The Words of The True Family from 2014

True Mother
Cheon Hwa Gung
HC 2.7 (March. 7, 2014)

NOTE: These notes cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Parent's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message.

True Mother arrived at the Cheon Hwa Gung around noon, accompanied by Bishop Ki Hoon Kim from Los Angeles. They were welcomed by Rev. Kwon Jin Moon's couple, Dr. Michael Balcomb, Rev. Michael Jenkins, and other leaders and local members. The following is the English translation and Korean dictation of True Mother's message given at the welcoming gathering. - Rev. Katsumi Kambashi


"What time is it? People here must be hungry. You need to eat lunch. What do you want me to speak?

Nowadays, you can know everything within a second. If you have an antenna towards where parents are, you can know what and how they are doing, can't you?

When Father was alive and gave his speech, he was introduced with the title, Rev. Moon or Moon Chongjae (총재)*. What I had decided in Korea this time was my resignation as the president of the board of the World Mission Foundation, and also that of the Sun Moon Foundation. Taking out my social title, I changed my official title as Han Chongjae (한총재) like Father's which was Moon Chongjae (문총재). So from now on, official memos will be issued under the name of the president of the board of the World Mission Foundation, but I am above him with the title, Han Chongjae Nim (한 총재님). Do you understand? (Yes.)

I established a system with which I can educate you and you can share all materials and results globally in order to accomplish your responsibility. You became the Blessed family through True Parents. You have your current responsibility as the Blessed family. So you won't be able to say that you couldn't accomplish your responsibility because of your ignorance. Do you understand? ('Yes.') My point is that I had opened the way for you to be able to fulfill your responsibility more than 100 %. I mean it is up to your efforts and results to establish the tradition of distinguished noble family.

You remember the motto until 2020 that I gave you, don't you? ('Yes.') Let's become true owners. What does it mean? It is the path of becoming the true owner that one, with the heart of parent, hands down the tradition of Heavenly Parent and True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. I guess you have heard often that you should accomplish your mission as the Tribal Messiah. ('Yes.') If they are your children, will you leave them in the hell while only you go to Heaven? Do you understand? ('Yes.')

You are a lucky person. A lucky person. You are a happy person but the problem is that you are living without recognizing it. You were reborn as the Blessed family after having met True Parents and received their education. Don't you think it is a happy thing? When I think how much you have returned to True Parents in comparison with what you have received from them, you have been so insufficient. Since you don't know well about the spirit world, you can be that way. It is the spirit world where you will see your results regarding what kind of life you had on earth. You will feel painful eternally in the spirit world when you can't take the path of loyalty and dedication before Heaven during True Parents' life time. ('Aju!')

On the way to come here, I stopped by at (the construction site of) the Peace Palace. When we started the project, our neighbors opposed us severely in the beginning. But I received the report recently that those who had opposed us stopped doing that as the construction of the building proceeded. (Applause) Upon the completion of the building, you should be more responsible. You should show (who we are) to the secular people. The more time goes by, the more we prosper. Nowadays only seniors come to the church in the society, so to speak. You see that with your own eyes, don't you? On the occasion of the first anniversary of Foundation Day, I gave the scholarship of Wonmo Pyeong Ae Foundation to 1,200 students in the world. They are our future. They will be our talented persons within three to four years. Think of it. Now, people in the political, economic, and academic fields and those of civic groups in Korea are amazed by the news. The news continued to go out through public broadcasting. The society has changed. You should also change, shouldn't you? You too, have a big hope. I guess you have heard that the more happiness you share, the bigger the happiness become. Do you understand? ('Yes.') You are given freedom, but when you cannot fulfill your responsibility, you are responsible for that, which has no relation to True Parents. Do you understand? ('Yes.')

I didn't come here to talk to you. I couldn't help but decide and start things regarding what Father wanted to establish here in his last years. I am very tired. I have a blister on my lip. I have had no time to take a rest. But I had to come here. (The foundation here) could be established by the blood, sweat and tears of True Parents. You have been no help to that. In a financial sense either. You shouldn't lead your life like yesterday. I am talking to you now to tell you that you should change from now on. ('Amen!' 'Yes!') Take this (cake) and share it among you. I have things to do now. ('Thank you!') Enjoy the cake. ('Thank you')"

"총재 / 総裁 / Chongjae" is an unique Korean term, which basically means "a position which oversees, takes charge of, and authorizes everything of an organization." In the dictionary, it is translated as "president," which is not enough to describe the authority of "Chongjae." During the meeting that day, Bishop Kim interpreted "Chongjae" as "Founder." I think that in order to avoid confusion, it would be better to be translated as "Founder" than "President."


" 지금 몇시야? 이 사람들 배고프겠네? 점심먹어야지 내가 무슨말을 하기를 바래? 요즘은 이제 모든것을 1초안에 알 수가 있어. 여러분들이 부모님이 계신곳에 촉각을 세우고 있다면 부모님이 무슨일을 어떻게 하시는지 다 알 수 있을거 아냐?

여 러분들이 아버님이 살아계실때 강연을 통해서 레버런문 또 문총재라는 칭호를 썼어요. 목사님…그런데 내가 한국에 돌아가서 결정한 것은 내가 세계선교재단의 이사장 이었는데, 그것을 사임했고, 선문재단의 이사장 이었는데 그것을 사임했다. 사회의 그 명칭을 빼고 한총재. 아버님 계실때 문총재, 한총재 였거든. 그래서 한총재로 내 명칭을 바꿨다. 그래서 이제 앞으로 공문이 나올때는 선교재단의 이사장 이름으로 나오게 될거야. 그런데 그 위에는 총재님이 계시다. 알겠습니까? ()

그래 서 여러분들을 교육하고 책임을 다 할 수 있게 모든 자료와 실적을 서로 같이 전세계적으로 공유, 공동으로 할 수 있게끔 체제를 내가 세웠다. 여러분들은 참부모님을 통해서 축복가정이 됐어. 축복가정으로서의 현재의 책임이 있는거야. 그래서 몰라서 내가 책임을 못했다 하는 말은 할 수가 없게 됐다 하는거야. 알겠습니까? () 이제 여러분의 책임을 다 백퍼센트 이상 할 수 있도록 내가 길을 열어주었다 하는 얘기에요. 여러분들이 어떻게 노력하며 실적을 거두느냐에 따라서 명문가의 전통이 선다하는 얘기에요. 2020까지 내가 목표를 준 표어를 기억하고 있죠? ()

참주인이 되자. 이게 뭘 말하는 걸까요? 부모의 심정으로 하늘부모님과 천지인 참부모님의 전통을 전수해주는 것이 참주인이 되는 길이에요. 이제 여러분들은 종족메시아의 사명을 다 해야 된다하는 말을 누누이 들었을거야. () 그들이 여러분들의 자식들이라면 여러분들이 여러분들만 천당가고 그들이 지옥가게 놔둘건가? 알겠습니까? ()

여러분들은 행운아야 행운아. 행복한 사람인데 그걸 모르고 사는게 문제야. 여러분들이 참부모님을 만나서 참부모님의 가르침을 받아서 여러분들이 축복가정으로서 탄생이 됐는데 이거 행복한 것 아니야? 이 얼마나 여러분들이 받은것 앞에 참부모님한테 돌려드렸는가 생각해보면 여러분들이 너무 너무 부족했어. 이제 여러분들은 영계를 잘 모르니까 그러는데 여러분들이 지상에서 어떤 삶을 살았느냐 하는 그 결과가 나타나는곳이 영계야. 여러분들이 내가 참부모님이 지상에 있는 동안에 충성해서 하늘앞에 봉헌할 수 있는 이런 길이 있는데 그걸 못했다 하게되면 영원한 세계에 가서 영원히 여러분들이 괴로울거야. (아주!)

내가 여기오면서 Peace Palace를 들러서 왔어. 거기 처음 시작하게 될때는 주변의 반대가 심했어. 그런데 이제 건물이 올라가기 시작하니까 반대하던 사람들이 없어졌다하는 보고를 받았어. (박수) 그 건물이 완성되면 여러분들이 책임을 더 해야돼. 세상앞에 보여줘야돼. 우리는 나가면 나갈수록 세월이 가면 갈수록 우리는 계속 번창하면서… 말하자면 세상의 교회들은 지금 다 노년층이야. 여러분들은 눈으로 실감하지 않아? 이번에 기원절에 원모평애 재단을 통해서 전세계에1200명의 학생들에게 장학금을 주게 됐어. 그들은 우리의 미래야. 3-4년후에 우리의 인재들이야. 생각해 보라구. 지금 한국에서 말을 들은 정계나 재계나 학계나 모든 시민 단체들이 놀라고 있어. 정규방송에서 계속 방영해 주었어. 세상이 달라졌어. 너희들도 달라져야 되지 않아? 너희들도 희망을 크게 가지라구. 행복은 나누면 나눌수록 더 커진다 하는 말 들었지? 알겠어? ()너희들에게 자유를 주었는데 책임을 못하면 너희들의 책임이지 부모님은 하등 상관이 없는거야. 알겠나? ()

내가 여러분들에게 얘기하러 오지를 않고 내가 여기에 아버님이 마지막으로 세우고자 하셨던것에 대해 내가 말하자면 결정을 안해주고 꼭지를 따지 않으면 안되게 되니까… 내가 많이 피곤하다구. 입술이 다 부르텄다구. 쉴 시간이 없었다구. 그런데 내가 오게 된거야. 참부모님의 피와 땀과 눈물의 결실로서 이루어지는거야. 여러분이 하나 도움이 안됐어. 경제적인 면으로도 그래. 여러분들이 이제는 어제와 같은 삶을 살아서는 안돼. 이제는 달라져야 된다 하는것을 말해주고 싶어서 내가 이야기 하는거야. (아멘! !) 이것 가져가서 나눠 먹으라고 해. 내가 이제 할 일이 있어. (감사합니다! 박수…) , 맛있게 먹어요. (감사합니다)

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