The Words of True Parents from 1998 |
Meeting with Unification Theological Seminary Graduates East Garden
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
April 19, 1998
Translator: Rev. Peter Kim
Unofficial Notes: Dr. Tyler Hendricks
(The following is Dr. Tyler Hendricks' unofficial transcription of Father's speech given to UTS graduates April 19 at East Garden.)
It is time to bring together the Unification Church and Christianity. About one decade ago, we started work with key white Christian leaders. It didn't work with them. Centered on Danbury release, black and white were united and Father wanted them to unite all the denominations here in America. Father also supported evangelical Christians, with hundreds of thousands of people. This was part of the plan to unite American Christianity. Also the support for major political leaders. But others created obstacles. But for their ignorance and obstruction, Father would not have had to go to prison. Because of government harassment, Father could not hold official meetings for a time. But then the situation changed; it has been a rocky road. Father took the risks because God sent him here.
Father has met many top Americans. Father was ready to move America. Then "the people of the United States" accused Father. Danbury was the people versus Rev. Moon. It was manipulated into being. The Justice Department concluded that there was no case. But pressures were exerted. They wanted Rev. Moon to stay out of America. He was in Germany when the announcement came.
The gist of the case was the bank account with Father's name on it. During this time, Father created UTS and sent out missionaries around the world. The missionaries were American leaders, and out of 400 American members, Father did the Madison Square Garden, Yankee Stadium and Washington Monument campaigns. UTS was established in 1975. After the missionaries were sent, only garbage members were left. Father rebuilt the American movement with Yankee Stadium and Washington Monument. Father even gave scholarships to the early seminary classes.
Then in 1982 Father established the Washington Times. It was beyond the American membership's financial capacity. So other countries helped support it. Father selected State Leaders from the UTS graduates. He wanted to educate 30,000 elite leaders, to move this nation. But the UTS grads stayed too concerned about their own living situations.
Father was 54 when he came to America. He campaigned throughout America, going to every state. Father made 3 teams of 72 members each, one week in each city. They fundraised and witnessed, to pay for the public speech, $40,000 to $60,000 per speech. You may remember this, but do you really feel it was YOUR work?
Without having a strong newspaper voice, America could not have been saved from Communism. So Father established the Times, which did a lot for America. The VOA (Voice of America) used Washington Times articles for 65% to 70% of their material, broadcasting to Communist countries. At that time the US had 1,700 daily newspapers, but they all got news from a few sources, mostly on the left, when the Times entered the conversation.
The Times stopped Gorbachev's entering the country to speak at the joint session of Congress. Then it supported the Contras. Father supported UTS graduate Lee Shapiro's film on the Mosquito Indians. Then he subsidized Shapiro's Afghanistan film, and during filming Lee was sacrificed, shot down by a Soviet gun ship. Lee's work is still with us, because it was part of a package to Reagan to argue that the US maintain the SDI funding. That was the turning point for the decline of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union had 16 target countries for communization, so we sent fact-finding tours to those places, and the Soviet subversion was exposed in the western media.
Also there was the internal side. Missionaries worked underground in the Soviet Union and China. We supported underground newsletters. This is how the eastern-bloc governments discovered our people and put them in jail.
If you continue the way you have been living, you need to put your neck on the line, and go beyond the satanic world. Father never has an easy day. He seeks that road. He sets almost impossible goals, then God and spirit world help. We have to pass through the turning point. Don't be a slave of any situation. Don't let money or family hold you back from your mission. To win, you need more guts and courage.
Father produced 1,000 UTS graduates. But if the country had supported the school's values, we could have had 5,000. Or if the graduates had a serious attitude, 300 graduates a year would have been possible.
Now American leaders are asking Rev. Moon for answers, apologetically. Many mayors and governors gave proclamations to Father in 1973-4. If major churches had come out to help, Father could have shaken America. But Communists again fouled things up. Too many white evangelicals are red-necks. The south is the home of the KKK and so forth. They are part of the American Christian culture; they all go to church. We have to digest them.
Father tolerated your abandoning him, because he knew he had to face the persecution alone. In 1976 the media started to hit Father and his activities. Truckloads of articles appeared. The president told the US embassies to suppress the Unification Church in each nation. Another problem was the conflict of the Japanese, American and German missionaries. Eventually, even the embassies exploited this. But in Africa, we made a good impression by living with and serving the local people.
Consider the parallel of Rome and America. Now our church recognition is pretty good worldwide. But the developed Christian countries still oppose Rev. Moon. Christianity divided for and against Father. Now leaders openly praise Rev. Moon as the leader of opposing Communism and assisting Christian unity. They see that what Father is doing is right.
The fame of "The World & I" grew quickly. About 4,000 or 5,000 high schools are using it. So, do you feel that the providence is progressing? Can you see it? To grasp it, you must be courageous. Others' projects have failed, while Father's have thrived, such as 3.6 million blessing. Christians who exploit Father lose spiritual support, and they find themselves renewing their planning with Father.
They realize that the racial problem in America is serious. It leads to many other polarizations in society. We must build reconciliation between different groups, such as Jews and Muslims. This affects America's future. If America can elect a president loved by God and True Parents, then we have hope. You can try to be elected.
America originally belonged to Asia, the Native Americans. If they were serious about what happened in the past they could attack and take revenge, but Father has comforted them. Father is blessing everyone, making them brothers and sisters. Among blessed couples, there is no race -- mixed blood, one blood lineage. One color, except for the surface of the skin. Like various colors of bears. Animals don't care about skin color. Racism is lower than animals. So white members have to work with all races. Father wants to see four colors living together in condominiums. White, black, yellow and Korean, because Koreans are the most difficult to get along with.
The Korean can harmonize with all the races. Also, Koreans can do several things at once. Rev. Moon is the king of this. He covers many things at once. A ruler cannot deal with only one project at a time, but must direct 100s of projects at the same time. God created and controls all kinds of things at once. Our five sense organs work simultaneously. If you get several projects, prioritize them and go at them one after another. Do four at a time. Four represents all four directions, with the thumb wrapped up representing God. The distribution of tasks is good, but they have to be united in the end. That's why we use the term, unification.
Heaven wants to give the blessing to all Christians in America. God wants to mobilize eventually 3,000 ministers for education. Then each will multiply by 100, to make 360,000 ministers. American patriotic people and groups should provide substantial support for the Washington Times, which is the nation's newspaper, championing traditional Christian and family values. Institutes of higher education should establish sisterhood relationship on a global scale.
Christians together should launch a campaign to save America. Father will provide the education for them. And a scholarship for youth leaders, and an international college for saving humanity. The time has come to accomplish these things. To work with the Christian leaders is the UTS grads' mission. Spearhead Hoon Dok Hae wherever you are. In DC, PLA (Pure Love Alliance) educational material can be used for ministers. 2,000 ministers have received the blessing, but many more are waiting and deserve to receive it.
Our goal is to educate 5,000 Christian leaders by 3 weeks before June 13. Then they can fully participate in the blessing of all marriages. National HQ can send a letter to all churches to receive the blessing. You give the blessing to the ministers. That way we can save America.
Practice Hoon Dok Hae everywhere. Give them the Hoon Dok Hae volumes, plus Divine Principle. We all studied Victory over Communism and Unification Thought as well. Do Hoon Dok Hae with your friends and colleagues. In Korea we are promoting it from 4th grade on. Giving holy wine to pregnant women is called the Ceremony of Rebirth. If they receive it as children, it is called the Ceremony of Resurrection. Received at wedding it is called Ceremony of Eternal Life. Father invented holy candy, made with ginseng. We may pass it out from trucks on the highway. All students take it in order to protect their purity and prepare for happy family life. In Seoul, 270 high schools are doing it. These schools can put up a sign saying that they are a "Purity Middle School," "Purity Institute," etc. Start with the principal of the school, and all recite the four points of the pledge.
We will produce a badge or logo for clothes. Everyone likes it. If the children like it, then the parents will follow it. Father is blanketing Korea to eliminate sexual immorality. Challenge people to receive the blessing. If a husband is by himself, give him the written pledge and holy wine to take home to share with his wife. To expedite this campaign, carry holy candy in your pocket.
If we have even one spot of stain, Satan can take us away. He will burn to ashes all humanity. That is why Father gives the blessing and sanctifies everything with holy salt. Do not sell anything which is holy salted. If you want to sell it, three generations must agree to it.
Even sanctify wherever you sit. Make your life an offering to God, and offer everything to God. We must not lose our focal point. That is how Father has always been living.
If a blessed couple falls, how serious it is. This holy wine is a life-saving emergency medicine. If you drink it, you instantly gain your life back from death. Thousands of satans who are living with you will be eliminated. It is that serious; more than physical surgery. If you give life to many people through holy wine distribution, you will be more welcomed in the spirit world. They will be your spiritual children eventually.
The day before yesterday, Father did a ceremony at Belvedere at which he announced that Korea, Japan and America are father, mother and elder son nations. Korea is the backbone and Japan is the flesh. The elder son and mother should unite first. We must love the enemy nation before our physical brother and sister. It will be our pride the number of international couples who visited our home. That is the paradigm of the blessed couples life. You can invite everyone who visited your home back and have a big party. That is the training you receive in the physical world. We have to pass over to the next world, so prepare yourself. Without preparing yourself, it may take millions of years to do it in the spirit world. If you are not aware of this, your ancestors will come and punish you. Once you fully understand and implement it, you can liberate your ancestors and they will help you.
No one can give an excuse about this. Don't say Father didn't tell you. Keep the Hoon Dok Hae tradition. If you keep at it, you will get closer to spiritual insight and your spiritual eyes will open. In the early years of the Unification Church, the members missed Father so much they forgot about eating and sleeping. With that condition of love, they could connect with spirit world.
Father is king, parent and elder son. If you realize it, you will unconsciously go toward Father. When heavy persecution came in Korea, Father had to continually move from house to house. But these disciples could find him, because the world was dark for them without him. They were shedding tears always. Some became so crazy they were taken to a mental hospital. That is actually noble.
In rutting season, the female uterus become swollen and red to attract the bull. Same for women; the breasts become swollen and red. This will attract your husband, or leads you to find him. If you don't have that, you are an archangel level woman. When that moment comes, if your husband is at a 90 degrees angle with you, you will naturally line up with him. You forget about eating and sleeping. Well, you cannot fully taste that as a fallen person. If your first love is true love, absolute love, you will have that power. In the horizontal world you cannot experience it. Father always operates according to the vertical cause.
Do you know what kind of temptations from women come to Father? Women are fearsome people. There were so many candidates before Father chose Mother.
The conclusion is simple: keep Hoon Dok Hae. At first, no one agreed with the idea, but it is now having a big effect, from Korea to Japan and America. America and Japan will unite to support Korea. When kingship is established, the elder son will be the crown prince. Become children of filial piety, then patriots, saints and divine sons and daughters. Be more patriotic than George Washington.
Instructions: April 19, 1998
Centering on UTS graduates, form the federation for saving nations. Our responsibility is to educate white and black ministers and give them the blessing.
1. Working with white Christian leaders.
2. Working with black Christian leaders.
3. Working with Islamic leaders.
Minister Farrakhan is the result of Christianity in America. He understands the Bible. So he can join the Christian ministers' group. During his world tour he was received by Father, and upon is return he declared that Rev. and Mrs. Moon are the True Parents to 20,000 followers. If the Christian churches do not catch on, the Muslims will advance.
4. Working with the Jewish world.
5. Working with the Catholic Church.
6. Working with other religions.
Educate at least 5,000 within a short time period. UTS grads keep the Hoon Dok Hae tradition; that is the way we will educate Christians.