Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon |
What is God's purpose of creation? He did not create Adam and Eve just to look at them. He did not create men and women just so they could get old on their own and die. It was so that they could grow to maturity and, through their hearts that long to relate to the opposite sex, build the true Kingdom of Heaven on earth with God at the center. It was so that they could create a love nest with God in the middle. Here a man, Adam, represents heaven, and a woman, Eve, the earth; this is heaven and earth. Thus, although they are two, their horizontal union unifies heaven and earth. When they achieve unity through God's love, the cosmos will be unified automatically. (21-43, 1968.9.1)
God had greater expectations for the future that would unfold through Adam and Eve than He had for the time He created them. He aimed for the most noble and precious result. This was to fulfill the purpose of creation, and to complete the four-position foundation centered on love. (God's Will - 533)
God created His son, Adam, as the representative of the positive characteristic between the two characteristics and loved him most dearly. In loving him, He included the feminine aspect of His love. Also, in loving His daughter, Eve, He included the masculine aspect of His love. As these two separate people became one, the basis for a third new beginning was to emerge, and this was to be their children. For this reason, we say that children are object partners of love who stimulate new hope. Adam and Eve were born as embodiments of God's love and parental love. This is why God likes His children, and Adam and Eve like their children. You know the three-object purpose. This is how the three-object purpose is fulfilled. (32-238, 1970.7.19)
God's will for human beings is to fulfill the purpose of the ideal of creation. The ideal of creation is not completed simply by a man and a woman marrying each other and becoming one. They must then have children. This is because the principle of heaven and earth connects the relationship of above and below, and front and back. If there is a yesterday, there is a today, and if there is a today, there is a tomorrow. These must all be connected. But for a husband and wife alone there is only today, and no tomorrow. However, without another day everything will end. If we say couples are above, they must have something below, namely children. Without something below, it ends there.
Hence, the principle of heaven and earth is that when the positions of upper and lower are established, left and right can emerge.
Only after they hold marriage ceremonies for their children do parents feel that they have fulfilled their responsibility. A relationship of upper and lower is established only when a couple who are parents experience the marriage of their children. Only when the relationship of upper and lower is established can the ideal be attained.
Husband and wife are joined as left and right; parents and children must have a relationship of upper and lower to connect the vertical and horizontal and thereby form the ideal spherical realm within the universe. In addition to that, only when there are brothers and sisters will a sphere finally be formed.
When the ideal is realized this way, you can draw a circle around the vertical and horizontal lines meeting at the center. Ultimately, only when a man and a woman experience the realization of the ideal in the vertical and the horizontal can they say they are living within the ideal realm.
This constitutes the four-position foundation that the Unification Church teaches about. This is why we say that the completion of the four-position foundation is the fulfillment of the ideal of creation. (85-178, 1976.3.3)
A person should not remain alone but rather go through three stages, beginning with the individual, then the partner stage, and finally the stage with children. The God-centered relationship between a person, the spouse and their children is the four-position foundation. The completion of this four-position foundation is God's purpose of creation. (19-106, 1967.12.31)
To establish the four-position foundation, you first must go through the heart of a husband and wife; only then can you experience the heart of children and the heart of parents. (13-67, 1963.10.17)
The ideal that God wanted to see fulfilled through our first ancestors was for a man and a woman to become one and create an ideal family. Then, the center of the ideal family is neither the man nor the woman. The family is a bundle created by the union of parents, children, husband and wife, and the center of this bundle is God's love itself. The conclusion is that God's will is to realize the completion of a family centered on God's love. (127-9, 1983.5.1)
The family is the origin and basic foundation that is unchanging throughout the ages. It cannot be changed by a father, by a brother or sister, or even by a nation's institutions. Moreover, it cannot be changed by the world, by heaven and earth, or even by God. Hence, the concept of revolution is not needed for the family. (25-85, 1969.9.30)
Human beings need to be in parent-child relationships, husband-wife relationships, and brother-sister relationships. In other words, these three relationships must meet at one point. There is one central point. The central points for above and below, left and right, and front and back should not be separate. If the central points are different, the balance between the relationships of above and below, left and right, and front and back will be shattered.
Eventually, therefore, the positions of above and below, left and right, and front and back, together with the one central point, form the number seven. Forming the number seven means to become one with God through perfect true love and to form a family in which everything becomes a perfect sphere and achieves harmony and unification. (299-114, 1999.2.7)
The place where parents and children, husband and wife, and brothers and sisters all want to join together in true love is the ideal family. Here, as eternal worldwide equalization commences, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth begins and the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven automatically comes to be realized. (300-226, 1999.3.14)
Since God is the Original Being of true love, when one is connected to true love, everyone becomes part of one body. Parents are gods living in place of God on earth, husband and wife are mutual counterpart gods, and sons and daughters are little gods. A family structure comprising three generations centering on true love in this manner is the basis of the Kingdom of Heaven. Without achieving such a basis, the kingdom cannot be established. The family is the center of the universe. The perfection of the family is the basis for the perfection of the universe. And so, if there is love in a family and love for the universe, we can go anywhere freely. In this case, God stands in the combined central position of love as the Parent of the whole universe. (298-306, 1999.1.17)
A man's love, a woman's love, a son's love, a daughter's love, parents' love and God's love are all contained in the family foundation of the original creation with God at the center. Any place where these different kinds of love are demonstrated, anyone who loves his parents, his spouse and his children is practicing the lifestyle of the Kingdom of Heaven. (Blessed Family - 942)
One such family establishes the ethical foundation for society; it is the best model and the fundamental and primary organization for the human world. In that family, love is the best standard for each person. (Blessed Family - 942)
The most important times in a person's life are the time of birth, the time of marriage and the time of death. Then, at the time of birth, how should one be born? One should be born healthy. Next comes the time of marriage. One gets married in order to live; that is, to establish a four-position foundation. Only when such common governing principles of the universe are established on the earth will God's will and the will of humankind be fulfilled. The family is where we seek to embody such universal laws and manifest that form. (24-230, 1969.8.17)
God's ideal of creation was that Adam and Eve, our first ancestors, multiply children of goodness and build one world centered on God. (God's Will - 137)
We have a saying, "Family harmony brings success to everything." This means that peace in the family makes everything go well. A perfected family is a family of peace and the foundation for the Kingdom of Heaven. The driving force in such a family is true love. True love is the pure and beautiful love that loves God and my partner more than my own self, with all my life. In this universe, God has not created a power greater than the power of true love. True love is the love of God. (219-118, 1991.8.28)
If God's will had been carried out on this earth, a single cultural realm would have been created with Adam at the center. Instead of countless races, each forming its own different culture and civilization, as we see today, we would have a world with a single culture, single philosophy and single civilization centered on Adam. Then everything, including culture, history, customs, language and tradition, would be unified. In God's love, we would have established ideal families, tribes, peoples and nations, and these would have expanded to realize an ideal world of Adam's ideal. Just as a tree's root, trunk and leaves are all connected with one life, viewing the world from God's will means centering on love. Looking upward, we would attend God as the Father and, looking downward, we would change all people into one living body. This would be a living body of love, like brothers and sisters building an eternal, God-centered, ideal world. People living in such a world would not need salvation or a Messiah, for they would be God's good sons and daughters. (110-213,1980.11.18)