The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2012 |
Sun Myung Moon
June 23, 2012
Cheon Jeong Gung
May 4, H.C.
NOTE: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They
cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in
the future as an "official" publication of True Father's
words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit"
of the message. - Rev. Katsumi Kambashi "Say 누시엘
(Nooshiel: Lucifer). 누
(Noo) represents 인류
(Inryoo: humankind). 시
(Shi) represents 씨
('Shi: seed)." "In the spirit world, people are separated according to their
tribes." 'It should be 상하
우좌 (上下右左: upper,
below, right and left), but (people say) 상하
좌우 (上下左右: upper,
below, left and right). Who reversed this ('right and left)'?
It is a woman." (Reading from his notebook) "'Directions given on the 48th
True Children's Day, Nov. 11, 2007.' Nov. 11 is 11 plus 11.
(Then he pointed eleven times on his both hands respectively.
Please see the attached sheet.)." "Before I was 8 years old, I pored over all six chapters
of *소학 (小學
/ Sohak). When I was nine years old, I caught the
secrets of God, Adam and Eve, and Lucifer, and I have puzzled it out
throughout my life. (Then he opened his speech binder.) When
you see page 9, you can find the sub-header 'The Three Stages of
Life." (Then he read that part of the speech). ''Ladies
and gentlemen, God created us as His children. As the original,
absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal being, God created human
beings by breathing His love into them to endow them with a soul. If
not for the Fall, we would have been able to perfect ourselves,
including our spiritual self, as God is perfect, fulfill the way of
absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, and attain
eternal life.'" Father sang a Japanese song "幸せって何だろう”
(What is Happiness?) together with the participants.
During the song, he said, "This is the song that the
Second Messiah made."
*소학 (小
學 / Sohak): Ancient philosophy, which believed
to be taught for children in Chinese dynasties from around BC 2000 to
BC200. A scholar Joohee / 주희
(1130 - 1200) later collected and organized it for
children's education.
"'Directions given on the 48th True Children's Day, Nov. 11,
2007.' Nov. 11 is 11 plus 11. (Then he pointed eleven times on his
both hands respectively. Please see the attached sheet.)." (@lovintp) 오늘의
훈독회 하나님은 무서운
분이 아니예요.
제일 가까운 분입니다.
자식보다도 더 가까운분이
하나님이다 이겁니다.
그 하나님을
알게 될때, 제일가깝고
제일귀하고 나와 함께
영원히 같이 살 하나님을
알게 될때 만사형통인것입니다
아주 (@lovintp in English) Today's Hoon Dok Hoe: "God
is not someone fearful. He is the closest existence to you. The one
who is closer to you than your spouse or your children is God. When
you come to know God, when you come to know the God who is the
closest to you, is the most precious to you, and lives together with
you for eternity, then all goes smoothly." Aju [From the Twitter account of
International President Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim on June 23, 2012. Tongil
I was 8 years old, I pored over all six chapters of *소학
/ Sohak). When I was nine years old, I caught the
secrets of God, Adam and Eve, and Lucifer, and I have puzzled it out
throughout my life. (Then he opened his speech binder.) When you see
page 9, you can find the sub-header 'The Three Stages of Life."
(Then he read that part of the speech). ''Ladies and gentlemen, God
created us as His children. As the original, absolute, unique,
unchanging and eternal being, God created human beings by breathing
His love into them to endow them with a soul. If not for the Fall, we
would have been able to perfect ourselves, including our spiritual
self, as God is perfect, fulfill the way of absolute faith, absolute
love and absolute obedience, and attain eternal life.'"