The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2012

"True Parents in Las Vegas"

Sun Myung Moon
April 11, 2012
Cheon Hwa Gung
LasVegas, USA
March 21, H.C.

NOTE: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. - Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

After Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech, Father spoke. The following are some of his words.

"It is the moment that the fountain rises in a world made of desert, which will open the door of the realm of the final victory. Here is Sedona, which means 'In the world, centering on God's truth, this place has been established for me only. (세도나. 하나님의 중심삼은 세도나가 하나를 위해서 이루어졌다.) The Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. This means everything has been done. No people are necessary, and centering on Adam, Eve and the archangel, all tangled things sowed by the evil blood lineage must be burned and everything must be clearly put in order. This (can be done) at Sedona. Sedona means '(The place) that establishes me in the middle of the truth in this world ( 상에 가운데 세우는 세도나).'"

"When the firm settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind is realized, there is nothing unaccomplished. Then it is not the world centering on truth (말씀), but the proclamation of the Substantial Word of God (실체말씀선포). The principle and the truth have been completed on page 74 (of the speech file). Who did it? The Internal God became the Corporeal God accomplishing page 74 and Sedona put me on the top of it all."

Without father (himself), you couldn't hold hoondokhae this morning. The contents of the reading today is the offering itself. You should listen without omitting any words and correctly understand with your ears and eyes the history of the offering.

After hoondokhae today, in order for you to be able to go to South America, train yourself here for a couple of days or even for a week. When you are confident with yourself, leave here. This is my direction today. If you are not confident, you shouldn't leave here.

(Calling Yeon Ah Nim) "Yeon Ah (연아). You are a lotus flower (연꽃)."

"Have you clearly understood or not that the Blessed families must inherit the achievement that parents have done intact, and complete it? If you understood it, raise and clap your hands. There is only one tradition with which one can attend to True Parents as the King of Kings.

(@lovintp in English) 오늘의 훈독회 희생않고는 제물이 될수없습니다.타락이 혈통에 걸려있기에 만물도 다 사탄의것이 되어있습니다. 그래서 하나님을 대신하여 생명을걸고 제물을 바치지않으면않되게되어있는것입니다 그러므로 제물은 그사람에게 있어서 가장소중한것을 주어야하는것입니다

今日の訓読会 犠牲なくしては祭物になることが出来ません。堕落が血統に関わっているので、万物も全てサタンのものになっています。 それで神様を代身して生命をかけて祭物を捧げなければいけないということなのです。したがって、祭物はその人にとって一番貴重なのものを与えなければならないのです。(日本語訳転載: K. Tanemori)

Today's Hoon Dok Hoe: We cannot be an offering without sacrificing ourselves. Because the fall is involved with lineage, all of creation now belongs to Satan. So it is necessary for us to place our lives on the line and make an offering in place of God. This is the reason that the offering must be the thing that is most important to that person.

[From the Twitter account of International President Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim on April 11, 2012. Tongil Foundation]

Sedona, AZ


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