The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2012 |
Sun Myung Moon
January 25, 2012
Father Speaks to Leaders before the Parade
(Jan. 2, 03 H.C.)
NOTE: These notes are taken from (Personal, unofficial notes of sikku Air from telecast of the gathering with Father before the parade to Proclaim Him in Korea)
They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -Father calls a leader to come up to get hit. This leader is a person who guides many people, but if I give him a big hit and spank him, he will not mind that. He will like that. (Doesn't hit him... Sends him back to sit down)
Nowadays, the American people who are very healthy and robust and tall have all run away. In Brazil, people are now winning in sports. There are a lot of Unification Church people who are in that arena. I can beat you in wrestling even though I am 93 years old. It is because I know that world very well. Hyung Jin Nim, I want you to talk for about 25? minutes about what you are doing in the world of sports.. Please stand in front of Me and do something. .....Hyung Jin Nim, Hello. brothers & sisters, Let's talk about exercise and sports. Shall I talk about martial arts ... Speak in Eng or Korean? (HyungJN asks Father) Father Said: 'Do what you want to do. Just do as you want. There are people who will listen to you in English & Korean. Just stand in front of Me and do it there . He knows how to do exercise and sports and even top (other best) performers. Come on hurry up...
Hyung Jin Nim: Father asked me to talk about martial arts.. I am talking in English. Father is giving me permission to speak in English. Yes, so, of course, True Father from a very young age was champion in Korean wrestling; and, as you know, when he was a young boy, there was a bully and He (Father) would defeat him with his wrestling skills. . In North Korea, when I met Father's younger sister, She was saying that Father was a prodigy in everything. He would catch eels with his teeth; and, if there were bad people, He would defeat them. Father has always been interested in ... Father: Don't brag so much. You are too long. Hyung Jin Nim: Yes, I'm too long. Even if I started 1920, it's going to be too long.
So Father's is asking Me to talk about Brazilian martial arts. In Japan, under Samarai tradition, Ken Do ?sword arts began. ? At that time they wore armor; so, they have a form of JuJitzu basicly to pin opponent to the ground and use strangulation, because they have weapons. They have long & short swords, small knives, etc. So, JuJitsu developed under the Samurai's. Then there were some immigrants from Japan to Brazil; but, that's when Jujitsu came to Brazil. Small, skinny Brazilians started studying this art from the Japanese. Because they were small, and not very strong, and were actually physically sick, they needed a martial art to defeat their oponents. The martial art started transforming; and, it changed about holding the opponent down on the ground. But, in modern day, it developed for empty hands (no weapons).
Valay Tudo? competitiions can use any type of martial art. Real competition became too ritualized and unrealistic. So many arts say 'If you do this, your opponent will fly away; or, if you do this technique, your oppnent will die etc. So Valay Tudo began to hallenge any martiall art style in real fighting. Very popular martial arts contests started in the 1990's ... and he defeated huge opponents. In America, everyone realized we have to learn these kind of ground techniques; and so, most dojo's have Brazilian JuJitSu.
Particulary in my case when I was in High School, they didn't have this Brazilian jujitsu; so, I was practicing Bruce Lee's kind of style to be strong in that. Then, I was introduced to Brazilian Jujitsu, actually before the UFC? I've always been a fan of martial arts. I like martial arts so much; but, you know, I reason I really love it is that it's really about the journey of training yourself (to be strong in more ways than one). It's really about training yourself (outside to train inside). That internal part is very central. I always had a deep affection for that and I still do. One time I explained to Father, and Father also knows, and I was explaining to other people sitting there (with Father, why I want to emphasize the real value of martial arts).
If you are watching, and If you don't know all the techniques involved, it just looks like two people beating each other up. But, ther is a side control technique, a rubber guard technique, a type of escape technique. So, so when you see that, it's more like a chess game and it becomes much more interesting. There is a tremendous amount of training, practice, energy, sweat put into it by the competitors. If you know what's going on, you can see hundreds of techniques going on.
(Father doesn't watch TV); but, one time when Father had a little bit of time, we were watching a martial arts competition on TV together; and, my secuirty guard was there. I called him and was showing him some techniques. Maybe Father enjoyed that because everyday He is asking me to demonsrate ... ( big applause ). But I explained that, when I began to do ministry, I never once did public demonstration, and I had a reason for that. If someone were introduced to martial arts and studied it in the wrong way, they easily became more aggressive (to dominate others) and they could easily want to use that power in an evil way. When I was younger, I was also easy to have that kind of motive ... to avoid the persecution and be stronger ... but I realized that is very low level.
I realized so much because of my brother, Young Jin Nim, Who passed (into spirit word); because He had a mind level much higher than Me. So, high-level martial arts people say that martial arts is for mind/body training. if the teacher is not teaching that it, will be just on a physical level. So I realized about that (from my Brother who is better than Me); and, it was a big hit for me. So, I stopped that direction with martial arts and started doing long hours of meditation to fight with my mind instead of my body.
So, it's said in ancient times that the highest martial arts are by training the mind and spirit. So, in the Shaman? Temple , the younger student would learn the physical aspects; but, when they were older, they became full-time monastics study. The same type of wrestling is involved.. So I studied philosophy and theology. That was always appealing to me; but, I realized that the greatest martial art is True Father because He is fighting satan...! applause and He is defeating satan ...! millions of them ... !
So, that is why I say I never did public demonstrations anymore; because, as Father gave Me responsibility, althoough this is My individual hobby and love, if I do that demonstration, young people would say 'Oh, that's very cool and is maybe what we should all do'. But, if not the right teacher (in training for this) you can go the wrong way very quickly.
A couple of weeks ago, We were watching and for the first time I did a demonstration in front of Father. I explained to Father: The modern day economy is very physical and tempting to lose the critical character dimension. For some peop that kind of training is essential because they are arrogant and then, when they get beat up , they get humble. It is very humbling to be in the midst of an opponent who can dominate you. Particularly because we are a religious organization, what we focus on is that True Parent's are not just the Messiah of the first generation. True Parents are also 'my' Lord and Saviour.. This is so critical for us to understand. So, I always told 2nd and 3rd generation not to focus on the era in which we were born; because, in our hearts, it always has to be the Era of True Parents that is most important to Reign over all of us forever. That is why we focus on faith, bowing & training. We train for subjugating temptations that arise in the mind etc. We train as young people (who are children of True Parents) upgrading philosophical understanding of why you believe in God . At first it is mind boggling to young people because it is heavy material; but, we found young people are ready, and I must intelligently explain (teaching to them).
That is why we have the CARP kids studying for this and doing activities, witnessing on the campus: because, we connect it to a whole spiritual tradition. Anyways, yes, that's why today we had the big parade all through Soul because He calls it demonstrating against the satanic world. We are declaring that the True Parents are here. We are not hiding it. We are putting it out. And we are hoping / praying that Father drives by. We really want Father to drive by. So, battles are not only on the physical level; but are (equally & greater) on the emotional level. Father is battling (victoriously on every level) and on the Cosmic level ! So, we hope today's parade will really shock Korea and get you ready to do it in your nation next year ... Thank you True Parents
Father Speaks now some in English (I didn't get all of it): Who can do training high level? There's nothing we cannot do? All you need to have is the spirit and you can do it 24 hrs a day. If I was in my 50's I'd be able to do anything but now even 90 years old I see the sports and I say 'Oh that guy shouldn't do that' . I told them to train. (Father directs us to turn to the last 8 pages of the Speech and for Yeon Ah Choi to read. She comes up and immediately starts reading very quickly. I couldn't type after her. And sometimes Father speaks ) Page 16 Yeon Ah Nim: How are we going to... UC Rev. Moon's family have to join together... Kwon Ju Event ...
Father stood up and is leaning on the podium looking at the book as Yeon Ah Choi reads and He told Her to read quickly and... Public person has to be really strict with themself ... before that Father seems very pleased with how Yeon Ah Choi is staying centered and reading very fast ... and when finished Father said Aju together with Yeon Ah Choi
Father Speeks: Can you see my Face? Who am I? What is My relationship to all of you ..? I'm the Person who is going to Give you the Final Conclusion... today (Hyung Jin Nim) deomonstration ...(to Hyung Jin Nim) You don't have to do that. Even if you have ... Oh that's fine, he won't do it ... (no martial arts demonstration)
I'm 94 years old; but, I am able to kick and fight. (I can defeat you) Shall I say something? If you don't want to hear what I have to say then please leave... Leave! now ... Since you gave applause, I'll speak.
So, from now on, the world and nation that opposes me will be at a disadvantage. Why? because the ancestors know it. What Rev Moon is doing for the nation & world is good. (Didn't get his name) Come forward! Should I hit this guy and give him a great hit. He knows why I need to hit him so there is no problem Who is that lady who came forward earlier quickly run come forward! she runs. Father said 'It's the woman's turn, the bastard.' He called her 'a bastard'. Normally, if the pastor used that word, the police would take that pastor out; but, Father is not afraid of any of that sort of thing. (Others cannot grasp The Love that this woman is receiving from Father, and Father can use any word 'in God's Love & Truth' that Father Knows. I realized Father is True Loving 'me' 'a bastard' before The One Divine).
Father Speaks some directions to people there: Why have you done it that way? I have no idea why you've done it that way. There are maybe a 100 people here. (to the brother He called up earlier) You can sit down. (To the woman he called 'a bastard'. Why don't you sing us a song? I would rather listen to a good song rather than a bad song; and, she is a good singer and she speaks good English. She is doing a good job with the Europeons? ( She starts speaking in Korean.) Father Says: I told you to speak in English. Do you understand what I said? (The woman begins to speak in English: Last year 2011 was a great turning point for the European Movement ... True Parents gave us hope. I'm going to Norway in less than a month to prepare ... (Father interrupts here) Father Says: It's not good if you boast too much, so sing a song instead .. The woman sings 'OhMiOh Myong Song i ru yay ...' Father Said: Those who want to dance can come forward and dance. ( Father is doing arm dance movements) Father 'Hey Yay !' Oh mi oh young son eh yu yay Chi en da yay Hi en do say ( Father is singing with her & then says 'That's enough.'
Father Speaks: I need to say one more word in conclusion. In the future you should not ignore the Unification Church. My character is very different from yours. I can easily change the President of a nation if I decide to get involved. Lots of different types of people are gathered here. Do you think (this or) that person is better than Me? Even if a hundred people want it, if I don't let that person do something, they cannot do it. So, will you listen to me or not? If you want to oppose Me, then run out, or give applause ( People are giving applause ) Father Said : 'What about people on this side? and they applaud ... enthusiastically ..
The nations that opposed me have all gone to ruin. The people who opposed me the most have gone to the spirit world The people who like me also have gone to the spirit world. People treating me as a bad person are now servants in the spirit world. What did I say there? 'chom'? is the Korean word that means servant or drum. (Father makes drumming sounds with something metal on the podium and says something about making a pun with the words). ... If you get upset, don't say bad things about the Unification Church. ( Far better to say nothing at all).
I have more than 23,000 volumes of my sermons. If I put that out will you study it. It will probably take you 30 years . You can read that RM says these things and then you can see later that it actually happened. The people who oppose Me, their ancestors will take them away to the spirit world. Whether Korean or American, you have so many ancestors in the spriti world. So, if Americans go to Korea, do you think there are more Korean or American ancestors in that spirit world. There are less American there, so less American ancestors are there. So, if they are given the order, they (the ancestors) will take them (negative people) away.
If I go the the spirit world, will I go to Heaven or hell. The God of Night and Day ... People will come to Me to report but I will know (already). Wherever you are and go tell peop not to oppose you or Me, that something bad will happen to them. Better to wait to see, not speak, wait. Even if you hate it, don't speak, wait. if you learn how to like it, then something good will happen. Even in Japan, the Japanese people have heard so many bad things said about Me, so much so that they hate me; but, (you can be quiet and confident).
When you have a cell phone, (how many nations can you call in a day) I can call 387 nations in a single day if I want to. Can you do that?. You could probably call a hundred nations in a day (at the most). So, if you know something (if you know a lot of important things about every leader and every nation), then you can connect to those people. So you in the Unification Movment need to believe in it and have confidence. If something makes you angry, but you an have a joyful heart three times more, then you will be blessed. I'm telling you to do it for 3 months to see whether what I say is true. Everything that was read this morning , you should think about it (much more).
All the Presidents' lectures together will not exceed what is said by the Unification Movement. People can see that Rev. Moon can be a President of a (any) nation not just a Teacher at a school. So I say, (all doubting people need to) read (all) my speeches at least once and then they can oppose me however they want.
It has been 50 and 70 years since I left my home. Why did I leave my hometown? Why? Because I am doing good things (for my hometown and the world). But why did I not use the money to do good things in Korea. I went to America and worked there. God does not exist in the US. They say there are a lot of Unificationists (or Churches) in America; but, I do not believe that. America can be very sneaky; so, be careful and go forth with that heart. There are those prominent people in the world who have at least read my books. That is how famous I am.
In China, they oppose Me. Even in China they prevent people from reading My Books; but, if Chinese people do read (My Books) transformation can be brought about . Why are you so quiet. You need to go out and speak and if they oppose us, they will perish ... Those people who opposed Me , they did not end up in a good state. Even recently I can gather 10,000 people in a single day .. That is how great I am. (You are Greater than that! Father) Do you like to hear that? You need to be happy (about things like that). I am in charge of the martial arts. Dr. Yong? (Come here) Are you confident you could do that? .. Even this ugly person here is filled with confidence and Hoon Mo Nim? ... ( No, sit down to the one He called). And what is interesting is tjat Rev. Moon may talk to you as a religuous person but also He knows how to put up a good fight. Also I will tell My Son son to bring it to me ... Am I healthy or unhealthy man? Those in the back what do you think? .. .So do not oppose or make enemies out of the Unification Church (Movement). All who have opposed me the most have perished. Look at the US... 42 nations who acknowledge and recognize homosexuality ... What if the President of a nation became homosexual (?) That nation would perish. We need to get rid of such dangerous people (leaders). Even in the spirit world, I will chase them away (from Me). Those Who drink alcohol and do (bad/sexual) things, I will deal with this ... (Power to deal with it as Father Sees Best)
It is almost 12 but let's sing a song and bring an end to the session .
Applause .... Father Says: 'Applaud to say you will not oppose me' applause for that
Rev. Yang comes up and sings and Father sings after Him ...and sings together ... Father lifts up His Hand and does gestures... Father sings very heartily ... with no microphone ... and makes gestures ... while leaning on tje side of the podium
Dr. Seuk comes together with Father. Today we have received so much Love and Blessing Words from True Father. Let us again give thanks to Father. Let's all meet in a Blessing Place. Thank You Very Much .....
Now 3 Cheers of Og Monsei We opened up a new year with our True Parents.
All national leaders, we have a parade to catch ... Please go to the buses at the end of this event ... Please all immediately move to the buses .. Please immediately go to the buses so we can depart for the parade ...
National Announcement for national leaders ... Please take the bus on which you got to here ... because right now we are going to leave to Seoul ... Please take the bus which will take you to Seoul ... for the parade ...