The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2012

"True Parents in Kona"

Sun Myung Moon
March 29, 2012
King Garden, USA
March 8, H.C.

NOTE: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. - Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

(@lovintp in English) 오늘의 훈독회 어떤이들은 단지 믿는 것으로 천국에 갈수있다고합니다. 하지만 나의 현실생활과는 상관없이, 믿는다는 사실만으로 천국으로 상관있는자리에 간다면, 그건 내생활에 관계되어지지않는 천국입니다. 나에게 파급효과가없는 천국입니다. (1) 예수님열두제자는 예수님을 메시아로 절대적으로 믿었습니다. 그당시 그들은 생명을 걸고 예수님을 믿었습니다.그러나 진짜 그자리 갔을 때는 다들 배반했습니다 하지만 만약12제자들이 실천를 통해 사탄을 이긴 경험이 있었다면 결과는 다를수도 있었습니다(2) 그래서 예수님께서는 천국어디에 있습니까라는 물음에 천국은 너의 믿음에 있다 하지않고 네 마음에 있다고 하셨습니다. 그렇기때문에 신앙이란 믿음뿐만 아니라 실천기준을세워야 하는 것입니다 (3)아주~

今日の訓読会 ある者達は単に信じることで天国に行くことができると言います。 しかし、私の現実生活とは関係なく、信じるという事実だけで天国に関係のある場所に行くならば、それは私の生活に関係のない天国です。 私に波及効果がない天国です。 (1) イエス様の十二使徒はイエス様をメシアと絶対的に信じていました。 その当時、彼らは命をかけてイエス様を信じました。しかし本当にその位置に行った時は皆裏切りました。しかし、もし12弟子が実践を通じてサタンに勝った経験があったとすれば、結果は違うこともありました。(2) それでイエス様は天国はどこにありますかという問いに、天国はあなたの信仰にあると言わずに、あなたの心にあると言われました。 ですから信仰というのは、信じるだけでなく実践基準をたてなければならないのです。(3)アジュ~

Some say they can go to Heaven simply by believing. If, however, we were to go to a position that relates to Heaven simply by believing, without any connection with our actual lives, this would be a Heaven that has nothing to do with our lives. It will have no effect on or lives. (1) Jesus' disciples believed absolutely that he was the Messiah. They risked their lives at that time to believe in Jesus. When they found themselves in the actual situation, however, they all turned against him. If the twelve disciples had experienced victory over Satan in practice, the result might have been different. (2) When Jesus was asked "Where is the Kingdom of Heaven", he did not say it is in our believing. He said it is our hearts. So faith requires more than believing. It requires that we establish a standard of practice. (3) Aju

[From the Twitter account of International President Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim on March 29, Korea time.


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