with peace, happiness and freedom. To mark this occasion, I would like to speak to you on the topic, "Unification of the World and the Responsibility of Humankind."
I want to deliver a declaration centered on the teachings of Reverend Moon, which are based on the heart of God that transcends past, present and future. My words today are a declaration before heaven and earth, with history as my witness. The words I am about to speak may seem unfamiliar to some of you, but they deal with the secrets of heaven that all women today need to understand.
History Began in a Diseased State
We live in a diseased world whose destruction is inevitable. Every day we hear the ugly sounds of its final death rattle. We can trace the origin of this disease to the original human ancestors, who lost their position in paradise. Our original ancestors contracted a serious disease. In religious terms, this event is referred to as the human fall. Thus history began in a diseased state. This disease and Satan have been the focus of human history
The tragedy of human history was that it originated with Satan, the lord of evil, who stood in contra position to God's ideal of creation. The marriage of Adam and Eve resulted in the children of evil. Inevitably, humankind inherited Satan's love, Satan's life and Satan's lineage. The human reproductive organs, by which husband and wife are intended to join together in virtue, were originally intended to be temples of true love, true life and the true lineage. Love should be an experience in which a husband and wife join in a virtuous union to procreate children who will carry on the lineage. The center of life is love, and the human lineage is transmitted by means of the love and life of a husband and wife. The linkage of love, life and lineage is what gives history its continuity.
After the fall, the human race has been held captive by satanic love, satanic life and a satanic lineage. Adam and Eve were in their youth when they sowed the seeds of false love, false life and the false lineage. Thus, when the Last Days come, we can expect the increase of moral decadence among young people to arise as a global phenomenon. In fact, we live in just such a time now.
Satan used fallen love as a condition to create a den of sin in which an eternal blow could be struck against God's ideal of true love. The relaxation of standards concerning sexual behavior, the increasing moral decadence of young people, the plague of drug addiction, and the decline of family structure and traditional values has turned this world into an earthly hell. Thus, it has become impossible to find a true man, true woman, true brothers and sisters, a true husband and wife or true parents anywhere. Until now, there could be no hope of creating a true society, true nation or true world.
Mankind Must Engraft onto God and True Parents
The world must understand that Satan exists and that he has brought about this reality we face today With this knowledge, we can find the cause of the disease and uncover the origin of the human fall. We must reveal to the world that Satan, Adam and Eve formed a trinity of evil, and that it is up to us to restore the trinity of God, Adam and Eve that is in accordance with the ideal of creation.
For this issue to be resolved, someone must testify to the fact that Satan committed sin and clearly explain the fundamental truths concerning the sin committed by the original human ancestors. God and Satan have always known the details about the fall. There were many things that Adam did not understand, however, because he was still young at the time. In the Last Days, the restored and completed Adam will come and make all this information known. He will reveal the sins committed by Satan throughout the course of history. When he comes, it will be possible to expel Satan from this world. For the first time, humankind will be able to make a fundamental change in direction toward a world of hope, peace, happiness and freedom.
In order for humankind to make a total break from the false love, false life and false lineage that derive from Satan as their parent, it is necessary that we be grafted onto the true olive tree. That is, all people need to be grafted onto God and True Parents in order to recover true love, true life and the true lineage. This will make it possible for us to build heaven on earth as well as in the spiritual world. This, in fact, is the final purpose of God's providence of salvation, restoration and recreation.
Thus, the reappearance of the True Parents is an event of the greatest historic importance. The True Parents represent the conclusion and final fruit of human history The True Parents embody the completed form of human cultural history. They signify the victory of religion and philosophy within history. Prior to the emergence of True Parents, however, there must be a period of restoration through indemnity, that is, a period of recreation.
God's Providential History of Restoration
I would like to speak for a while about this historical period, based on the biblical record, to illustrate the difficulties. By understanding this, we can understand how important it is that we fulfill our responsibility today
In the record of the Old Testament, history was a course of indemnification, eye for eye, tooth for tooth and life for life. The responsibility of the fall passed from Eve to Adam, with Satan at the center. As seen from the standpoint of Eve after she had received the seed of false life, the fall occurred when Satan took over God's position as Eve's father and became one with her to bear Adam. In the course of the fall, Eve placed the archangel in the position of her father and Adam in the position of her son. Consequently, women, who in the course of the history of restoration through indemnity have come to stand in the position of Eve, have had to risk their lives, if necessary, in order to assure that God's will is passed on to the next generation.
When we study the historical record in the Bible, we come across a number of events that seem to defy explanation. God's original intention in His creation was that Eve would become one with God, her Father, and with God's son, Adam. As a result of the fall, however, she became one with Satan and Adam, the false son. Immediately after the fall, God began working through the family of Adam in order to undo what had been done, that is, to accomplish restoration through indemnity by the reverse course. He worked with Adam's family, because even the fall had not deprived the members of this family of the element of eternity with which they had been endowed at their creation.
Cain, the first fruit of the love by which Satan took Eve, was conceded to the side of Satan, and Abel, who was born as the second fruit of the love with her husband Adam, was placed on the side of heaven. This was the beginning of the history of the struggle between good and evil aimed at fundamental restoration through indemnity
It was necessary in history that the second son be blessed so that the second son realm of heaven could restore and claim the birthright of the first son held by Satan. For example, Cain and Abel made offerings to God simultaneously, but God received only the offering of Abel, the second son, while refusing the offering of Cain. The reason for this was that the second son on heaven's side should restore the birthright from the first son.
Had Cain made his offering through Abel, an orderly path could have been established from God to Adam and to the archangel and restoration could have been accomplished. Because Cain killed Abel, however, heaven established Seth and extended the providence to his descendants.
Cain and Abel were brothers who had been born into this world. Because of their failure to accomplish God's will in their position outside their mother's womb, God's next dispensation had to be carried out within the maternal womb.
Thus, when Rebecca asked God why it was that Esau and Jacob fought within her womb, God said to her: "Two nations are in your womb .... the older shall serve the younger." (Genesis 25:23) From that time, Rebecca came to take greater care of the second son, Jacob.
Jacob, as the second son, had to restore through indemnity the birthright of his brother Esau. For this to be successful, Rebecca needed to fulfill her responsibility in the position of Eve.
The blow struck at the firstborn of Egypt during the course of the Israelites' Exodus from Egypt and Jacob's switching of his hands over Joseph's sons Manasseh and Ephraim at the time of their blessing (Genesis 48) all contained the hidden will of heaven to bring about a reversal of the realms of first and second born.
God's Providence to Send the Messiah
In her fall, Eve deceived God, her Father, and Adam, who was in the position of her son. To restore this, Rebecca stood on the side of heaven and deceived the father Isaac and her son Esau so that Jacob could receive Isaac's blessing. Jacob purchased the birthright of the firstborn, and initiated the lineage of the Israelites on the foundation of a victory won through the cooperation of a mother and her son. He conditionally claimed the first-son realm and the second-son realm for the side of heaven, and established the foundation of victory for the Israelite nation that was to descend from him.
Jacob, however, was more than forty years old at the time that he took full control over the birthright of the firstborn. Thus, the realm of the human age prior to forty was still left without the condition of having won victory over Satan. Once again, therefore, a dispensation was carried out for the purpose of gaining victory in the womb. Tamar, the daughter-in-law of Judah, had in her womb the twin sons Zerah and Perez. Although Perez was the younger, he pushed his brother Zerah aside in order to be born first. In fact, the name "Perez" is derived from this event. (Genesis 38)
At the beginning of history the lineage of Satan was planted in the maternal womb. With Tamar, the womb was restored to the side of God. The side of heaven took control over the first-son realm and the second-son realm so that God's original lineage could be established. It was in this way that the tribe of Judah came to form the foundation on which the Messiah would later be born.
As a woman, Tamar placed herself in the position of having deceived father and son; she denied her father-in-law and his sons, in order to separate the position of Eve from Satan. As a result of Tamar's separation of the womb from Satan, a basic tradition was established whereby God's children could be conceived and given birth without Satan's invasion. It was then up to the Israelites and Judaism to carry on this standard of victory in the womb until such time that the Messiah could be sent as the True Parents. Because Satan had already been able to establish his nations in the world, the sending of the Messiah had to wait until such time that the Israelites could establish a national base sufficient for indemnifying the other nations of the world.
God waited nearly 2,000 years until there was a sufficient national foundation, and a woman who could stand in the position of Eve, for Him to carry out His providence. This finally took place through Mary, the mother of Jesus. When Adam and Eve committed the fall, they were already engaged to be married at a later date. In the same way Mary and Joseph were betrothed to each other centered on God. As with Rebecca and Tamar, Mary was a revolutionary woman called by God to take part in the process of recreating Adam.
Mary risked her life to form an absolute unity with God, and placed herself in the position of having deceived father and son in order to accomplish the history of restoration through indemnity. It was in this manner that Jesus was conceived. During the time that Jesus was in Mary's womb, Satan could make no invasion in terms of his lineage. Jesus was born of the womb of a victorious woman as the first fruit of the first love who could be claimed only by God. It was the first time in history that a child was born as God's only begotten son.
Even among the saints, there exists no one else whose birth followed such a process for making a separation from the satanic lineage. Thus, we refer to Jesus as a saint among saints. This was the reason that the Christian cultural sphere was able to spread throughout the world. Finally, in our century God has worked to use the victory of the Second World War and the Christian cultural sphere to accomplish the unification of the world.
The Pioneering Road of the True Parents
The Second World War had a particular significance in the context of God's providence. In this war, the results that the fall had on the brothers Cain and Abel, who were born of Eve, was manifested on a global scale. Thus, the island nation of Britain stood in the position of Eve. The United States, a nation historically "given birth" by Britain, stood in the position of Abel. France stood in the position of Cain holding the birthright of the firstborn. These three countries formed an alliance led by the United States. On the other side, the satanic Eve country Japan, the satanic Adam country Germany, and the satanic archangelic country Italy formed the Axis Powers. It was God's plan to establish a unified world on the basis of the total victory of the Allied Powers, who had been placed on the side of heaven.
God's fervent hope for the post-war world was that God and the True Parents, who are the Adam who brings true love, could form a central point around which humankind could make a quick separation from the false seed inherited from the false parent. Humanity could then make a new beginning by connecting to the True Parents' original true love, true life and true lineage. In this way, the world would inherit the seed of true love.
Opposition from Christianity, however, forced the True Parents into the wilderness. As a result, the course of indemnity built up through the 4,000-year history of Israel was lost. It became necessary for the True Parents to go a single-generation, forty-year course of indemnification in order to bring God's will to completion.
The Lord of the Second Advent comes as the third Adam. He brings with him the contents of the secrets of heaven and completes a course of indemnification of the satanic side on the level of individual, family, nation and world. He makes total indemnity for Adam's misdeed and the mission that Jesus left uncompleted.
In this way, the third Adam must take the fall committed by the first Adam on the family level, and restore it through indemnity on the worldwide level. He then must complete the victory by restoring the entire world through indemnity.
The Lord of the Second Advent Fulfills the Highest Victory
The Reverend Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church, and I, his wife Hak Ja Han Moon, standing in the position of the True Parents, have borne upon ourselves all the historical conditions of invasion from the satanic side. In a state of unity with God, we have walked the course of worldwide indemnity so that all of humanity may be liberated from their bondage. In contrast with Jesus, the True Parents are given the historic calling to climb over the Hill of Calvary without succumbing to physical death. It has been the fate of the True Parents to go this pioneering course.
Two thousand years ago, the mind-body split of the world could have been bound together in unity if only Judaism, in the position of Abel, and the nation of Israel, in the position of Cain, had become one for the purpose of attending Jesus. On this foundation, and centering on Jesus' true love, the Israelites could have been grafted onto the true lineage and been reborn as the nation holding the birthright on a worldwide level.
The Israelites took great pride in the knowledge that they were God's chosen people, but they failed, at least at that time, to comprehend the will of God for worldwide salvation centering on Jesus the Messiah. They only believed that when the Messiah came the whole world would bow down to the Kingdom of Israel. They did not realize that God's Will was not to limit salvation to the individual, family or national levels, but to bring it to the entire world. Today Christianity faces a similar situation.
For the entire period of his 33-year life on earth, Jesus invested every last ounce of his energy into the mission for national restoration. Finally, he was forced to leave it unaccomplished. In order to complete this mission, God, in the twentieth century, has established the United States, which has become the central Christian nation, in the position of a second Israel. The United States and Christianity are called at the time of the Second Advent to stand in the positions of Cain and Abel, respectively, in order to re-indemnify the failure of the first Israel, that is, the nation of Israel and Judaism of Jesus' time. It is up to the United States and Christianity now to accomplish restoration through indemnity and complete the work of unification.
As a result of Jesus' death on the cross, not only was the mission that should have been accomplished during the time of Jesus left uncompleted, but also the nation of Israel itself was lost. For this reason, the Christian Church sought to establish itself as a spiritual nation during the course of its history in the time of the Second Advent, it is necessary to re-indemnify the failures of Israel. To do this, the Messiah of the Second Advent must be able to achieve victory at the highest point in the world.
The biblical record of Jesus' trial and crucifixion contains references to three criminals: the two thieves who were crucified along with Jesus on his left and right, and the notorious prisoner Barabbas. These three represent three ideologies that came into being as a result of Israel's failure on earth. At the time of the Second Coming, the three paradigms can be identified as Christianity in the position of the thief on the right, communism in the position of the thief on the left and Islam in the position of Barabbas.
As he now achieves his Second Advent, Jesus is responsible for binding the left and right together to give them a common direction and then add the Islamic realm as well. He should make restoration through indemnity so that all things are resolved in a common direction. He comes with the crucially important mission to have all humanity, now speeding toward hell, turn 180 degrees toward heaven.
Jesus of the Second Advent, who has come in the position of the True Parents of humankind, has devoted immeasurable effort to gather together the entire spirit world and realign the nations of this world, centering on Christianity, so that God's foundation of victory can be reformulated on a worldwide level.
World Peace Centered on the True Parents
Centered on Christianity, however, Britain, the United States and France opposed the True Parents. Therefore, heaven had the Unification Church prepared to take the place of Christianity. Through the Unification Church, it became possible for the True Parents to pass over the mountain of tribulation. Here, they were opposed not only by the communist world standing on the satanic side, but also the Christian countries and the entire world. Finally, now, they have come to the point where the side of heaven can claim and welcome the satanic side. Today Korea, Japan, the United States and Germany now emerge in the world as countries able to receive True Parents. God has been able to carry out His history of indemnity centering on these countries.
In the context of the worldwide dispensation of the True Parents, Korea has been placed in the position of the Adam country Japan in the position of the Eve country the United States in the position of the Abel country and Germany in the position of the Cain country. Japan was once an enemy country of the True Parents, the United States and Japan were once enemies, and Germany was once an enemy of the United States.
True Parents, in order to fulfill what Christianity in the United States failed to accomplish after the Second World War, have fostered cooperation among these four countries at the center of the providence and walked a 2I-year course of re-indemnification. Through their success, they have established the realm of victory.
The Unification Church, which has victoriously crossed over the Hill of Calvary on the individual, family, national, world and cosmic levels, has given the United States a new sense of direction. It has given new hope to Christianity, and is resolving the issues related to the communist and Islamic worlds.
On the Korean peninsula, the Jacob and Esau of the twentieth century confront each other in the form of the two Koreas. The True Parents working with true love in this conflict, with Kim Il Sung in the position of the false parent, have restored through indemnity the realm of the victorious parent. Through this process, Korea is established as the third Israel that has accomplished history's ultimate victory and becomes the chosen nation of the new unified world.
Korea, as the third Israel, is the base from which the True Parents and their children are able to accomplish their fervent hope for a unified world of peace. It holds a central position for building heaven on earth and in the spirit world.
It should be understood that, from the providential standpoint, the great prosperity experienced by Korea, Japan, the United States and Germany in the post-war period has been due to the fact that these countries received God's blessing, with Korea as Adam, Japan as Eve, the United States as Abel and Germany as Cain.
The Age of Women
In the Garden of Eden at the time the fall was committed, the archangel was with Adam and Eve. In this age, when the seed planted then on the level of the individual is bearing its fruit on the worldwide level, the Adam country of Korea has as its neighbor the Eve country of Japan and three archangel countries -- the United States, China and Russia-who vie for advantages on the Korean peninsula. With the protection of God, however, these countries are developing an alliance among themselves centered on Korea. Though Jesus was not able in his time to bring about a unification of the nations of Asia, today we are seeing the fulfillment of the will of God on a worldwide level.
Similarly, the significance of the coming of the Asian-Pacific cultural sphere is that a worldly sphere of material and spirit, such as what Jesus sought to accomplish in his time, is now being constructed in Asia. In other words, the countries of Asia must now establish a unified world centered on the True Parents.
Now is the time to attend the True Father, who has established the victorious tradition in world history, and the True Mother, the global representative of women who has gained victory as the representative woman in history. By doing so, we must establish not only a true concept of manhood, but also the true concept of what it means to be a mother, a wife and a daughter, in the context of a new society, nation and world, and become forerunners in inheriting the tradition of the True Parents and harvesting the victory.
We women have the mission to give proper guidance to men who lead lives of moral decadence and disorder so that the tragedy of the destruction of Adam and Eve may be resolved within the context of history.
Beloved women members, today's rally is being held by the Women's Federation for Peace in Asia for the important purpose of establishing the Women's Federation for World Peace. In the age of women that is now dawning, our members must embrace our husbands and properly educate our children so that we may be a model movement for practicing true love throughout the world. We must gain the active cooperation of our husbands and children for the development of the Women's Federation for World Peace.
Our women's movement is not for women alone. First, a movement of true love for our husbands and children must bear fruit in ideal families. The ideal families formed in this manner will come together to form ideal nations and an ideal world. For this reason, the Women's Federation for World Peace must someday develop into a Family Federation for World Peace.
For the sake of world peace, we women must take the lead in government, finance, culture and society. The basic values we should uphold in this federation of women are found in Headwing philosophy and Godism. These values are what unite left and right and overcome atheistic materialism. They are certain to be the guiding ideas of the world of the 21st century
As women, let us remember our forbearers, Rebecca, Tamar and Mary, who fulfilled major responsibilities in the history of God's salvation providence. Let us inherit the strength of will by which these historic women overcame life-threatening dangers and difficulties. Let us establish our families as homes for true parents, true husbands and wives and true children so that we may join in the holy cause of changing this world of evil into a heavenly world. Let us march forward toward a world of peace centered on the True Parents, who are the center of true love.
I pray God's blessing may be upon you, your families and this beautiful world.
Thank you.