Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon |
We were not born of our own free will, or as a result of plans drawn up by our parents to have a particular son or daughter. Thus, we were not born at the request of our parents. If we were to research further into the origins of our existence based on God's providence, there would be no other way than to conclude that we are in accord with the origin of the providence, and were born on earth to bear the important responsibility of forming a relationship with the ever-shifting history based on that origin. Therefore, although each individual seems small in the process of history, it does not mean that we will end up as nothing more than small insignificant beings. (34-155, 1970.9.6)
Where is the origin through which human beings can connect their births and themselves? Faced with the principles of this great universe, where should they begin to look to find the origin that they can claim to be theirs? Born as resultant beings, those who do not know the causal being, but who yet assert themselves as wise, are all out of their minds (83-191, 1976.2.8)
There is a very simple answer to the questions: "Why were we born?" "Why did God create humankind?" "Why did He create all things of creation?" God requires an object of His love, and thus He created human beings in order to fulfill this.
At this moment aren't you thinking, "I am worthless; therefore, it would not matter whether I continued to live or not"? Yet there is no reason for you to think in this way. Being the object of God's love is like being loved by your parents; they do not love only their more capable children. They love all of their children equally regardless of their capability. Similarly, parents with disabled children ache more for them.
God, who is the center of heaven and earth, has a heart of love that transcends the limits of our capabilities. What is most important is whether you can manifest love through your original nature. Hence, you need to know why you were created and why the whole universe came into being. You need to know that you, as well as the whole universe, were created to realize the ideal of love. (130-44, 1983.12.11)
Why did God create the whole universe, and why did He create us? It was for love. Why were we born? We were born due to God's love. We were born from His love and destined to live in His love. To become a person who can claim to be loved by your family, your society, your nation, and the world, as well as by God, you would first need to live in His love. (97-266, 1978.3.19)
What was it that you were born with as an endowment from your parents? It can be said that you were born as the connectors of life. At the place where your mother and father united, you were born with the value of the vital force of both parents within you. That vital force exists for love, and that force and love exist to fulfill the purpose of the universe. That is how it is. In short, you were born to fulfill an overall purpose. Whether man or woman, everyone is born from the union based on the vital force in order to perfect themselves as co-creators in fulfilling the great purpose of the universe. (110-72, 1980.11.9)
Why were we born? For what purpose were we born? It was for God's love. According to the nature of that love, if we were to go "boom!" here, God would feel a "ting!" directly on His head. If you throw something into the middle of a pond, "plop!" ripples would spread out to the edges of the pond. In the same way, if you were to cast love into the center of the universe, "phut!" the ripples would spread out to all corners of the universe. Such is the work we are doing. The question is through what you can create great ripples. (103-254, 1979.3.4)
Who is God? He is the Creator. Who is the Creator? The religious world conceives of God as our Father and us as His children. What kind of a father is He? In what way is He our Father? It gets rather vague after that. Is He a foster father, a father from the next town, or an adoptive father? What sort of parent is He? Is He the father of a groom or a bride? The word "father" has various meanings. Without solving this fundamental problem, however deep or wide you delved into the world to solve it, you would never find the solution. Even after tens of thousands of years, you would not be any nearer the solution than you are now.
The answer lies in the relationship between humankind and God. Let us say that He is our Father; have you ever felt that He is indeed your Father? Before you existed, your father and mother already existed. Based on this premise, it follows that before you can claim to exist, you should first claim that your parents exist. That is only right. Asserting your existence and leaving out your parents is foolish. (188-190, 1989.2.26)
Human beings are not the first or causal beings. They are the second or resultant beings. Hence, before speaking of yourself, you should first affirm the existence of your mother and father. From this point of view, is it not obvious that you should first settle the fundamental question of God as the Origin of the universe? If you were to go further than your mother and father up your genealogy, would you not eventually arrive at God? Following this logic, before you can assert yourself you need to reach a conclusion with regard to God and His nature, that He is our Father, and that as such He has a certain type of character. That is why the Unification Church is teaching you this. (188-190, 1989.2.26)
You need to comprehend properly the original starting point of human life. As resultant beings, human beings need to conform to the causal starting point. Although you need to conform to that causal point, it cannot be devoid of content. Since God also possesses human character, all people have within them the God-given faculties of intellect, emotion, and will. That is why the motive of His love should be greater than its substance of the origin. It must also be absolute. If something starts out wrong, its path can never be rectified. (172-32, 1988.1.3)
God is the first Cause of the universe and the Creator of everything under the sun. He is also our beloved Father. He made all the things of creation in order to fulfill His unique will. His purpose lies in the manifestation of love. Though He may be the Origin of true love and omnipotent, He cannot feel the joy of love by Himself. He needs an object for His love, and desires to receive voluntary love in return. The culmination of all the creation, created to be in the highest position, is man and woman. Consequently, we have a purpose in our life. That purpose requires our becoming mature and realizing a relationship of eternal true love with Him. This is the fundamental principle through which harmony can be achieved between Him and us. (166-131, 1987.6.1)
It may be important to live in affluence and to do something in life; however, before anything else, you need to fulfill your duties of filial piety and loyalty to the vertical Heavenly Parent and surpass living saints in your devotion to Him. Such is the original purpose for humankind's birth. He created us in order to meet such people. Such is our underlying purpose. (58-231, 1972.6.11)
Where is the righteous path in life? From where did human beings originate? They were born from love; then what path should they follow in life? It is that of love. For what should they die? The logical conclusion is love. What kind of love is that? It is that which can be welcomed by the macrocosm, not just the microcosm. The purpose of life can be perceived as originating in the heart of the macrocosm and approved by God, the angelic world, all creation, all people, and our parents. That purpose is to live in the universe, to love in it, and to die in it. (83-164, 1976.2.8)
When people are pleased about something, they wish to share their joy with their parents, siblings, and relatives. Pleasure brings about happiness. Happiness is eternal, and what is eternal is the heart of love. What is the center of the universe? It is parents and children, that is, parents and us. It is God and us. God is our Father and we are His children. Our ultimate purpose in life is to find our Father and to feel infinite joy by forming an inseparable relationship with Him. (12-104, 1962.12.16)
Once I was walking down the street and happened to strike up a conversation with an old man. I asked him, "Where are you going?" and he answered, "Where else, where else but my son's home?" I then asked, "Is that so, what will you do when you get there?" and he replied, "I will eat whatever is placed before me, and if they are so good as to serve me chicken, I will relish having some of that too." I questioned him once more, "What will you do after you have had your meal?" and this is the answer he gave, "Nothing much." Do we have to spend our lives like this? (19-289, 1968.3.10)
When balancing the ledger of a store, you have to calculate revenue and expenditure accurately. In balancing the accounts of a mere store, you have to exercise care. However, do you pay as much attention when you balance the accounts of your life? Have you ever even tried to balance the accounts of your life? Have you gone into the red, or are you in the black? If you see red ink, you should lament most grievously.
People should be able to sing for joy on their deathbed. If you find yourself struggling to accept the reality of death when face it, that struggle only goes to show that you have lived a life in the red. We should lead our lives in the black in the realm of heart, based on the absolute standard. (19-289, 1968.3.10)
For whom do people live? If you were to answer, "For myself," you would get a failing mark. Could a family sustain itself through those who live only for themselves? They could not form a family of hope. Could a nation sustain itself through them? It could not. Can the world sustain itself through them? It could not. There would be no place for the world in their lives. The public mind of heaven and earth would reprimand them, "You individualistic villains! Get out of here!" If people always put themselves first, will there be a place for their families? Would there be a place for an ideal nation? Could they enter through a hole that is even narrower than the tip of a knife? However much they tried, they could never enter through such a small space. (57-66, 1972.5.28)
You should understand love. The purpose for every existence is love. You must keep this unchanging principle in your heart that tells you to pursue love and exist for love. Birds fly around, chirping, delighting in each other's company, all because of love, and the positive and negative poles of magnets attract each other and stick fast, all because they want to become one in love. People always seek to meet their other half to become one with them. (67-159, 1973.6.1)
How should we lead our lives? From where and for what purpose were we brought into existence, and how should we live? The answer is simple. Since we were born of the love based on God and because of love, we should seek out the path of love, and follow it to its destination. In this manner, we can continue moving in an endless cycle. Love is an eternal concept, and therefore we will ultimately arrive at the center in our search for love. This can only be realized through love. (125-65, 1983.3.6)
The life we are leading on earth is not for our own sake. We are living for the sake of God's love. For that purpose, we are in a continuous state of action and existence. How splendid that is! Those who lead such a life can never be brought to ruin. Hardships, tears and misery would not make us miserable, bitter, or sad because we would be enduring them all for the love of God. You should understand this principle. (67-159, 1973.6.1)
For what purpose are we living? Absolute true love! Let us live for true love! Everything is included in it. Even the handkerchief in my pocket exists for love. I work and sweat for love, for the sake of true love. I speak for true love, I eat for true love, I play for true love; in fact, everything is for true love. (107-205, 1980.5.1)
What should be the purpose of humankind? Rather than setting the purpose as an individual, a family, a social organization, a nation, the world, or heaven and earth, human beings should progress towards the common goal of God and humankind centered on Him.
Then what would be the ultimate purpose? That which is based on the individual, family, society, nation, or world is sure to drift away. What remains at the very end, after everything else is gone, would be the purpose pursued jointly by God and humankind. Only such a purpose, and no other, can remain to the final day of history. (41-323, 1971.2.18)
What is the final destination where your minds settle in the end? Even when you have found God and made Him yours, you would not try to rest your mind there. The final destination of your mind would be the place where you have taken possession of God and His love. Thus, if you fail to possess His love, everything will be in vain. (24-17, 1969.6.22)
Regarding the final purpose of life, the question is not whether we can meet with God, the Center of heaven. It is whether we are living together with Him. The question lies in where we would meet Him, if we were to do so. If we were to live with Him, what sort of a place would that be? In short, we need to meet Him and live with Him at the central place, and that is the place of His love. That is why the greatest aspiration of the human conscience is to follow heavenly fortune, to become one with God, and to possess His love. That is the conclusion. (24-17, 1969.6.22)
The final desire of human beings is to become the object of love to the greatest being, who is our Father, and at the same time, God. (65-46, 1972.11.13)
Originally, all people, regardless of who they may be, were endowed with the privilege of being born as the crown princes and princesses in God's Kingdom. Such is their value. Such was the dignity of human beings as originally intended. (68-326, 1973.8.5)
Once they establish a relationship of heart with Him, everyone can become God's children. The value of human beings does not depend on their cultural backgrounds, historical environments, or current situations. Nothing on earth can determine the value of human beings. What determines their value is whether they know God, His purpose, the purpose of human beings, and the purposes of all the things of creation. (15-83, 1965.9.29)
We need to search for a new set of values upon which to base our lives. We need to seek new values with regard to the world, humankind, ideology, and love. When that set of values begins to take shape in accordance with God's will, its matrix will be completely different from the current set of values established through human will. (44-227, 1971.5.23)
In this world of today, we need a definite set of values that go beyond the worldly view. The Unification Church has placed God at the center of a new set of values. Our aim is not just to return to the world, the ideal world. We are arguing that we should return to God. If we fail to return to Him, there can be no ideal world of happiness, eternity, and love. This is because the primary factors of happiness, every situation we desire, can only begin from God. For this reason, we need to return to Him. Therefore, you must understand that institutions of religion emerged in history, yearning for and in pursuit of this primary need. (68-138, 1973.7.29)
The Unification Church is presenting the world with absolute values, and at the same time, True Parents. Where is the final destination of the standard of absolute values, the one desired by everyone? It is to become sons and daughters of True Parents. It is to become God's children, who can harbor eternal life and love. There is no other way. At the time of the Fall, Adam and Eve did not establish their conjugal relationship with God's permission. They did so of their own accord. The only relationship that began with God's consent was that between father and son. Yet, that was shattered, and therefore needs to be restored and rectified. (68-138, 1973.7.29)