Asia Continental Director's Regional Office...

All Continental Directors were called to come to Korea since yesterday because of TF's sitaution. I saw one UNOFFICAL news report that TF came into COMA condition but was able to come out of it. However, the doctor couldnt assure of the 100% recovery or if TF can make it within 3days more. Dear families, lets offer more jeongseong and give all our minds heart soul and love to our TPs by sending more positive energies to Him.

Of course, he is old and his age at 93 is a time of body deterioration already but more than that, TF received a lot of stress from the providence since we have only 190days left to be exact before D-day.... and many external things and external issues have to be fulfilled & accomplished which are beyond TPs realm due to Man's fulfillment of POR...

another one is the stress from the situation of his family. more than we think of our own world now and living conditions, we have to be more concerned of the Messiah's situation. More than protecting ourselves now, we need to consider as top priorities our TPs' internal & external state. In comparison with Jesus time, the disciples, JB, Pontious Pilate, Mama Mary and others had their mind focused on their own situations, reputations, conditions and protections leaving Jesus behind RESULTED to NO SALVATION at all and prolongation of the providence.

Though the providence will not be prolonged anymore due to all the latest proclamations made by our TPs, however... we cant send TF to spworld yet in the middle of all those unresolved scenarios around. They need to open the gates of the KOH by themselves and be the glorious messiah to offer the KOH to our Heavenly God... as an act of filial piety to one & only God of the entire cosmos

We are far from the real & actual news and we may not be able to understand the deeper pain surrounding the TPs and the True family now BUT, NOW is the time to practice our faith by attendance and determination by forgetting our individual lives and jsut focused all our forces, energies and heart-mind-soul for the ONLY ONE TRUE FATHER of HEH....

honestly, im so worried, afraid and tensed.

have more heart and mind for our TPs more than u ever did in the past until we can hear the good news of TPs victoriously coming out from this life & death physical struggle...

in the most victorious name of TPs of Heaven-Earth-Humankind,
i remain,