Dae mo nim's words of May 12, 2012 in CP, 2012

"Good morning, everyone. Last week we had the Azalea Festival, and even now the flowers are still very nice. During the Azalea Festival, they were so nice, and the AzF was held filled with the love of God and TPs. Every year we do this, and during this time I feel a lot of tension and difficulty carrying things out. But everything went well. The separation of ES, and the inheritance of the holy candles. When I offered a prayer report, I felt a lot of grace. I felt only thankful to God, not just a temporary thankfulness, but the kind of thankfulness we can keep for eternity. Through this special great works, our spiritual problems can be resolved, our fallen natures can be cleared up, and many other things removed. Therefore we can complete our individual self and we can become people of heaven. This can only be done by the TPs of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. So, I felt very appreciative.

During this time one member passed away, and there was a Seung Hwa ceremony [DMN is probably referring to Rev Im, Soon Do, although one Filipina sister also was killed in a car accident during this time]. (Re: the Seung Hwa) I felt God made such works. The member is one of the 440 billion. It was over 210 generations, so when a person goes to the SW there is a little insecurity, because ES are there to take first. So, I was anxious. Would the spirit become a ghost? A wandering spirit? Before thinking about heaven or hell, I hope the spirit can go to the SW well. But when I saw this member's Seung Hwa, I felt that there were all 8 lineages of AGS waiting. Even though ES were also waiting, there were AGS surrounding this spirit.

TF gave the liberation and blessing, and the coronation ceremony for God's kingship. Such deep content I experienced around that person. I sent him to SW, and he saw how things have progressed. So, the feeling of worry is less than before. Such an amazing environment. If we don't go to the SW it is not easy to understand. I especially go to the SW each time, and see the situation. I am thinking how to make an easy path for people to go.

SW is where we can live eternally. How can we live in heaven? These are things I worry about.

For the next SGW workshop I will try and make it easier.

Now we have 440 billion AGS and our ancestors. Due to the increasing number, when I saw you doing chanyang, I see the separation of ES going more effectively. If we don't attend chanyang with our energy, we cannot separate ES very well. But this time, lots of ES could be removed. Our hands are not just "our hands." Spiritual acupuncture (with needles), AGS, ancestors, angels, are all "implanted" in our hands. So, wherever you hit during chanyang, not only your physical body is affected, but spiritual difficulties in your family, all these things are implanted in your hands. Such works will be continued. 

If AE had not fallen, such "supports" would not be needed. But, we cannot see spiritually, so if things are made already, such as disease, even if we cannot yet feel it, if we hit well with our hands, it will be gone. If you feel pain, this is a sign from God; even a sign which comes physically, we cannot always feel it. But, if we see well, it can be erased. 

When you come to a 2-day workshop, the grace you receive through your hands, there is no such grace at any hospital. Your hands are better than any medical technology. So, when you come to a 2-day workshop, have the mind of removing ES through your hands. It is only at CP that this can be done. You will come alive, your skin tissue will become alive, your intestines will become healthy. Your blood vessels can be fixed and improved. This work cannot be compared to any hospital. Problems of muscles, problems in daily life, problems with bad posture in sitting, standing, lying down, sleeping. With bad posture, your bones will not be straight. One baby might be deformed if the bones are twisted. This will disturb the blood circulation. Through chanyang your blood vessels and bones can be....and straightened. This can only be done through chanyang. Then you will become healthy. If fallen nature is removed, you can become a person of character. In chanyang we don't know what we are doing. If you have difficulty, come to CP, and it can be resolved. Inside your hands, everything can be accomplished. Please come to 2-day workshop.

Hatred, anger, greed all can be removed. Please have such a mind. Then our families can be of peace.

This should have been from a long time ago. TPs came in 1992. TF said it should have begun much earlier. But now, 17 long years, TF is very happy. The suffering of pain, disease, must be removed, and we can be happy. If we had understanding we could be meeting Foundation Day with a purified mind and body. If you don't see spiritually, so you don't know how nice it is spiritually. We can't break all evil down otherwise. If evil is broken down, other things are resolved much easier. FD, ES can be removed easier.

In the world there is pain and disease. CP works is such a good thing. If it were not for CP, what would happen to us? Even if you are not in CP, you can do, but you cannot see spiritually, so you need guidelines from CP. AGS spirit world will grow.

After 2013, we will become better and better. We can see God's almightiness. Now, we cannot see it, but then we will be able to. God wants to give us so much so we have to receive it, but we need one mind, one body, one mindset, etc. God wants us to do so, so if we come closer to G's/TPs, grace and love will be given to us.

Many assignments were given to me, but if I didn't see spiritually, I could not do it. Even after receiving words, it doesn't mean I can accomplish. But, with faith, etc. I can do it. If I think "I cannot make it" then I can't. But, God  told me to make AGS, even I didn't know how, but I just went in faith. The methodoloy is my responsibility.  The "how" to do, by offering sincere prayer conditions and devotions. I asked God  how I could do it.  Then, one day, I felt I could do it "this way." I asked God, if I do "this" can AGS be made? God did not answer but I could see God's facial image. There was a change so slight that Satan and ES could not "see" it. But I could see it, and based on that, I could confirm it, and so I could make the CP system, etc.

If you go to the SW training center, spirits can see how God created the whole world, and AE's fall, and the development of evil, and Satan and ES. We welcomed the 2nd Messiah, and how TPs have been thinking: all this can be seen in the SW training center. God  told me it is possible.  So, with faith I did it.

We are created resembling God, do you believe that? We have creatorship and creativity.  When God told me. I did not center on human creativity, but beginning with faith, I did it. Resolving internal things, I made this CP. Training center, Palace, Youth Center, all completed within 7 years. Impossible practically. But, in my mind I knew this would not be done by me, but by God. Thus, God and the TPs of heaven, earth, and humankind could work.

You, in life, in your church, don't think "I" am doing it. God will do it. Become the body of God! Accomplish with Principle. The same on the individual, family, society levels. Therefore, 2013. So, start today and God/TPs/AGS will go together with me. Please have that faith.

Speak to someone Principally. "Oh, I spoke well with that person." Instead of that, think of how God worked with you.  Have that kind of mind. God will work through you increasingly. Every day, offer prayer and attend God/TPs. God will be working through you.  If you have pain,  don't think "why do I have pain?" and get angry. Think: I have pain, but it will be healed by God/TPs, and massage and do CP. If you have a problem in your family, you might think "God, I have a problem, please solve it. I am living for God, and I have problems, and other families are without problems, why?"  Have such a mind as to just depend on God. Then, we will have joy. God and TPs will be working through us.

Do witnessing activities. In October there is a blessing. There are needed qualifications. Tithing fee within 6 months, and education also.  If we work hard, great blessing can be given to us. I hope all of you can become good sons/daughters of God.

For the next SGW workshop I will make many conditions. The August SGW workshop is for 2d gen, and so parents and children can take part together. Chanyang is not easy for young children, but even if only playing and running here and there, the separation of ES will be done. Hoon Mo Nim's physical body is sometimes difficult, but from tomorrow, if with a lot of prayer, it will become better. I will offer many devotions for SGW workshops.

We tell our 2nd Gen, don't go to bars, don't dance, etc. There is no good culture which they can enjoy. I will invite famous K-pop artists and prepare a big festival for them to enjoy. Last year, we held the coming of age ceremony, and it was so nice. They confessed to me, and then many mistakes were straightened up.  This year also, we will have. Check on their age.

2013.1.13 Foundation Day is not a regular event. In history, the day of straightening up evil. Centered on Foundation Day, a line will be drawn. So, we need to meet Foundation Day well. 

Go to church well, and do witnessing activities. 

From May I had planned to visit many Korean churches. But TF, from 5/17. asked church leaders to attend a workshop. So, I will postpone my tour.  I still have the mind of helping the churches by visiting and solving their problems.  Please everyone work hard.  Please become filial sons and daughters of God/TPs. 

Thank you very much for coming.  I will close here. Thank you"
