Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

 Table of Contents

Cheon Seong Gyeong - Selections
from the Speeches of True Parents

Important note: The versions of the Cheon Seong Gyeong posted here are NOT identical with the English language Cheon Seong Gyeong book. The versions posted here are NOT the official version of the Cheon Seong Gyeong and may contain errors or inaccuracies. Therefore the versions posted here CANNOT be used or thought of as an official rendering, source for doctrine, or used for authoritative quotes.

Cheon Seong Gyeong: The Complete English Book in One Large PDF file

Preface and Contents Preface and Contents PDF File

Preface in Korean, Japanese and English

Book One - True God Book One PDF file

Chapter One - The Original Being of God

Section 1. God Is the Incorporeal Subject Partner
Section 2. The Incorporeal God Needs a Body
Section 3. God is a Personal God
Section 4. God Is Our Father
Section 5. God's Omniscience and Omnipotence Are Within the Principle
Section 6. God is Omnipresent Through His Love
Section 7. Assessing the Existing Views of God

Chapter Two - God and the Work of Creation

Section 1. God's Motivation for Creating Is Love
Section 2. God's Purpose for Creating Human Beings
Section 3. The Ideal of Love to Be Attained Through Adam and Eve
Section 4. The Ideal of Love is Fulfilled in the Family
Section 5. God's Will in Creating All Things

Chapter Three - The History of the Providence of Restoration and Changes in Humankind's View of God

Section 1. The God of the Old Testament Age<
Section 2. The Identity of Jehovah God
Section 3. Jesus' View of God Based on the Parent-Child Relationship
Section 4. The Completed Testament Age Is the Age of the Oneness of God and Humankind
Section 5. God's First Manifestation

Chapter Four - True Father's Insights on God

Section 1. A God of Historical Bitterness, Grief and Pain
Section 2. God's Grief and Shock at Losing His Son and Daughter
Section 3. A God Confined and Incarcerated
Section 4. The Reason God Cannot Punish Satan
Section 5. Let Us Liberate God
Section 6. The Liberation of God and the Way of the Filial Child

Book Two - True Parents Book Two PDF file

Chapter One -- What Is a True Parent?

Section 1. The Significance of the True Parents

Section 2. The Origin of Trueness

Section 3. The Standard Measure of Truth

Section 4. Trueness and the True Person

Section 5. What Is a True Parent?

Section 6. The Meaning of the Words True Parents

Chapter Two - The Messiah and the True Parents

Section 1. History and the True Parents

Section 2. The Messiah, the True Parent

Section 3. Jesus and the True Parents

Section 4. The Second Coming and the True Parents

Chapter Three - The Need for True Parents

Section 1. We Also Need Our Natural Parents

Section 2. True Parents and Our Natural Parents

Section 3. The Reason True Parents Must Come

Section 4. The Conditions for the Appearance of the True Parents

Section 5. The True Lineage Must Come Through the True Parents

Section 6. The True Parents are Needed Absolutely

Section 7. The Designation of the True Parents Was Foreseen and Predicted

Section 8. True Parents' Position Is Not an Elected One

Chapter Four - The Mission of the True Parents

Section 1. The Position of the True Parents

Section 2. The Path of the True Parents

Section 3. The Course Prior to Becoming the True Parents

Section 4. The Authority and Mission of the True Parents

Section 5. True Parents' Love

Chapter Five - The Kingdom of Heaven and True Parents

Section 1. The Meaning of the Characters for Cheon and Bu-mo

Section 2. The Reason We Must Attend True Parents on Earth

Section 3. The Kingdom of Heaven is Possible Only Through True Parents

Section 4. The Kingdom of Heaven and True Love

Section 5. True Parents and Eternal Life

Section 6. True Parents and the Nation

Chapter Six - True Parents and Us

Section 1. The Essence of the Teachings of the Family Federation

Section 2. The Value of Working with True Parents while They are on Earth

Section 3. True Parents' Effort and Us

Section 4. Grace and Self-Realization

Section 5. What We Need to Do

Section 6. Things We Should Cherish as Our Own Life

Chapter Seven - A Life with True Parents

Section 1. True Parents' Day and True Parents

Section 2. We Should Fully Understand the Words "True Parents"

Section 3. Learning True Parents' Language

Section 4. Revelation in Folk Songs

Section 5. Prayer in the Name of True Parents

Section 6. The Power of True Parents' Name

Section 7. Enjoy Eternal Glory in True Parents' Name

Section 8. Bequeathing and Inheriting True Parents' Heart

Section 9. What You Need to Take Heed Of

Chapter Eight - The Three Great Subjects Principle and The Proclamation of True Parents

Section 1. The Three Great Subjects Principle and the Parent-Centered Ideology

Section 2. The Proclamation of True Parents

Section 3. The Proclamation of True Parents and Kingship

Book Three - True Love Book Three PDF file

Chapter One - What Is True Love?

Section 1. Love Is the Source of Peace and Happiness

Section 2. Love Is Boundless Giving

Section 3. Harmony Arises in the Presence of Love

Section 4. The Rights of Equality, Mutual Participation, and Inheritance

Section 5. Perfection Is Attained through Love

Chapter Two - The Reality of Love

Section 1. God's Love

Section 2. True Parents' Love

Section 3. Parental Love

Section 4. Conjugal Love

Section 5. Sexual Love

Section 6. Filial Love

Section 7. Love Between Siblings

Section 8. Love of the Nation, Love of the World, and Love of Humankind

Section 9. Love of the Natural World

Chapter Three - Love and Marriage

Section 1. True Marriage Engenders Love of Universal Unity

Section 2. The Love that Man and Woman Desire

Section 3. The Blessing Is The Ceremony to Convey God's Love

Chapter Four - Love and Family

Section 1. The Ideal of Love is Established in the Family

Section 2. The Family is the School of Love for Life in the Heavenly Kingdom

Chapter Five - Love and the Spirit World

Section 1. The Atmosphere of the Spirit World is Love

Section 2. We Should Develop a Loving Character During Our Earthly Life

Book Four - True Family Entire Book Four PDF file

Chapter One - The True Family Originally Intended at the Time of Creation

Section 1. God's Will through Adam and Eve

Section 2. God's Absolute Requirements

Section 3. God's Eternal Partner in Love

Section 4. The Purpose of Creating Adam and Eve

Section 5. The Time for Adam's and Eve's First Love

Section 6. All Beings Are Perfected through Love

Section 7. What Human Beings Can Be Most Proud Of

Section 8. Adam's Family Should Have Set the Tradition as the True Family

Chapter Two - The Way of Love in the Family

Section 1. God's Laws of Love Centering on the Family

Section 2. The Reason Three Generations Must Coexist in the Family

Section 3. Parents are the Origin of Love

Section 4. The Reason We Need Brothers and Sisters

Section 5. The Grandfather is in the Position of God in the Family

Section 6. The Relationship Between Grandparents and Grandchildren

Section 7. The True Meaning of the Saying, "All Goes Well if there is True Harmony in the Family."

Chapter Three - The Family Is the Model for the Kingdom of Heaven

Section 1. The Family is the Central Model for All Beings

Section 2. The Family is the Textbook of Love through Which We Can Connect with Universal Love

Section 3. A Training Ground of Love for Entering the Kingdom of Love

Section 4. The Family is a Model for the Heavenly Kingdom

Section 5. The Family Brings Together the Love of Three Generations

Section 6. The Family is the Training Ground of the Heart

Section 7. The Family is Our Eternal Original Hometown

Section 8. The Family Is the Final Standard for Completing the Cosmos-centered Ideology

Chapter Four - Our Course of Life Centered on Love

Section 1. Why Are Human Beings Born?

Section 2. Life in its Original Form

Section 3. For Human Beings, the Eternal Element of Life is Love

Section 4. What is God's Love?

Section 5. God's Blessing Allows You to Inherit Love and Joy

Section 6. Human Beings Seek the Center of Love

Section 7. Our Life Passes Through Three Ages

Section 8. Earthly Life is Training to be in Rhythm with the Spirit World

Chapter Five - The Love of Man and Woman in the Original Creation

Section 1. The Original Love of a Man and a Woman

Section 2. The Reason Men and Women Are Born

Section 3. Men and Women Absolutely Need Each Other

Section 4. Love Comes from One's Partner

Section 5. Men and Women Harmonize in Love

Section 6. Original Human Beings Are Enraptured with True Love

Section 7. Love Is Realized in a Completely Natural Setting

Chapter Six - Transformation During Young Adulthood, And True Marriage

Section 1. The Significance of Marriage

Section 2. The Reason for Marriage

Section 3. The True View of Marriage

Section 4. What Kind of Time is Young Adulthood?

Section 5. What Causes the Transformation in Adolescence?

Section 6. First Love in Young Adulthood

Section 7. The Best Time of Marriage - When is Love Connected?

Section 8. Love of a United Mind and Body

Chapter Seven - The Love of a True Husband and a True Wife

Section 1. The Original Relationship of Husband and Wife

Section 2. The Reason We Need Conjugal Love

Section 3. An Ideal Conjugal Relationship

Section 4. Even God is Enraptured in the Love of a True Couple

Section 5. The More a Husband and Wife See Each Other, the More They Want to See Each Other

Section 6. How Conjugal Love Develops

Section 7. Why You Feel Sad When Your Beloved Passes Away

Section 8. Conjugal Love Should Be Eternal

Chapter Eight - True Parental Love

Section 1. Parental Heart Wants to Give Everything

Section 2. Parents Desire to Be Surpassed by Their Children

Section 3. Parental Love Is Eternally Unchanging

Section 4. Parental Love Sacrifices Everything

Section 5. Parents' Love for Their Children Is Absolute

Section 6. Parental Love Is Eternal

Section 7. Parental Love Sets the Standard for All Forms of Love

Chapter Nine - True Education for Children

Section 1. What Kind of Education Should Parents Give Their Children?

Section 2. What Should Parents Teach Their Children?

Section 3. Parents Must First Set an Example

Section 4. Parents Are Best Friends and Best Teachers

Section 5. Chastisement with Love

Section 6. Why Tell Children to Study?

Section 7. The Teachings of True Parents and Teachers

Section 8. An Education to Live Together with the World

Chapter Ten - The True Family of Humankind Must Be Restored

Section 1. The Purpose of God's Providence of Salvation

Section 2. Adam's Family Fell into Satan's Possession

Section 3. The Hope of Fallen People

Section 4. The Goal of Restoration is Adam's Family

Section 5. The Restored Family Was to Be Realized by Jesus

Section 6. The Restored Family of the Returning Lord

Section 7. The Original True Family Is Established in the Unification Church

Section 8. The True-Family- Centered Ideology and the Religion of True Parents

Chapter Eleven - The Family Is The Eternal Foundation Of Happiness

Section 1. Why Do We Like the Family?

Section 2. The Family Is the Base of Eternal Happiness

Section 3. The Family Is the Basic Unit to Realize God's Kingdom

Section 4. The Realization of the Ideal of Love Starts in the Family

Section 5. Heaven is a Place One Enters as a Family Unit

Section 6. Universal Principle of the Four-Position Foundation

Section 7. The Heavenly Way People Should Go In The Family

Section 8. The Unification Church Seeks to Realize the Family Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter Twelve - Seeking True Families

Section 1. Nothing Was Created for its Own Sake

Section 2. The Most Holy Place Where God Can Come to Dwell

Section 3. Man Owns Woman and Woman Owns Man

Section 4. Love Has No Evolution or Revolution

Section 5. Chastity for Woman and Purposefulness for Man

Section 6. The Fall: The Root of Free Sex and the Origin of Individualism

Section 7. The Realization of World Peace Through Absolute Purity and the True Family Movement

Book Five - Earthly Life and the Spirit World Entire Book 5 PDF file

Chapter One - The Existence of Human Beings in the Physical and Spirit Worlds

Section 1. Our Course of Life

Section 2. The Status and Character of Human Beings

Section 3. The Essence of Life

Section 4. The Nobility of Life on Earth

Section 5. Blessing and Eternal Life

Chapter Two - Death and the Spirit World

Section 1. The Inevitable Path of Our Life

Section 2. Understanding Death

Section 3. To go to a Higher Realm in the Spirit World

Chapter Three - The Spirit World

Section 1. The Spirit World Can Be Experienced with the Physical Body

Section 2. What Kind of Place Is the Spirit World?

Section 3. The Content and Situation of the Spirit World

Section 4. The Position and Actual Situations of the Spirit World

Chapter Four - The Kingdom of Heaven

Section 1. Understanding the Kingdom of Heaven

Section 2. Preparing to Go to Heaven

Section 3. The Prerequisites and Conditions for Going to Heaven

Section 4. Triumphal Entry through the Gates of Heaven

Section 5. Instructions Concerning Heaven and Hell

Chapter Five - The Messiah and the Spirit World

Section 1. Jesus and the Spirit World

Section 2. The Returning Lord and the Spirit World

Section 3. True Parents and the Spirit World

Section 4. Rev. Moon and the Spirit World

Section 5. True Parents' Family and the Spirit World

Chapter Six - Our Position in Relation to the Spirit World

Section 1. The Fruit of Life and the Divine Spirit

Section 2. Judgment and Approval (Certification)

Section 3. Registration in the Spirit World

Chapter Seven - Our Relationship with Those in the Spirit World

Section 1. Spiritual Phenomena and the Liberation of Spirits

Section 2. The Relationship Between People on Earth and the Spirits

Section 3. Our Ancestors and Ourselves

Section 4. New Spiritual Age

Section 5. Returning Resurrection and the Assistance of Spirits

Book Six - Our Life And The Spiritual Realm Entire Book 6 PDF file

Chapter One - The Path of Life

Section 1. Our Path of Life

Section 2. The Correct Understanding of Death

Section 3. The Value of Our Earthly Life

Section 4. The Secret of Entering Heaven

Chapter Two - What Kind of Place Is the Spirit World?

Section 1. The Reality of the Spirit World and Its Laws

Section 2. Heaven and Hell

Section 3. The Relationship between Those in the Spirit World and Those on Earth

Section 4. Our Ancestors and Ourselves

Section 5. The Spirit World Must Be Known

Section 6. Judgment

Chapter Three - True Parents and the Spirit World

Section 1. True Parents' Authority and Mission

Section 2. True Parents and the Building of the Kingdom of Heaven

Section 3. True Parents and the Works of True Love

Section 4. True Family and the Works of the Spirit World

Section 5. The Final Wish of Life

Book Seven - Etiquette and Ceremonies Entire Book 7 PDF file

Chapter One - Etiquette for Attending God

Section 1. Living in Attendance of God

Section 2. Our Attitude of Attendance

Section 3. True Father's Way of Attending God

Chapter Two - Etiquette for Attending True Parents

Section 1. True Parents are the Center of Blessed Families

Section 2. Let Us Love and Be Proud of True Parents

Section 3. The Manner in Which We Attend True Parents

Chapter Three - Worship Service and Etiquette in Church Life

Section 1. Proper Understanding of the Church

Section 2. Worship Is the Greatest Ceremony that Shows Reverence to God

Section 3. Attitude of a Church Leader

Section 4. Sermons Must Bestow Grace and Inspiration

Section 5. Offering Donations in Accordance with Heavenly Law

Section 6. God Accepts Prayers for the Public Purpose

Section 7. Witnessing Is Searching for True Love

Section 8. Indemnity, Service, and a Life of Dedication

Section 9. Rules and Etiquette among Members

Section 10. Social Relationships

Chapter Four - Tradition and Daily Etiquette of Blessed Families

Section 1. The Daily Etiquette of a Blessed Family

Section 2. The Exemplary Family Life of Faith

Section 3. A Life of Living with True Love

Section 4. Parents Must Establish the Law of Love

Section 5. Proper Behavior between Spouses

Section 6. Raising Children in Faith

Section 7. Love between Siblings

Section 8. Thrift, Diligence, and a Frugal Family Life

Section 9. Proprieties of Daily Living

Section 10. Teachings on Purity

Section 11. A Life of Sanctification

Section 12. Rituals in the Life of Blessed Families

Section 13. Ancestral Rituals for Blessed Families

Section 14. Blessed Family Ceremonies

Section 15. Attitude when Observing Holy Days

Book Eight - Sin and Restoration Through Indemnity Entire Book 8 PDF file

Chapter One - Fundamentals of Indemnification and the Principle of Restoration

Section 1. The Realms of Indirect and Direct Dominion

Section 2. Human Beings Have a Portion of Responsibility

Section 3. Fulfilling Our Portion of Responsibility

Section 4. The Discovery of the Portion of Responsibility and its Significance

Section 5. Our Attitude toward Fulfilling Our Portion of Responsibility

Chapter Two - The Internal Meaning of Sin and the Fall

Section 1. The Fall Means the Father's Place Was Taken by Another

Section 2. Through the Fall Our Lineage Changed to that of Satan
Section 3. Satan Is the Adulterer of God's Love
Section 4. The Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was Eve's Sexual Organ
Section 5. Grief Caused Over the Fall and God's Heart in the Process of Restoration
Section 6. The Blessing of the True Parents and the Restoration of Lineage

Chapter Three - The Formula for Indemnification and Restoration

Section 1. The Works of Rebecca, Tamar and Mary from the Viewpoint of the Restoration of Motherhood
Section 2. The Historical Indemnity Course of True Father
Section 3. The Eight-Stage Indemnity Course and the Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages
Section 4. Restoration of Right of the Eldest Son, Right of the Parent and Right of Kingship
Section 5. Development of the Providence of Restoration and the Mission of the Providential Nations

Chapter Four - The Course of Indemnity and Our Life

Section 1. The Way of Restoration Is the Inevitable Course for Humankind
Section 2. The Foundation of Faith and the Foundation of Substance
Section 3. Why Restoration through Indemnity is Necessary
Section 4. You Must Set Indemnity Conditions Yourself
Section 5. There is No Separation from Satan without the Law of Indemnity
Section 6. Faith Means Keeping the Law of Indemnity
Section 7. The Way of Indemnity is the Way of Absolute Obedience and Absolute Submission

Book Nine – Blessed Family Entire Book 9 PDF file

Chapter One - True Parents and the Blessing

Section 1. The Meaning and Value of the Blessing
Section 2. True Parents, Rebirth, and Transformation of the Lineage
Section 3. Responsibilities of Blessed Families

Chapter Two. True Parents and the History of the Blessing

Section 1. True Parents and the Realm of the Third Israel
Section 2. The History of the Blessed Couples

Chapter Three - The Providential Significance of the Blessed Couples

Section 1. The 36 Couples
Section 2. The 72 Couples
Section 3. The 124 Couples
Section 4. The 430 Couples
Section 5. The 777 Couples
Section 6. The 1800 Couples
Section 7. The 6000 Couples
Section 8. The 6500 Couples
Section 9. The 30,000 Couples

Book Ten - The Way in the Completed Testament Age Entire Book 10 PDF file

Chapter One - A Perspective on Human Life

Section 1. What Is Human Life?
Section 2. Human Beings Are Resultant Beings
Section 3. The Great Value of Human Beings
Section 4. Original Human Nature and the True Lifestyle
Section 5. The Path of True People

Chapter Two - A Perspective on the Family

Section 1. What Is an Ideal Family?
Section 2. The Family Is the Basic Unit of Heaven
Section 3. The Ideal and Value of True Family
Section 4. We Enter Heaven as a Family
Section 5. The Family Pledge

Chapter Three - A Perspective on the Nation and the World

Section 1. The One Nation and World Sought by Humankind
Section 2. Characteristics of an Ideal Society, Nation and World
Section 3. The Way of True Love is the Central Ideology of Humankind
Section 4. The Future of the Democratic and Communist Worlds
Section 5. When God-centered Sovereignty Is Restored

Chapter Four - The Way in the Completed Testament Age

Section 1. The Settlement of the Victorious Domain of True Parents
Section 2. Complete Providential Settlement and the Great Proclamation of the True Parents
Section 3. The Seven Great Jardim Declarations and the Establishment of the New Eden
Section 4. The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
Section 5. Crossing Through the Valley of the Fall
Section 6. The Realm of the Fourth Adam Is the Era of Freedom and Autonomy
Section 7. The Royal Family of Love

Book Eleven - The Root of the Universe Entire Book 11 PDF file

Chapter One - Fundamental Order of the Universe

Section 1. The Manifestation of God's Dual Characteristics
Section 2. Subject and Object Partners Comprise the Universe
Section 3. Love Is the Root of the Universe
Section 4. Evolution or Creation?

Chapter Two - The Creation of Humankind and the Perfection of the Ideal of Love

Section 1. The Absolute Value of Love
Section 2. The Sexual Organs Are the Three Great Original Palaces, and the Most Holy Place

Section 3. The Oneness of God and Humankind, and the Perfection of the Ideal of Love

Section 4. The Sexual Organs Are the Greatest Mystery and Interest

Section 5. The Sexual Organs Are the Crossroads to Heaven or Hell

Chapter Three - The Human Fall and Restoration

Section 1. The Internal Significance of the Fall
Section 2. The Results of the Fall

Book Twelve - The Pacific Rim Providence Entire Book 12 PDF file

Chapter One - The Twenty-first Century Is the Oceanic Era

Section 1. The Sea Is a Valuable Storeroom for the Future of Humankind
Section 2. The Ocean Providence Carried Out by True Parents

Chapter Two -- The Ocean Leisure Industry and Hobby Industry

Section 1. The Development of the Ocean Leisure Industry
Section 2. People and the Hobby Life

Chapter Three - The Pacific Rim Era and the Inauguration of the Island Nations Federation

Section 1. Now is the Pacific Rim era
Section 2. Inauguration of the Federation of Island Nations
Section 3. The Ocean Providence Centering on Hawaii

Chapter Four -- Ocean Civilizations Seen from the Viewpoint of God's Providence

Section 1. The History of Human Civilization and Trends in its Development
Section 2. The Significance of Island Civilization
Section 3. Japan's Mission as the Eve Nation

Chapter Five -- All Civilizations Will Come to Fruition on the Peninsula

Section 1. The Peninsular Civilization and Korea
Section 2. The Providential Mission of the Korean Peninsula

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God’s Homeland Entire Book 13PDF file

Chapter 1. The Restoration of the True God's Homeland

Section 1. The Homeland that the True God Desires
Section 2. We Must Find Our Homeland
Section 3. The Standard Bearers for the Restoration of Our Homeland
Section 4. Soldiers for the Independence of Our Homeland
Section 5. The Restoration of Our Homeland through True Love
Section 6. Our Conviction and Attitude for the Restoration of Our Homeland

Chapter 2. Home Church as the Internal Foundation of the Providence

Section 1. What Is Home Church?
Section 2. The Beginning of Home Church Activities
Section 3. The Development of Home Church Activities
Section 4. Completing Home Church through the 360 Homes

Chapter 3. Why We Must Do Tong Ban Gyeokpa (Local Breakthrough) Activities

Section 1. The Reason We Are Doing Tong Ban Gyeokpa Again
Section 2. The Local Level Is the Last Fortress of Victory and Defeat
Section 3. The Tong-ban Movement Is the Strategy to Unite North and South Korea.
Section 4. The Tong-ban Breakthrough Must be Centered on Families
Section 5. Organizational Expansion of Tong-ban Activities
Section 6. The Unification Movement and the Role of Women

Chapter 4. Be Active as Tribal Messiahs

Section 1. Now is the Time for the Unification of North, South, East, and West
Section 2. The Significance of the Tribal Messiah Proclamation
Section 3. The Reason for Giving the Tribal Messiah Responsibility
Section 4. Let Us Plant Our True Heart in the Original Homeland
Section 5. Our Task for This Time Period

Chapter 5. Our Attitude towards Making a New Start

Section 1. Determination for a New Start
Section 2. The Attitude to Inherit True Parents' Tradition
Section 3. Let Us Plant True Love
Section 4. Plant the Root of Love in Your Hometown
Section 5. The Cooperation of the Spirit World and Our Conviction
Section 6. Our Original Hometown and the Way to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 6. True Parents' Textbook for the Unification of Korea and the World

Section 1. World Unification and the Unification of North and South Korea through True Love
Section 2. The Cosmos is Our Hometown and Homeland
Section 3. Everybody Wants True Love
Section 4. The Path for America and Humanity in the Last Days
Section 5. The Course of Life for the Princes and Princesses of God

Book Fourteen - A Life of True Filial Piety Entire Book 14 PDF file

Chapter One - The Meaning of Loyalty and Filial Piety

Section 1. Loyalty and Filial Piety Are the Central Thought of Koreans

Section 2. Saints and Divine Sons and Daughters of Perfect Loyalty and Filial Piety

Chapter Two - True Loyalty and Filial Piety

Section 1. True Loyalty and Filial Piety Means Taking Initiative in Difficulty

Section 2. True Loyalty and Filial Piety Establish the Family and Perfect the Parents and the Nation

Section 3. True Loyalty and Filial Piety Is Being Obedient and Loving Others

Chapter Three - The Way of Loyalty and Filial Piety

Section 1. Genuine Loyalty and Filial Piety Demands the Cost of Your Life
Section 2. True Loyalty and Filial Piety that Anticipates the Needs of Others
Section 3. The True and Unconditional Filial Child

Chapter Four - Loyalty and Filial Piety Toward God

Section 1. God's Hope
Section 2. Absolute Loyalty and Filial Piety that Moves God
Section 3. The Loyalty and Filial Piety of Jesus

Chapter Five - The Inseparability of Filial Piety, Loyalty and Religion

Chapter Six - Our Level of Loyalty, Filial Piety and True Love Determine Our Path to Heaven or Hell

Chapter Seven - God and True Parents

Section 1. True Parents Are the Model of Loyalty and Filial Piety
Section 2. Loyalty to True Parents Is Loyalty to God

Book Fifteen - The Life of an Owner of Cheon Il Guk Entire Book 15 PDF file

Chapter One - God's True Love Is the Motivating Force for the Creation

Section 1. True Love is at the Center of God's Desire

Section 2. True Love for the Sake of Attaining Oneness with God and True Parents

Section 3. The Absolute Object of God's Love Are Our First Ancestors, Adam and Eve

Section 4. True Family Is the Primary Platform of True Love

Chapter Two - God's Kingdom and the True Family

Section 1. God's Ideal of Creation Is the Realization of the Four-Position Foundation and the True Family

Section 2. True Families Produce the Citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven

Section 3. Citizens of God's Kingdom are Educated in True Families

Section 4. Heaven is Based On True Families

Chapter Three - God and True Parents

Section 1. True Parents: The Cherished Hope of God and Humanity

Section 2. God the Vertical Parent, True Parents the Horizontal Parent

Section 3. True Parents Who Liberate God

Section 4. True Parents Are the Way to Heaven

Chapter Four The Way of Becoming Citizens of Cheon Il Guk

Section 1. God's Hope for Humankind

Section 2. Cheon Il Guk, Our Original Homeland

Section 3. Qualifications for Becoming Citizens of Cheon Il Guk

Section 4. Witness in Order to Win the Heavenly Right of Ownership

Section 5. Life of Owners of Cheon Il Guk

Section 6. Inheriting the Realm of Victory of the Cosmic True Parent and the True Parents of Heaven and Earth

Section 7. The Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony and the Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families

Book Sixteen - True Families And The Family Pledge Entire Book 16 PDF file

Chapter One - The Family Pledge: Declaration and Preconditions

Section 1. The Background to the Family Pledge

Section 2. The Meaning and Value of the Family Pledge

Section 3. The Family Pledge and the Tradition of the Blessed Families

Chapter Two - Explanation of the Family Pledge

Section 1. Explanation of Family Pledge Number One

Section 2. Explanation of Family Pledge Number Two

Section 3. Explanation of Family Pledge Number Three

Section 4. Explanation of Family Pledge Number Four

Section 5. Explanation of Family Pledge Number Five

Section 6. Explanation of Family Pledge Number Six

Section 7. Explanation of Family Pledge Number Seven

Section 8. Explanation of Family Pledge Number Eight

Appendices Appendices PDF file


Note on the References

Cheon Seong Gyeong – Selections from the Speeches of True Parents - Family Federation for World Peace and Unification)

Published June 13, 2006
Publisher: Hwang Sun-jo

Important note: The versions of the Cheon Seong Gyeong posted here are NOT identical with the English language Cheon Seong Gyeong book. The versions posted here are NOT the official version of the Cheon Seong Gyeong and may contain errors or inaccuracies. Therefore the versions posted here CANNOT be used or thought of as an official rendering, source for doctrine, or used for authoritative quotes.

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