The Words of Sun
Myung Moon from 2012
"Saving the Nation."
Sun Myung Moon
January 16, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Ocean Cheon Jeong Gung at Geomundo on 12.25.03 by the H.C. (Jan. 18, 2012)

These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They
cannot be published as definitive texts and should
never be used in the future as an "official"
publication of True Father's words. However, they do
provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the
message. - Rev. Katsumi Kambashi
Yang read Father's speech titled "Saving the
"What is true love? It
starts when one lives for the world. It's so
"My parents born in the
1890's and when they were in their 30's, I was born.
This year, I am 93 years old, and mother will be 70.
Mother must be completed by being perfectly united
with me and going over 70."
is Lucifer that is God's brother as well as Adam's
means the seed, represented by 시
is 씨)
and the fruit, represented by엘
fruit) of humankind, represented by 누
humankind). The principle of tradition, blood lineage
and resemblance applies to this case too. Humankind
was born receiving a false seed. Eve, who was to be
God's wife, made a mistake.The
God of Night and the God of Day must have been united,
but instead, have been separate.
After Eve fell, Adam had a relationship with Eve as
she wished. She received the seed of 시동생
younger brother)
and 시아버지
There is no such principle of creation."
one knows the tradition, receives the same blood
lineage, they must resemble their parents. A simple
be holy' means to become the king of ears and mouth.
ear, 口
mouth, and 王
king.) The nose is not included here."
amazing fact that the God of Night and the God of Day
have been separate was firstly stated by Rev.
"Dokdo (독도)
looks exactly like my face, which seems to appear and
disappear repeatedly by the high tide. 독도
lonely Unification Church members. (Katsumi: 독
"Why does 9X9 make 81?
It should be 91 or 102."
Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and
Humankind.' This means everything has been done.
Before this title, it was 천지부모
Cosmic Realm of Sabbath of the True Parents of Heaven
and Earth, which didn't have 인
Word of God)
is something you must be able to enjoy more than your
breakfast, lunch and dinner. Have you been intoxicated
with it even if you didn't eat breakfast, lunch and
dinner and couldn't sleep at night?"
prison, I slept with my eyes open."
having three sons, one can't know the heart of
you have helicopter accident, you should escape within
17 minutes, and you will die otherwise. That is 13
plus 4."
- (@lovintp in English) Today's Hoon
Dok Hoe: "Love was the reason God created.
Because love was the reason for God to create, it
feels good whenever we see love. Because of this, when
God appears to any being, He appears as the essence of
love." Aju -[From the Twitter account of
International President Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim
on Jan. 19.
- (@lovintp in English) Join True
Father and the International President in a cup of tea
hot enough to melt even the heart that has become
frozen solid in the cold winter weather~^^ -[From the
Twitter account of International President Hyung Jin
Nim and Yeon Ah Nim on Jan. 18.
- (@lovintp in
English) A photograph of True Mother. She is portrayed
in black and white, dressed in a charming hanbok. This
photograph is well known in the Unification Movement,
isn't it? -[From the Twitter account of International
President Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim on Jan.