The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2012

"True Parents in Las Vegas"

Sun Myung Moon
April 10, 2012
Cheon Hwa Gung
LasVegas, USA
March 20, H.C.


NOTE: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. - Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt continued to read Father's speech "The Base for the Kingdom of Heaven." She read "Centering on what, do you need to believe in Jesus? You shouldn't believe in him centering on yourself. You should do so centering on his heart, thought and tradition. Then what is the purpose of believing? In order for you to be united with him. First of all, you should believe but need to do so centering on the subject partner in order to be united with him."

Everybody except Father stood up and sang "Glory Hallelujah" in Korean, and Father, putting his head down, earnestly listened to the song. True Parents and all participants sang "산유화."

After the meeting True Parents left for Sedona at 5:45 a.m, which is a 4-hour drive from the Cheon Hwa Gung. Sedona is the place where they say the strongest Ki (energy) of the earth lies.

(@lovintp in English) 오늘의 훈독회 우리가 진정으로 ㅎㄴㄴ의 아들딸이라면 내가 먼저 구원받는 것을 빌기보다 ㅎㄴㄴ을 해방시켜드려야겠다는 다짐을 먼저해야합니다. 아주

今日の訓読会 私たちが本当に神様の息子娘ならば、私が先に救援されることを祈るより、神様を解放して差し上げるべきだという誓いを先にしなければなりません。 アジュ (日本語訳転載: K. Tanemori)

Today's Hoon Dok Hoe: "If we are truly God's sons and daughters, then before praying for our own salvation we should make a determination that we will liberate God." Aju

훈독회에서 신편이와 함께~^^ 산유화를 부르십니다 봄산에는 이제 곧 노란개나리 분홍철쭉꽃이 피겠네요~

訓読会で信便ちゃんと一緒に~^^ 山有花を歌われます。春の山にはもうすぐ黄色いレンギョウや桃色のツツジの花が咲きますね~

True Parents sing "Sanyuhwa" with Shin Pyeon Nim during Hoon Dok Hoe. When spring comes, the hills will be covered with yellow forsythia and pink azaleas.

[From the Twitter account of International President Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim on April 10, 2012. Tongil Foundation]



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