The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2012

"True Parents in Las Vegas"

Sun Myung Moon
April 4, 2012
Cheon Hwa Gung
LasVegas, USA
March 14, H.C.

한국아버지합창단의 '광야의 사나이'의 노랫소리가 들리시나요!!!~^^ (ㅊㅂㅁㄴ앞에서 하나가되어)
韓国お父さん合唱団の「広野の男」の歌声が聞こえますか!!!^^ (真の御父母様の前で一つになって)
Can you hear Korean Fathers' Choir singing, "Man in a wild plain"? ~^^ (Uniting in front of True Parents)

NOTE: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. - Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

(@lovintp in English) 오늘훈독회 ㅎㄴㄴ의 한을 풀어드리기위해서는 ㅎㄴㄴ보다못한 자리에서는 않됩니다 효자는 부모에게, 충신은 군왕에게 신세를 지우는 사람입니다 그렇기에 어려운일이 있으면 '우리에게 맡겨주십시오'하게되면 하나님께서 그들을 통해 해방받으실수있는 것입니다.아주~

今日の訓読会 神様の恨を解いて差し上げるためには神様より出来ない位置では駄目なのです。孝子は父母の、忠臣は国王の世話をする人です。それで難しいことがあれば「私たちにまかせて下さい。」と言うようになれば、神様が彼らを通じて解放を受けられることが出来るのです。アジュ~

Today's Hoon Dok Hoe: "We cannot resolve God's han as long as we are in a position where we have done less than God. The child of filial piety is indebted to his parents, and the patriot is indebted to his king. So if there is a difficult task at hand, and a certain group of people say to God, "Let us handle it", He can be liberated through these people." Aju (English translation from Tongil Foundation)


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