The Words of True Parents from 1996 |
May First 1996 Leaders’ Meeting
True Father’s Speech
East Garden, NY
[These are personal notes from Larry Moffit and Robert Kittel. They are not Official, have not been cheched or edited and certainly contain errors.]
Centering on America, don’t think your mission represents the entire mission in America. There is always 360 degrees. To save America, we have to find the 360 degree mission. TF’s concern is the central station, the center of God’s providence. We may stay in one station without moving, but God is moving 360 degree to connect all things with our mission. On a horizontal level, we have to try to expand our influence to a greater level.
Suppose you are responsible for one outreach station and then direction came from 360 directions. Would you say these directions have nothing to do with your mission. If you don’t deal with the other 360 degrees, then the central providence may have a set back. So even though we have only one mission, we have to be connected to the 360 degree line. Usually Americans are so pragmatic they only like one mission, they don’t want to be confused. From the central station’s viewpoint it may be urgent, but we wouldn’t recognize it.
Suppose all 360 stations are pitching baseballs to the center. You have to catch them all. But if 360 baseballs are pitched to you, will you catch them and stack them. Think about the history of restoration. It is hundreds of millions of years of history. TF opens the door wide open, how can we focus only on a single mission? Even the huge country of America, it is not connected to the center. That is why JC needed 12 disciples. If those 12 disciples, truly had fulfilled their mission he would not have gone to the crucifixion. They considered their outreach station more important than the central headquarters.
Japan didn’t send their best college students to UTS. Train your subordinate and then send them out. This is TF’s way. You should put more value in the people you train and send out, more than church work. The entire UC movement is somehow troubled with this issue. If TF calls on someone to take responsibility, they often say "TF I can’t do it." If Japanese had sent all the elite’s by now, they would have taken care of Japan by now. Where are the UTS graduates now? Where? We are supposed to think of the future and the future of the world and the central headquarters role, more than our own situation.
By the same token, TF doesn’t just focus on UC issues. He is concerned about the future of the history of the world and the cosmos. Because of this kind of effort, he can mobilize the angelic world. Angels are helping me. Do you understand? Your local position is not as important as headquarters’ mission. You have to put more soul and heart in helping headquarters. Without a healthy root the tree cannot survive. No matter how difficult, support headquarters and they will never forget you.
If you truly live this level of life, giving your full support to headquarters, than God will help you and there will be like a highway on which you can run. If TF is in SA, holding one fishing pole, then the world can move. When TF gave us Tmessiahship, who took it seriously? Tmessiahship is for the purpose of restoring this nation and the entire world. We are worried about putting food on the table, but God sees us as trash.
Why did TF go to SA and build a foundation? He has to build heavenly sovereignty. Only TF knows this and has to go pioneering. TF said, "Even if I sacrifice my own children, I’m going to do this mission." That is why TF’s own family is suffering and struggling. Even if all the TF’s children are taken by Satan, TF will never change and this mission has to be carried out for the sake for the world. TF is in the headquarters position. This is God’s will.
Until now, we have always been asking money from TF. The Washington Times and University Bridgeport. We does TF need WT and UB? For the sake of Christianity. TF knows, to build Christian in this nation, there has been so much blood and martyrs. TF has therefore not abandoned America. TF has launched the NA/SA task to unify Christians. Have you given even a small donation to help TF in South America? TF is constantly in danger, but we are sleeping. Think about the Catholics. Some of them are really crazy. Yet, TF comes to them and reveals the secret of JC’s life, and who knows what they will do? In the midst of this risk, TF continues. TF even said Mary is like a prostitute. Some people may think that Rev. Moon is a threat to their church and want to get rid of him. But to give you rebirth and save your life, for many years TF has been preparing for this.
TP sent GMH and HJN in the SW so they can work here on earth and help you. Since TP reached the perfection on the PW, so JC in the SW - centering on JHN and Daimon-Nim can work on the PW. Just as God sent HS to the PW to give spiritual rebirth to the PW, TF worked in the reverse way and sent HJN and GMH to the SW. To be reborn we have to have true love, life and lineage. IOW, the family has to be established. In Feb. ’73 TF gave JC the blessing. Because of this condition, TF could bless HJN too. So he has his family on earth. Originally, those in heaven are supposed to have the experience of family life on earth. So in the reverse way, TF established HJN family on earth.
Why is TF liberating the leaders and sending the ES to the SW? This way we are liberating hell on earth. This is hell’s liberation. This is why Great Mother and HJN are working to liberate hell in SW. They even mobilized Lucifer. He repented and confessed and is working to liberate all the evil spirits in SW and PW. When they have enough spirits to form a nation, they can do that immediately.
Things are urgent. It is time to same this nation and world. You cannot focus only on your family. The restoration of your family is nothing compared to restoration of the nation and world. Think about it, even after establishing the WT, what difficult course did we go through. The first editor-in-chief really gave TF a hard time. TF doesn’t visit the WT even once a year on average. Yet, TF has been spending billions on the WT to save this nation and world. Now TF educating the Christian scholars. Your responsibility is to save Christianity right now. Because of the divisive power of Christianity we are loosing so many young people.
If American movement has saved Christianity, instead of saying "One nation under God," people would be saying "One world under God." But now American is going down the drain. Be alert! Wake up. Do you expect TF to pump more money into the American projects. The American movement must be responsible to support WT and UB.
I have to go back to SA, otherwise we cannot make a unity between NA and SA. Do you understand? It is a matter of life and death in Korea. There are a number of issues. Originally TF was planning to leave on the April 27th, but he waited till the 29th. TF wanted to call you all here and give you this important warning. As long as you keep the same attitude as in the past, you have no future. Will you take responsibility for the foundation here in America? Maybe TF will abandon all the foundation, the WT and UB.
Now TF has a grip on Christianity. Because TF established Japan as Eve, …. Therefore America was not abandoned. TF wants to see American standing in the position of Abel, the country of blessing. Right after WWII, centering on CHTY, they failed but he wants to unity America, Japan and Germany. Remember these three countries tried to destroy Rev. Moon. But TF seeks only their blessing. God is the position who cannot use a central figure who fails, but TF still wants to use American even though it failed. God cannot again chose. But TF said, "I have to take responsibility for America." It was TF that chose America.
Since WWII, American has been giving support to Japan and Germany. For this reason, after TF sent missionaries to the world from these three nations. TF told them to work with their embassies to fulfill their mission there. If the missionaries had done that then the UC would not have been in the position to have received the persecution in the late ‘70s. If any even country where we had build strong enough support to influence America, we could have worked through that nation to prevent the persecution. But instead the missionaries were fighting who was Abel. Each wanted to be central figure and tried to promote themselves asking the others to follow. American thought they were the axis power, Germans thought they had superior intelligence but the Japanese looked at their recent development. More than 26 missionaries were put in prison. Jimmy Carter sent letters to 54 nations saying that UC was nothing but harmful and the missionaries should be put in prison.
There as a secondary alternative, TM sent 1,600 Japanese missionaries to the world. Even when they were sent out, TF gave them the mission, "build a good relationship with your embassies and protect the UC." TF has been preparing everything step by step, without consulting anyone for advise. Nowadays, leaders are asking for TF’s advise. TF never asked their help, because these nations are in the AA position. But not that ES and PS have been restored. We are now living in the Kingship age. To be qualified to follow TF we have to go to Chung Pyung and be cleansed.
No matter how difficult it is, you have to go across national boundaries. TF visited the tombs of this parents and brothers and sisters. If TF was an ordinary person, he would do every possible means to ask the Nkorean to give them special treatment. Even at the tomb, TF never shed a tear. TF older and younger sisters, cried at the tomb, saying, "You were always crying for your son. Now he had come." But TF never cried. He came to NK, not for a personal mission, but to save that nation and the world. Therefore, he promised, "Today I am indebted to my sisters. But after bringing reunification of NK/SK with my own hands, then I will share my heart." TF never forgets the moment he left NK, his own mother grabbed his leg and tried to stop him from leaving. TF knew that if he stayed he could not do his public mission, and almost kicked them to leave. If you understand TF life, you will cry and cry.
We, the disciples of TF, have to walk the path of TF. This is why TF doesn’t reveal all the details because he doesn’t want you to have to go this course. In the SW, when you know TF life, at least you can say, "I didn’t know." But if TF tells you now, then in the SW you have no excuse. TF is providing you with an excuse to be forgiven even now.
Don’t forget headquarters and the liberation of the entire world. God cannot abandoned TF foundation. How many times has Rev. Moon made God cry? If we claim to be disciples of Rev. Moon, then what is our quality of work? Have we touched God’s heart? TF shed more tears than the founding Fathers and ancestors. This message may be TF will for your country. Your outreach station is not as important as the central station. Give your support for the center station to save the nation and the world. This is not a Korean concept.
TF goes fishing on the Hudson River. But it was not for fishing. He looked about the river from holy ground, saying, "When the Hudson is crystal clear, God’s heart will be liberate." No one can understand TF. Even Mr. Joo tried to explain this and that about the WTF. While TF was in Danbury, he launched the Nicaragua campaign. But the editor-in-chief said they couldn’t do it. Then TF had DeBourgrave come to Danbury and promise. Even if we have to loose the newspaper, we have to same this nation. The congressional support changed from 17 million to 39 million. Without TF’s support it would have been lost in 3 days. The president of Nicaragua said to TF, "This is your office. Please do with it as you please." Her son said, "Without your help, our country would have been lost." This was the beginning of stopping the spread of communism in Latin America.
Wherever you go, make sure you are in the position of kingship. If you have the same level of integrity as TF, you can do your mission. Going with absolute faith, as soon as you go beyond the growth level, Satan will depart.
Make the governor, police chief, your friend. Challenge them to gather all the officials together and give you an opportunity to teach them and let them see what you can offer. Tell them, "I will educate your staff. Give me a chance." Consider yourself as their younger brother and challenge them. You will save their state. Utilize the power of those who received the WTF awards. Why not? Can you do it? Do you understand?
Because of the inspiration you received from TF, you have strong eyes. But how long will this last? TF may retreat from America. People will say, "Don’t go Rev. Moon." TF is considering whether he will leave or not.
Mr. Joo’ report. Introduction of Mr. Pak, of the IOE group.
As a UC member it doesn’t matter if you are Japanese or America. Mr. Kobayashi, the head of Kodan in America. TF… Through Kodan we should increase membership and raise money. American members should support WT and Japanese members support UB. Not just the Japanese Kodan members, but all Asian members, including Chinese, support UB. Funds will be divided between WT and UB. Kodan has a 3 year record so it will be the center for other ethnic groups. Mrs. Kobayashi and Mrs. Spurgin will run the office and will deal with the American Kodan members. The Korean representative will be Dr. Chen’s wife (UB) Chen, He Soo. The other Asian members will be under the Korean branch. This campaign will be launched nationwide immediately.
This is the way you can support your country. Even if you have to skip meals, you have to make this donation. It is this contribution that will save your country. Shortly you will be named to a specific Kodan. You will have to make a $210 - $3,000 per month so the WT can stand on its own. Don’t depend on TF all the time. What will happen to the WT? Please be grateful to the Japanese members who have been doing this for the past 3 years. In this way you can save your country. Between your couple $420. If you do this you will be able to gain more members too. This can provide education to your children. UC parents are not doing anything. There are only 1,500 American couples. Miserable! Will this be voluntarily? Yes. Is it true.
Set a goal. Then God will help you. By giving a donation to the UC, you will never loose. TF is in great debt by doing this work. For educating more than 3,600 and the April 16th budget is over 8.4 million. How much have you donated? The entire world is rumor is that Rev. Moon will be bankrupt. That was six years ago. But this hadn’t happened! Can you give $6,000 per year?
The three ladies, must given a written proposal to TF how much they will donate to WT and UB. TF needs more money for educational programs. We cannot afford to eat as much as we want and to play as much as we like. Will the American gain more money than the Japanese? UB will be greater than Harvard in the future. Harvard cannot give rebirth to people. Why did you join? Because of DP. The DP is the tool which can recreate the human race. This is our armament.
Americans have to do more. State leaders stand up. There are 38 state leaders represented. As a leader, you have to have the power of persuasion. Secondly, diplomatic ability. You should meet the governor and make him your friend. Third, you have to economic ability.
Do you want to be responsible for headquarters to your own state? You have to witness. And you have to be able to raise better people than yourself. Read Unification News and Today’s World and determine to be better than people in these articles. You should be able to contact the best state leader, share results and do better. There is plenty of material to teach and educate people.
Your boundry should be wide. Expand your activity. Set a goal for this month to persuade a person who is really nasty. Even if you have only 10 members, give them 3 enemies to change. In the beginning they will be embarrassed but then they will gain confidence and courage. Only those with experience will prosper. If you set around, there is nothing you can do. Don’t wait.
Did JC have a sexual organ? What’s the purpose? It’s to use at the time of marriage. What would have happened if he got married and had children? If that had happened, then how many of JC’s descendants would there be today. The world would have been restored a long time ago. It would be so much easier to get those descendants and restore them back.
By disclosing the secrets about JC’s life, what does he have to gain? Nothing. Don’t you think the Roman Catholic priest and other Christian ministers gathered together to decide what to do with Rev. Moon. They may say, "Well logically he is right, but what should we do it we oppose it?" They don’t have any logic to fight against the DP. What will the theologians do when they find TF speech? They will be surprised. Mary and JC in the SW are now in trouble. Because of help from TF, revealing their life and mission, their life is wide open and they can pursue their course. IOW, they can start to take correct action in front of God. Who can liberate Mary and JC in the SW? Only TP. If Father had revealed this truth 10 years ago, what would the Christians done? Now, with this foundation the battle is over.
Since these have been revealed these secrets, he has proclaimed TP to the world. What is stopping you from doing your mission? Why don’t you shout out, "I love and am proud of TP" in the restaurant before eating. People will hear your shouting and ask about TP. Then you can witness to them. Who gave the terminology of TP? Is it from God? TF found it, it wasn’t given from God. What is God gives this terminology to the American President. If God can give it so freely, then why does he have to be so persecuted? This terminology is patented property for UC. Isn’t this fantastic.
This is promise, please don’t keep your mouth closed. Shout out, "I love TP and am proud of TP." Do you know how much advertisement Coke is doing? Do you want to be more than them? Post it everywhere! Shouldn’t there be more billboards than Coke? Do you want to beat Coke company? To beat them you have to run an ad for TP everyday in the newspaper.
TF will never forget the persecution he faced in America. TF is entitled to win the heavenly victory. We have to renew our determination. Don’t trust anyone else, but yourself. Make this determination, "God doesn’t have anyone else to depend on but me." Promise that you will witness to 12 people per month. At least buy 144 DP book and distribute them to people and then you can discuss questions and concerns. At least make this condition. If you do this within 6 months, then you can categorize them into A, B and C. You haven’t done this, so we have miserable results in America. Do you have the UC flag hoisted on your home? How can you eat without witnessing?
Father wanted to make changes. But he will wait till August. He will replace many of your with second generation leaders. Make read, a replacement with at least 3 possible leaders to replace you. You have to train them for diplomacy, self-sufficient. Then in six months they can be rotated. Persuasion, diplomatic and financial power. Because he didn’t give you advance notice he will send you to Chung Pyung for special training. Prepare yourself! Raise three leaders by August, maybe 12. Cover every corner of your state. You heard the kind of tear in CPLake. Go back to your mission and shed tears. Where will you go after CPLake training. The water flows from higher to lower place. Where is the lower place? Africa? Do you follow? You will have to be sent somewhere. TF was in prison in America. If you are sent to Africa, it is easier than prison. And now, if you visit the American embassies they will not ignore you. There is no problem. As a UC solider what can be in your way? You can march forward to clear up the path.
For the goal of 3.6 million, American is responsible for 360,000. This is about 1.5% of the entire population. America is centered on Christianity but look at what is happening. What if TF had spent 20 years of his life elsewhere? TF didn’t have a choice. Now you know which direction you have to go to save your country. TF had written instruction, but will omit that.