Congratulatory Message

Mrs. Tetsuko Kuboki (Vice-President, WFWP, Japan)


Most esteemed True Parents of humankind, Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, and distinguished guests from home and abroad,

I would like to offer my heartfelt congratulations for this splendid Abel Women’s UN Inaugural Assembly being held today.

The 21st Century is said to be the century of women and the century of NGOs. If we can overcome our history until the 20th Century, which was a history led by men and therefore one of incessant wars, and make good use of the power of women, never before demonstrated in history, in various fields of life, then I believe that better societies, nations and world will certainly be upon us. Above all, we have seen this with our very own eyes in the family of Rev. Moon and Dr. Han and their global work.

In the concrete, through the activities of the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP), an NGO under the UN founded and guided by Rev. Moon and Dr. Han, we have come to realize that women working in concert across the world have effectively contributed toward the eradication of poverty, the elevation of women’s status, the sound nurturing of youths, and the construction of peace, all of which are included in the Millennium Development Goals set by the UN.

After World War II, Japan has achieved a miraculous revival with help from nations in the world including the US, and now it is the third largest economy in the world. Last year, 65 years after the War, Japan experienced a great earthquake and tsunami, and sustained destructive damages due to accidents in the nuclear power plants, but with much help and support from individuals and governments around the world, it is once again emerging from the destruction of the earthquake. When we look back on our past history, we can see that Japan has had a lot of help from the global society. I believe now the time has come for us to repay their kindness.

In this regard, the fact that the Abel Women’s UN is being founded in such an era to enable women of the world to come together, hand in hand, to establish a peace network and take the lead in realizing a world of peace, is truly significant. As representatives of Japanese women, we too are truly honored and delighted to be a part of it, and we hope to devote all our energies and contribute to this great enterprise.

Thank you.


July 16 2012, President of WFWP Japan

Tetsuko Kuboki