OSDP Package for Home and Church Use - Introduction - Tyler Hendricks - July 31, 2012


Tyler Hendricks
July 31, 2012

This a Powerpoint -- and script package that presents in simple language and easy -- to -- understand visuals the latest expression of the Divine Principle. Titled Introduction to the Original Substance of the Divine PrincipleE/a> (OSDP), it contains five presentations, each of which concludes with discussion questions about what the content means in one life. The five -- lecture files and script can be downloaded onto computers or mobile devices. Presentations of the introduction with full script, presenting OSDP with Powerpoint slides tips, all available for immediate download here.

This set of slides presents Unificationist teachings in depth for clergy and laity alike, focusing on the divine -- human relationship realized through the Blessing of Marriage. The new introductory material enables a better understanding of God’s heart to love and live in us, and after seeing it, many say that the meaning of creation, human sin, and the process of redemption take on a whole new meaning.

Rev. Jeong Og Yu, an elder disciple of True Parents as well as a long -- time student of the Divine Principle, developed the OSDP in close consultation with Rev. Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church. He has presented it in seminars lasting from five days to 30 days in Korea, Hawaii and Las Vegas. To facilitate UnificationistsEsharing this wisdom with relatives, friends and neighbors, including Christian clergy, LLM in partnership with the American Clergy Leadership Conference (ACLC) created this in -- depth introduction. It consists of five presentations covering the Principle of Creation, Human Fall, Mission of the Messiah, Principles of Restoration and Second Advent. Each has a power -- point presentation and script designed for a 45 -- minute session, concluding with a set of discussion questions.

The editing team of Dr. Michael Jenkins, chairman of ACLC, Dr. Tyler Hendricks, Unification -- Church historian, and Jonathan Gullery, overseen by Rev. David Rendel, chief of operations at LLM, and Mrs. Heather Thalheimer, director of education at LLM, streamlined the content of the slides to bring out Rev. Yu’s key points and express them in a way appropriate to all listeners. Together with the script, this makes it easy for anyone to share the ideas, adding their own illustrations. It’s great for use at home, in a sanctuary, coffee shop, park or classroom.

Rev. Jenkins has observed: “The ideas of the Original Substance of the Divine Principle began when Father Moon met Jesus on Easter Sunday, at the age of 16. From that time he received the ‘new wineEor deeper contents of the scriptures that would reveal how all faith traditions can come together through the family. It teaches from a deep spiritual perspective how our marriages can be engrafted into the lineage of God.

“Our team prayed and worked with sincerity to make an introductory version of this historic content that remained true to the teaching that True Parents commissioned through Rev. Yu. Pastors of all denominations, youth and families have had transformational experiences as individuals and families through this exciting learning process. The most powerful transformation has come to pastors and to youth when they teach and practice these exciting principles. The script that has been developed greatly facilitates the development of presenters in your church, community and even in your home.

“The Introduction to the OSDP reveals God’s course through history, from Adam to Jesus to the Second Coming and reveals how we can now realize love between man and woman in blessed marriage that allows us to perfect our love as partners and reflections of God’s love. It reveals that the union between man and woman is a divine moment in which God meets his children to bless and multiply the children and realize love between God and man, husband and wife that will never break down. This is the beginning point of the Kingdom of Heaven which is now sure to come.Enbsp;

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