Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon |
Our real father is God, but Satan usurped the father's role. Therefore, Jesus said, "You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires." Knowing the deplorable fact that you carry Satan's blood, out of shame you should have the courage to put yourself through trials to rid yourself of that stained, false blood. Have you ever thought of doing so? If you are someone who strikes your body with fury saying, "You lump of flesh!" you are a loyal citizen of heaven. (11-243, 1961.10.29)
The religion that can connect with the ultimate world of heart should be one that can teach us in detail about God's most sorrowful state. God is not just feeling happy and wonderful; on the contrary, His plight is a deeply sad one. He has been mistreated and is overflowing with bitter grief. A religion must appear that can teach these things in detail. Only then can we become God's filial children. (151- 102, 1962.10.28)
How grieved God was that His enemy deprived Him of His throne! You should know His history of sorrow at not being able to become the God of glory. Although He is the King of His nation and King of the universe, He has been mistreated as if He were dead. He was robbed of His ideal and His loving children and our world has fully become His enemy's plaything. (105-199, 1979.10.21)
Because there has never been a unified people or sovereign nation that God could govern, He could never manifest His authority and dignity as the all-knowing and almighty God. We have to know clearly our obligation as the sons and daughters, children of filial piety, loyal patriots and upright men and women of the Unification Movement, to relieve God's distress and comfort His sorrowful heart. Jesus said, "You will know the truth and the truth will make you free"! Those who know will be liberated! I am teaching this to you clearly. (56-327, 1972.5.18)
How many tears have you shed for God? Have you ever struggled to seek out the path upon which you would suffer God's own pain and toil on His behalf, even though your own limbs might be torn off? You have never tried. In seeking to become God's children, you have to shed tears for the purpose of the whole. When you meet Him, your tears should gush out without ceasing as you comfort Him, saying, "Father, how great was Your sorrow upon losing me, Your son, and our first ancestors! Too many times throughout history until the present day have You suffered humiliation, pain and extreme hardship from their descendants!"
God could have judged the entire world and even Satan by His all-knowing and almighty authority. Our hearts break when we think of God crying out over the fact that even though He has toiled so long and is capable of pronouncing judgment, He still could not do so even if He wanted to. Our hearts break when we understand God's lonely, desolate position, not surrounded by the environment that should have existed, accused by Satan, robbed of His rightful place by the satanic world... How much have you wept in sympathy with God's situation? It all comes down to this. (51-111, 1971.11.18)
No parents in the world would want their son or daughter to die, even if he or she were hanged for a crime. If saving the child is even remotely possible, the parental heart will seek out the way, even a hundred or a thousand times. This is especially true for mothers. If this is the heart of all parents in the fallen world, why on earth does the all-knowing and all-powerful God have to exercise judgment in the Last Days? Why can God not pardon humankind? How great is God's love? If Jesus forgives people seventy times seven times, God has to forgive seventy times seven thousand times. That is God's heart. (48-235, 1971.9.19)
God's providence of salvation is the providence of restoration. It started from Adam and Eve because they were the perpetrators of the Fall. Adam was not restored until I appeared on earth. In the course of carrying out restoration and to seek out one man, God, the almighty and all-knowing Creator of the universe has been unable to show His face for millions of years. You must know both God's love and His deep grief. (237-27, 1992.11.10)
What is God's will? It is the fulfillment of the ideal of creation. Furthermore, it is to realize the ideal of three object partners in our world. God will say, "How happy I am!" when this ideal is realized based on His love. What enables God to be happy? Today, all Christians think that the all-knowing and almighty God sits on His throne as the Lord of lords and everything proceeds according to His command. But in fact how very miserable God has been at finding Himself constantly alone. (170-95, 1987.11.8)
Who knew the miserable mind and heart of God who had to turn a blind eye to the death of His beloved son, Jesus? The origin and circumstances are not recorded in the Bible, but wasn't there something that made God unable to avoid His son's death? How miserable it is to merely gather just like that, claiming to believe in Jesus of Christianity! God has to stand on the side of the chosen people. Even so, seeing that they faced suffering and persecution wherever they went -- shedding their blood, being decapitated or boiled in oil -- we might ask, "Couldn't God have prevented this?" How grievous and distressed God has been when He could not exercise His almighty power! Have you ever thought about that? How can we say that God is most high? It will be good when this can be clearly explained. (64-222, 1972.11.12)
We naturally want to protect our beloved at the risk of our lives. It is the original ideal of creation to do so. The same is true for God Himself, who loves His children. He is a sorrowful God who has had to invest His very life. (206- 24, 1990.10.3)
If Adam and Eve had not fallen, God the Creator would have been the eternal Lord. But due to the Fall, Satan became the lord of the world. This became unavoidable. If a girl of noble birth, who was raised within the walls of her house, is violated by an intruder, to whom is she bound? She will be bound to him. This is what happened with the Fall.
Adam could have been the king of heaven and Eve his queen. To restore these original positions requires following the principle of creation. God laid down the law of eternal love centered on Adam and Eve from the outset, so it has to be observed. To deny this law would require the destruction of the heavenly law. If this heavenly law that God Himself set up is denied, humankind and even God Himself as the absolute Creator can be denied. That is why God had to bring order through the course of re-creation. Who has known about this painful course of history? (207-272, 1990.11.11)
Christians today think of God as a glorious judge dispatching people to hell or heaven. But God is the most miserable of all in the world. He has bitterly struggled to overcome what made the luminous heaven and earth fall into the darkness of hell. After God regained His composure, opened His eyes and regained full consciousness, He was intent on giving rebirth to His dead children. Through the efforts made by the Lord of Creation, through the absolute Creator exercising His power, this was possible. Otherwise, it would all have ended. (232-114, 1992.7.3)
What kind of being is God? He is the original True Parent. But His position as the True Parent was usurped, and this resulted in something occurring that had nothing to do with the original ideal of creation. God as the Creator could not interfere with or bear responsibility for digesting an event that could not have happened in the original world of creation. (240-164, 1992.12.13)
According to the Unification Church, what is the original sin? It is love gone wrong. Our love should have been connected to God's love, life and lineage. Instead, it was connected to satanic love, life and lineage. Because Adam and Eve became the personifications of the devil and left behind the satanic lineage, they produced lasting regret in history. Why was the all-knowing, all-powerful God of autonomous authority, who created heaven and earth from its root, so helpless in the face of the evil being who brought human beings to the state they are in today? If you do not know, it may seem natural for you to deny the existence of God. (211-21, 1990.12.28)
In my background there were many incidents that evoked indignation at unjust treatment. Although many were very terrible to endure, I clenched my teeth and focused on occupying Cain's world. I had to digest the Cain world rather than merely Cain as an individual and his family. How bitter this has been! It was as if I had to melt something as frigid and huge as an iceberg. Digesting this bitterness, I have had to silently bring Satan to submission. He has been our arch enemy since time immemorial. He brought God and humankind to ruin. (163-163, 1987.5.1)
Satan became the father of the first ancestors of fallen humankind. They received Satan's love and life, and thus the history of their restoration has been so difficult. Why did God, whom Christians have always understood to be almighty and all-knowing, not intervene in the Fall, rather than just standing powerless? It appeared as though He had died. God cannot liberate human beings until they themselves establish the conditions for their liberation, because it was they who committed sin. If God had been able to liberate Adam and Eve at the outset, He would not have driven them out from the Garden of Eden. If He could have done as He pleased, He would not have expelled them. But He had no recourse but to send them away. (224-46, 1991.11.21)
We should have the true heart that God seeks. God comes to find true love. Should there not be a true son whom God has sought throughout the providence of salvation and restoration? The cascade of pure love from such a son would enable God, who had been defiled, wounded and filled with sorrow, to extend His chest in pride. Could we not imagine a situation where God would embrace that true son, forget everything, and even say that, although the Fall had occurred, He could still find no greater joy? Every man should be able to say that. (127-39, 1983.5.1)
Satan scornfully says to God, "The lineage of love that was needed to create one true tribal domain, the ideal of an absolute realm of love centering on Your ideal of creation, was ruined and destroyed in this way. Yet do You still insist that the ideal principle of creation can be applied?" How should God respond to that? How shocked He is! How many Christians are there who clearly understand God's grievous heart as He sees human, beings, who were originally to become the children of the Lord, become the children of the enemy, trapped in an inescapable state of misery? (200-235, 1990.2.25)
The parent of humankind came, but the people could not attend him as their parent. Could there be such a parent who came to shed blood and die for them? That parent came to host a festival of love at which he could say, "My son! My daughter! My family! My nation!" and the entire universe could reconcile. That parent who was to receive praise for that day of peace and glory should have met his lost children. Yet instead he was killed with the thrust of a blade from those children. Think about how miserable Jesus was. How grieved God was to be choked in circumstances that prevented Him from teaching ignorant human beings! (145-152, 1986.5.1)
I have sorrow and regret from times past. But my pain and grief are nothing compared to God's. God has not been able to fulfill His role as God. We should know that God's bitter tears which melt the marrow of His bones, and His bloodstains that spread throughout the course of history are crying out from the ground. I have been doing this work because I know that my remaining mission is to liberate God from His anguish. (137-175, 1986.1.1)
God is responsible for the fallen world and has been restoring it. He does not just dwell in a lofty, precious, holy, and pristine place. His wretched, bitter and brutal situation is beyond our imagination and beyond description. (21-73, 1968.10.14)
You can be consoled by someone with more reasons to be resentful than you have, but God has no one to comfort Him because He has more grievances than anyone in the world. God is the Alpha and Omega. Thus, deep within Himself, God is working out how to resolve His ongoing bitterness. This has been God's deep, inner anguish. Under these circumstances God has carried out the providence of restoration. (29-294, 1970.3.12)
Have you ever cried, longing to see God? Have you ever cried until your vocal cords ruptured and fluid streamed from your eyes and nose? Have you ever felt so mistreated and sorrowful that tears come to your eyes this way? This experience is crucial for entering the world of heart. (49-291, 1971.10.17)
How resentful, grieved, angered and saddened God became when He was separated from human beings, who should have been with Him permanently! People should have grown to maturity, building the foundation of love that cannot be exchanged for the entire universe. They should have established an axis joining all the vertical and horizontal planes in the universe together.
If they had accomplished this, they would have become the standard measure of love among all existing beings and among all things of creation in heaven and on earth. Whatever is connected to that love will be able to match this standard in any circumstances. (149-240, 1986.11.23)
Satan trampled upon four generations, from the queen to the queen's mother and grandmother, and the queen's daughter. These four generations lived together. Satan stripped them naked in front of the King in broad daylight, violated and killed them all. Satan even trampled on the daughter. We should know the heart of God who is unable to take vengeance on such an enemy. (200-68, 1990.2.23)
What is it that God regrets? It is that humanity inherited a false lineage. You inherited false blood. Satan is the origin of this. He always wants to create havoc with all things of creation. You are connected to such a universe, such rights of ownership and such a lineage. The sources of all these five functions -- what you see, think, smell, say, and touch -- belong to the satanic side.
Your ancestors are the fruits of a very evil parent. How much distress God experiences in His yearning to save them! Why could God not simply get rid of fallen Adam and Eve and create them anew? He had the power to do this, but because He originally created within an eternal relationship based on eternal true love, God could not do so. (216-36, 1991.3.3)
You should know how miserable and bitterly painful God's situation is. God can say, "If I had not made humanity, they would not have become the way they are. How could this happen when I was searching for love and longing for the glorious Kingdom of Heaven!" How could this happen? It was because they inherited the devil's flesh and blood. The devil's love was implanted, along with the roots of his life and lineage. God could not possess humanity without removing these things, but if He did remove them they would die. Therefore, God had to set up a substitute as a second creation or medium of salvation through an infusion of new blood, life, and love. God should love the enemy. He has to be patient with and love His enemy. (212-42, 1991.1.1)
Did God ever have time to rest just because the sun rose or the weather and season were nice? You should follow His example. You should also love the enemy, Satan, who is hiding in the world. If you know the wonderful value of God's son and worship his holiness, in light of that value you should follow the path of loving the great enemy, although it would be miserable, bitterly difficult and painful. (127-119, 1983.5.5)