The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2012

"True Parents in Kona"

Sun Myung Moon
April 1, 2012
King Garden, USA
March 11, H.C.

NOTE: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. - Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon #46, titled "Standard of the Perfection in the Light of the Providence."

After the reading, Mrs. McDevitt sang Rock of Ages("천년바위"),Rev. Yang Hur sang The Road to Sampo ("삼포로가는길"),Rev. Jeong Su Jo sang Virgin Voyeur ("처녀뱃사공"),Rev. Chang Shik Yang sang Heartless Home ("고향무정"),and Hyung Jin Nim sang "If I can Dream" in Korean. Father, while cradling Shin Pyeon Nim who was on Mother's knees, sang together with the singers occasionally changing the lyrics of the songs.

Then Father and Mother sang together "동무생각" (Comrades Think) and ("모내기노래"The Planting Song). Finally, Father sang "마음의자유천지"(Freedom of the Mind of Heaven and Earth) and everybody, standing and clapping hands, joined him.

(@lovintp in English)부모님께서 라스에 도착하셨습니다. 도착하시자마자 짧은 보고를 들으시고 참어머님 일본순회비디오를 식구들과 경청하고 계십니다.^^


True Parents have arrived in Las Vegas. Immediately on arrival, True Parents received a brief report. Now they are watching a video of True Mother's tour of Japan together with members.

하와이의 위치는 어머니의 자궁과 같으므로 새생명이 태어날수있는 위치라고 부모님께서는 말씀하셨습니다 태평양의 중심에 위치한 하와이섬은 ㅊㅂㅁㄴ께 동방세계와 서방세계를 연결하는 중심에 서있습니다.아주

ハワイの位置はお母さんの子宮と同じなので新しい生命が生まれる位置と父母様はおっしゃいました。太平洋の中心に位置したハワイ島は真の父母様に東方世界と西方世界を連結する中心に立っています。アジュ (日本語訳転載)

Parents said that Hawaii is the place where new life will be born because its place is the same with Mother's womb. The Hawaiian islands which are in the center of Pacific Ocean stand in the center where eastern world and western world are connected to True Parents. Aju

오늘의 훈독회 만약 우리가 속으로 열만한 충복으로 이 터전을 넘을수 있다하면 그보다 열배 더 한 시련이 와서 우리를 시험하는 것입니다. 그래서 이길은 이길을 목숨을 걸고 가지 않으면 안되다는 결심을 하고 가지 않으면 갈수없다는 것입니다. 아주

今日の訓読会 もし私たちが心中で十回だけ忠僕に、この基盤を越えることができるというなら、それより十倍もっとする試練がきて私たちをテストするのです。 それでこの道はこの道を命をかけて行かなければならないという決心をして行かなければ、行くことができないというのです。 アジュ

Today's Hoon Dok Hoe: "If we say to ourselves that we could overcome a certain situation if only we had blessings to the level of ten, then we will be tested by tests that will be ten times that level. That is why we cannot go this path without making a determination so strong that we are ready to put our lives on the line." Aju

[From the Twitter account of International President Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim on April 1, 2012 Las Vegas Time.


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