The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2012 |
True Father, in Korea, in total unity with True Mother in Nagoya
NOTE: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They
cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in
the future as an "official" publication of True Father's
words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit"
of the message. - Rev. Katsumi Kambashi "It is 집 (Jip;
house or home) where one wants to live eternally with their mother
and father, and sons and daughters don't want to leave. The word 집
means the place where everybody bands and moves
together. (Katsumi: Here Father interprets 집
as the Chinese character 集,
which means to 'band together) Which do you prefer; 사랑의
집 (house / home of love) or 사랑의
동산 (garden of love)? 집
is like solid ingredients rather than soup itself, and
therefore it is 사랑의
집 that one's grandfather, mother and all
generations go crazy about. You must realize that inside the 집,
I am 집 too.
When you pray, (looking at Rev. Pyeong Rae Moon) you say 'With
the name Pyeong Rae Moon, the Blessed Central family, I report (보고하다
/ 報告하다).'
It is not that 'I pray.'" "Ki (기 /
氣: chi or
vital energy) is a wave in myriad forms. Did you sleep well last
night? ('Yes.') This morning I don't see anyone dozing.
Have you eaten something delicious or good 기?" "I know Korean, Japanese and English, but Korean is the most
beautiful language which can spread to all four directions. It
is 계시적이다
or revelatory) and one word can cover many things without lacking
anything. " "Am I the founder, master or father of the Unification
Church?" "Since a grandfather like me talks like this, you seem to
become serious." "Keep watching to see if D-Day will come in one year (일년이면
디데이가 오는지 두고
보라구). Are you confident?” ”When you are married and live in your husband's house, you
must know how to love and how to be loved. You will be kicked out and
your position will be gone otherwise. Don't forget when to give
and when to receive.". (@lovintp in English) Today's Hoon Dok Hoe: "We must be different from general society. When people in general society speak, they speak so as to receive something. When we speak, it must be to give something. This is how we must live our lives.
(@lovintp in English) True Mother continues her speaking tour around Japan with an event in Nagoya today. Japan may be far away, but we are close in heart. Let's put our hearts together to send Japan our encouragement and our qi of love. True Parents, we love you. Ok Mansei to True Parents' Eternal Reign of Peace.
(@lovintp in English) True Father on the phone with True Mother after she completed her address in Nagoya: "Mother, you were great today. Everyone here with me now makes their living speaking, and they were amazed at how well you matched the tone of your voice to the audience." Mother responded: "Abba, I love you."
[From the Twitter account of International President Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim on March 10, Korea time.