The Words of True Parents from 2004 |
True Parents News - July 9-11, 2004
Sun Myung Moon
July 17, 2004
FFWPU International
Report by History Compilation Committee
1. July 9 (Friday)
Morning Hoon Dok Hae at Blue Sea Garden Training Center with 500 members from North and South Jeolla Province and South Gyeongsang Province.
Rev. Moon Pyeong-rae (former region director) leads all members in offering a bow to True Parents. True Father asks where the members are from. Rev. Moon Pyeong-rae answers that they are from North and South Jeolla Province and South Gyeongsang Province. Father asks from what districts of the provinces the members are from. Rev. Moon replies that they are mostly from the cities of Jeonju (N. Jeolla Province) Naju (S. Jeolla Province) and Changwon (S. Gyeongsang Province).
Summary of Fathers Words:
"In the future you will not be able to meet Father when you want to. Just because you need Father doesn't mean that you will be able to meet me. You will only be able to meet me when I call you because I need you. We should have an even number of members participate from each county. You have to give the Blessing to your tribe even if you have to do it by force. Those who haven't become tribal messiahs to their tribe must be driven out.
In the future you will hear people say that Korea has the most elegant gravesites. I instructed you not to use cremation [for Seung-hwa ceremonies].
I talked about this yesterday; man was created with the precondition of woman. The eyebrow exists because it was known that the eye had to be protected when it rained; eyelashes exist because it was known that the dust had to be kept out; our eyes blink because it was already known that the evaporation of moisture has to be prevented. When we observe these things we can see that cognition precedes existence.
The marriage blessing in July will be a cross-cultural (kyocha) marriage. The sons and daughters of enemies will become couples and live together in happiness. Father is the only person who can accomplish this feat. If an ideology that can make enemies marry each other emerges it will become the ideology for peace.
Using your legs is good for your health. Walking, which uses your two legs, is a way to maintain your health. From the past to the present day, the word "robust" has meant being healthy. The word healthy is one for the present times. It is good for your health to swing both arms as you walk. Last year I had two operations. I cannot be healthy forever.
Some religions call for people to live a celibate life, but the Unification Church is against the practice of remaining single.
True Father instructs Wonju McDevitt to continue Hoon Dok Hae from where she left off the previous day. Mrs. McDevitt begins to read from the Holy Scriptures of Heaven (Cheon Seong Gyeong): paragraph 4, chapter 1 from the section "The Life of an Owner of Cheon Il Guk." After finishing chapter 1 Father had her read from the messages from Pak Maria and Kim Hwal-lan in the spirit world. Father comments "It would have been good if [they] had testified like this during their lifetime."
Father then had Rev. Yoo's family come up and sing. He also had Yeon-ah nim and her father Rev. Lee Seung-dae come up and sing together. As they sang some of the leaders began to dance. With the rising festive atmosphere Father also began to dance. To wrap up the morning, Mrs. McDevitt sang the first verse of Rock of a Thousand Years and everybody sang the second verse together.
2. July 10 (Saturday) Morning Hoon Dok Hae at Blue Sea Garden Training Center with 600 members from Guri (Gyeonggi Province), Cheongju (North Chungcheong Province) and Chuncheon (Gangwondo). Rev. Kwak leads all members in a bow to True Parents.
Summary of Father's Word before the Hoondok Reading:
"I exercise on the horizontal bar. Even this morning, I did some exercise before coming here. Even now I walk with my back straight so the soles of my shoes are worn down evenly. I had to walk 20 ri (approximately 5 miles /8 km) to get to my elementary school.
I developed a new method for catching mullet. The biggest one I caught so far is 77 cm (30 inch). I need to catch one that is 81 cm but I haven't yet. My conclusion: there are no fish longer than 80 cm here. (laughter)
In the past when I told the Unification Church members that they had to engraft to me they didn't understand. Jesus was the bridegroom. He came to find a woman. There are many women here today. Rev. Moon's job is to save the women, so they must say thank you to me. We need to educate people in purity, pure lineage and pure sexual relations so they do not stain their lineage. Unification women all received education on purity. Now I publicly announce that I am the Savior, Messiah, Second Coming [of Christ] and the True Parent. It is because God told me to do so."
For Hoon Dok Hae Mrs. McDevitt read from the Holy Scriptures of Heaven (Cheon Seong Gyeong): paragraph 1, chapter 2 from the section "The Life of an Owner of Cheon Il Guk." Rev. Kwak also read from "The Bald Man and the Strawberry," a book written by Hyung-jin nim. After reading from the book, Rev. Kwak introduced the depth of Hyung-jin nim's heart that he found through this book and informed the members that the book will soon be published. Rev. Kwak then went on to explain about his visit to his alma mater, Gyeongbuk High School and gave a report on the lecture he gave to the principal and teachers there on Father's philosophy of peace and achievements. Rev. Kwak also gave a report on his meeting at the Daegu Grand Hotel with the local soccer officials in Daegu for the 2005 Peace King Cup Tournament and Yeongnam Area Peace Cup Tournament.
Father then asked Professor Moon Sung-jae of Sun Moon University to witness to the other professors at the school. Rev. Peter Kim then sang a song that he said he sung to his wife in bed to teach her Korean.
17:00 - True Parents returned from their fishing. Even now True Parents are offering sincere devotion through fishing. Members in charge of fishing at the Okjeok reservoir are also participating in this condition. President Moon Yong-hyun, President Moon An-seok and his wife, Kim Yong-woo (reporter) and Peace Ambassador Moon Doo-myung are offering devotions day and night by the fishing site. Hearing that Moon An-seok's wife had begun a seven day fast, True Mother sent Mrs. McDevitt and Lee Sang-su to dissuade her from the fast. At night, those people who work closely with True Mother visited Okjeok reservoir to convey Mother's encouragement to the members there.
3. July 11 (Sunday)
Morning hoondokahe began with the same members as the previous day. Mrs. McDevitt read from the Holy Scriptures of Heaven (Cheon Seong Gyeong): paragraph 2, chapter 2 from the section "The Life of an Owner of Cheon Il Guk."
Thirty minutes into the reading True Father began to speak to the members.
Summary of Father's Words:
"The Fall! The Fall means falling away from one's original position. The Fall overturned the blood lineage. Instead of receiving God's lineage fallen man received the satanic lineage. A person centering on God cannot have a struggle between his mind and body. You must know that the blood lineage of the enemy is planted within you through the union of the love and life of the enemy. This is what Father discovered. I fought with this and resolved it. Unless you know this and unless you pass that gate you cannot go before God. The path where the body and mind are one for eternity is the path of heaven. That is why Rev. Moon has proclaimed that before you desire to have dominion over the universe you must perfect dominion of yourself."
Then Professor Moon Sang-hee gave a testimony on how she acquired her doctorate degree. Members offered their bow to True Parents to end Hoon Dok Hae. But then Father began to speak again with the members standing up.
Summary of Father's Words:
"The kingdom of God on earth and in heaven can be established when God becomes the God of character and multiplies children through the body of man. The cosmos is the house of God. God does not have any form. In the Unification Principle God is described as the harmonized subject of dual characteristics and exists as the subject partner with the qualities of masculinity. That is the essence of the entire introduction [of the Unification Principle]. The cosmos is the intangible God and has the form of a house without an owner. The Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind became the owner, thereby becoming the God of character. The minds and bodies of the cosmos, and of heaven and earth, became one in the position of the owner as the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. Through their love, man and woman can be brought together to establish the family that can generate a new lineage. From there, centering on the children, the basic unit of the heavenly nation can be established from the family to the tribe and nation (people)."
Rain began to fall in Yeosu as the seasonal rain front (i.e. the rainy season) from China began to advance towards the Korean peninsula. Even in the rain True Parents went out to offer devotions at the sea. Now only a few days remain until the end of Father's 80-day condition. True Parents are waiting for that day when they can offer an 80 cm fish to heaven. Those attending True Parents also went out to sea on a different boat to be part of this condition period with True Parents.
Focusing on the True Parents' will with the same heart itself can be seen as an offering. Catching the big fish and ending this offering period is of course important but the process in which all participants work toward the same goal with an ardent mind-this is also as important as the end result. We all still need more training to have a more sincere heart.
In the evening in the living room of the guest house, Rev. Hwang Sun-jo and Professor Son Dae-oh gave a report on their three day trip to Inner Mongolia in China. Professor Son reported that the event hosted by the "Ideal Family Federation for Peace in the East," which is registered in the autonomous region of Inner Mongolia, was a success. He said preparations for the upcoming rally were underway with the cooperation of the Wives Association under the Chinese Communist Party and the Office of Civilian Affairs. Professor Son gave a detailed explanation of the rally to Father. Rev. Hwang said that this trip felt like a trip to his hometown, and gave a report on the lecture he gave to the people there. Father listened attentively to the report and gave instructions about future activities in China.
Rev. Kwak Chung-hwan, who arrived a little late to this meeting, gave a report on his trip to Namhae that day, where he conveyed Father's philosophy of Peace to his tribe as a part of tribal restoration activities. Kim Jung-su, National Messiah to Costa Rica presented a turtle gift made from a 1,000 year old yew tree to True Parents.
Father spoke until 11:40 pm.