Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon |
Our family, the owner of Cheon II Guk, pledges, through living for the sake of others, to perfect the world based on the culture of heart, which is rooted in the original lineage, by centering on true love.
Pledge number seven of the Family Pledge is important, although it is simple. The phrases, "Our family... rooted in the original lineage... centering on true love" are talking about inheriting the original lineage of Adam who does not have fallen lineage, which has nothing to do with the Fall.
Then, it continues, "Our family... pledges to perfect the world based on the culture of heart, which is rooted in the original lineage..." Our world is to be a world based on the culture of heart. We are to be the Unification Family, one family, centered on the unique love of God. Without being high and low, all five races are to live as one family. Such a time is coming in the future. (261-93, 1994.5.22)
It is the original lineage centered on God. If we inherit this original lineage, the original culture of heart arises. Where the original lineage is lost, the culture of heart does not emerge. Culture is linked through history. The culture of heart should be a network of the family, society, nation, and world. "Our family... pledges to perfect the world based on the culture of heart, which is rooted in the original lineage..." This means that the issue is how to leave a pure lineage behind. Otherwise, our world based on the culture of heart is not realized.
Unless the world based on the culture of heart is established, the immense Kingdom of Heaven, where we are to live with the prepared foundation of heart, is cut off. For this reason, we should live a life based on the realm of the culture of heart. (260-305, 1994.5.19)
What is the original lineage? Centering on Adam and Eve, you should bequeath the lineage of the pure direct children of the True Parents in such a way that it will last for thousands of years. The environment we live in is extremely impure. Yet, keeping your fidelity and chastity, you can come to the place where you can receive all the highest blessings even amidst such an impure environment. This is the, special right that can be given by Rev. Moon alone. No one else can do it. No one else is the fundamental root of the lineage. (291-181, 1998.3.11)
The original lineage is no longer a fallen lineage. It is a lineage that has severed itself from Satan's lineage and restored the Fall through indemnity. It is the result of engrafting. When pulled out from the fallen root and engrafted to the true root, the third generation will receive the seeds of the original lineage. The seeds from the engrafted tree should become original true olive trees.
For this, three generations have to pass. Are you confident? This is serious. You are wild olive trees, aren't you? Wild olive trees are to be engrafted; they cannot go back and be born from their mother's womb. After going through three generations, when sowing the seeds harvested from there, they should come out as true olive trees. Three ages must pass. This is serious. (301-85, 1999.4.16)
In the Unification Church, the most important thing is not to defile the original lineage. That means your descendants should not defile their lineage in the same way that Adam and Eve did when they fell. The pledge affirms, "Our family pledges... to perfect the world based on the culture of heart, which is rooted in the original lineage..." (260-196, 1994.5.8)
Just one mistake by Eve destroyed the original lineage, and it was regained only by fulfilling countless conditions of indemnity over the ages. It is dreadful to think of the suffering. The relationship of a man and a woman is truly a fearful thing. (290-312, 1998.3.4)
We are returning to the original state. That is what number seven of the Family Pledge is about. The original lineage is a lineage centered on God. It is saying that we build the world based on the culture of heart through living for the sake of others, which is rooted in the original lineage. We should leave a clean lineage for thousands of generations. The Fall, committed by a man and a woman in one careless moment, has brought about this our world history, and it has created our world in both the spiritual and physical realms. What shall we do about this? (292-320, 1998.4.27)
What is the original lineage? It is not a fallen lineage. You are husbands and wives connected to the fallen lineage, aren't you? No matter how proud you are of yourself, you cannot deny it.
God is connected to the unfallen, original lineage. From now on, we will have to create the world based on the culture of heart through living for the sake of others. God has not been able to do this. Since He has been unable to establish the realm of the original lineage so that people can live for the sake of others on earth -- which is the core of the ideal of creation -- the world of heart is instead connected to eternal hell. In turning this around to the direction of the Kingdom of Heaven, we have to bring it back to its original form. (297-312, 1998.12.22)
The original lineage centering on love. The lineage! The Blessed Families of the Unification Church should make special devoted efforts to become the first generation ancestors so that their descendants will not be defiled for thousands of years to come. From their generation on, no Fall can be tolerated. If they were to fall, they would not be forgiven because they would become a representative family who has fallen on the global scope, which is hundreds of times more serious than the first Fall.
Such a fearful age is coming. That is why I cannot say these words. Right now, I cannot say conclusive words. God cannot face sons and daughters born to fallen Blessed families. This is the sin of all sins, and therefore, God just cannot face them, even if they were put upside down in hell. You should know that when it comes to the love of a man and a woman, veering from the path brings fearsome consequences. (261-93, 1994.5.22)
Number seven of the Family Pledge says, "...to perfect the world based on the culture of heart, which is rooted in the original lineage..." There is something to be added: "through living for the sake of others." Through living for the sake of others, we are to perfect the world based on the culture of heart, which is rooted in the original lineage..." We need to add the phrase "through living for the sake of others." Living for the sake of others alone could be vague. So, we are to perfect the world based on the culture of heart through our concrete daily life -- individual life, family life, and life in the larger society. (297-209, 1998.11.20)
"Through living for the sake of others... rooted in the original lineage, by centering on true love." It is love that serves. You should be able to feel love. It is something holy. You should be able to govern love. You should not do things as you please. We build a world based on the culture of heart through living for the sake of others. What is the world based on the culture of heart? It is the world based on the culture of God's love; we are pursuing the original world culture. It is the world of culture where there is no love to which true love is not related. (304-273, 1999.11.9)
I know that many of you think that they do not want to be under the dominion of anyone else, no matter what. However, until now, people have not been able to fathom even in their dreams how happy it is to live under the dominion of the one who exists for the sake of others. Looking into the structure of the spirit world, God, the great Master of heaven and earth, is the center of all beings in the whole universe that exist for the sake of others.
For this reason, it would be a great happiness to be governed by Him, but people have not understood how happy this would be. God had to establish the principle of living for the sake of others because He knows that it is here that the ideal realm of unification, where people can be grateful, is established for eternity. (75-322, 1975.1.16)
Be a person who lives for the sake of others. This is the basis of the generation and formation of the cosmos. God exists for the sake of others. Among all things in the cosmos, nothing goes against this. The one who has, in this way, stood in the central and core position of the subject partner, which is the root of the generation, is welcomed by the cosmos, and even by God. Someone like me, Rev. Moon, belongs to this category. You do not feel it substantially because you do not know it. However, even the spirit world is moving with me as the center. You do not know such a world, do you? That is why you are living carelessly. (255-176, 1994.3.10)
Love is not realized when you are alone. Where does love come from? It does not come from us but from our object partner. Because it comes from our object partner, we must bow our head and serve our partner. This is where the heavenly principle, "live for the sake of others," comes from. When something extremely precious comes to us, we should exalt and serve others in order to receive it. We can receive love only when we have realized the philosophy of living for the sake of others. (143-277, 1986. 3.20)
The ones who live for the sake of others, centering on true love, are welcomed, day or night, wherever they go in the cosmos. No matter what, you are, to be displayed in the exhibition hall of the spirit world... The spirit world is a place where a human exhibition is going on. In the spirit world, what kind of life you have lived on earth will be displayed immediately. Do you want to be the last there, or do you want to be one whom everyone praises? Which side? You want to be the one who is praised the most, don't you? To do so, you have to live according to the way I tell you. I am saying that, before trying to be praised the most, you should live for the sake of others to the highest degree. Such people will surely become the central people. (255-179, 1994.3.10)
As for the concept of eternity, this is impossible when you live for your own sake. When you look at things in motion, the bigger the reciprocal force that pushes and pulls, the faster it turns. The reason why God, the King of wisdom, has established the law of living for the sake of others is because we should be eternal. (75-318, 1975.1.16)
The one who lives for the sake of others does not perish. Also, the one who lives for the sake of others will keep being coached by the spirit world. The spirit world will keep helping him make a relationship with new things. Since he makes a relationship with new things, he will naturally become famous and known throughout the world. (292-26, 1998.3.27)
Where is the path whereby we can be one, the path that can be the starting point of peace? The principle had to be established that not only God Himself but also true people live for the sake of others. Hence, true love, the true ideal, true peace, and true happiness are established by living for the sake of others; they cannot be found apart from that. We human beings did not know that this is the root of the creation of heaven and earth. (75-320, 1975.1.16)
People in the world often wonder, "Alas, what is life?" The question is establishing the proper view of life, view of the world, and view of the cosmos. How are we going to establish these? A most serious question is how to place everything in systematic order and connect their dimensional systems. The viewpoint of the principle of living for the sake of others, the most noble view of life, enables us to be happy while existing for the sake of all of humankind, existing for the sake of the whole world, existing for the sake of our nation, our society, our family, our spouse, and our children. There is no higher view of life than this. (75-324, 1975.1.16)
When you join the Unification Church, you are not encouraged to live a good worldly life. However, even if you have lived in utter misery and suffering, and you die and fall on the street so miserably that even dogs do not pay attention to you, there will be a day when flowers will blossom in the place of your death. There, all the holy people will gather around and create a city. My idea is that I drive the Unification Church members to horrible suffering for the sake of the nation and for the sake of the world, and raise you as filial children and patriots. If you refuse to go, I will have to slap you. Even by kicking you, I will have to help you overcome the current misery and the current difficulty. This is love. (49-303, 1971.10.17)
The world based on the culture of heart is the world of the original culture of God, and the world of the culture of perfect Adam, who is not related to the Fall. There are not two cultures; only one. It is the world of unification where there is only one language, one set of customs, habits, and one tradition. You should know that only in such a place can God live together with individuals and in their families. (261-93, 1994.5.22)
Do you understand what the world based on the culture of heart is? It means that the world of God's heart, the world in heaven, the world on earth, and the world of True Parents' heart are all one. That is why we say, "Our family pledges to perfect the world based on the culture of heart..." This is our ideal. The culture should not be two, but one. What shall I say about the fallen world?
Its cultures are complicated and multifarious. Hence, other than through the world based on the culture of heart, there is no way for us to make connections from individuals to the cosmos. The world thus far has been going up and down in a zigzag fashion, and that is why it has not yet been able to reach the final destination, even after thousands of years. Yet in the world based on the culture of heart, we can reach it instantaneously. This is possible only through true love. (260-196, 1994.5.8)
The Pledge says, "Our family pledges... to perfect the world based on the culture of heart, which is rooted in the original lineage, by centering on true love." "Our family... rooted in the original lineage, by centering on true love." It is the original lineage. Lineage is important. Lineage should not change, nor should it be defiled, so that we can complete the formation of the world based on the culture of heart. The culture of heart requires that in all aspects of our life, there should be a philosophy of living for the sake of others in true love. When we say, "the world based on the culture of heart," it refers to "one boundary" representing the whole. It refers to the realm of the heart and the heavenly tribe. (260-156, 1994.5.2)
We should "...perfect the world based on the culture of heart, which is rooted in the original lineage." In other words, Adam and Eve must create a lineage centering on God's pure, true love, unrelated to the Fall. Through this we should form a cultural realm in which Satan cannot exist and God can rejoice. We should build a world based on the culture of heart. Centering on true love, the content of the world based on the culture of heart is one, and its direction is also one. It is one, not two. (266-153, 1994.12.22)
Where the original lineage is lost, no culture of heart can emerge. Culture is linked to history. This should be linked through the family, society, nation, and the world. "Our family... pledges to perfect the world based on the culture of heart, which is rooted in the original lineage..." The question is how to leave a pure lineage behind. If we do not, the world based on the culture of heart is disrupted. Unless the world based on the culture of heart is established, the immense Kingdom of Heaven, where we are to live with a foundation of heart that is already prepared, is cut off from us. For this reason, we should live a life based on the realm of the culture of heart. (260-305, 1994.5.19)
The original lineage is rooted in the lineage of God. This is the world based on the culture of heart. Wherever we go, God comes to visit us. In the world based on the culture of heart, everything expands and harmonizes. When breathing like this, all should breathe the same breath, because even the cells should go along with the same beat.
With respect to God's love, we should be one with the principle of living for the sake of others and serve others. In so doing, we can find the way to glorify God; but we cannot glorify God in asking others to serve us. The world based on the culture of heart is the world of the original culture of God and the world of the culture of perfected Adam, who has nothing to do with the Fall.
In such a world, there are not two cultures; there is only one. Let it be the world of unification such that there is only one language, there is only one set of customs, there is only one set of habits, and there is only one tradition! You should know that only there will God live together with the individual and in families. (261-93, 1994.5.22)
What is the original source of the culture that can be the mainstream or groundwork for the ideal world in the future? What is the culture, which is needed by everyone that can serve as the raw material? It is the culture of heart. It is where parents cannot live without seeing their children, nor can the children live without their parents. We cannot live without our siblings, we cannot live without our people, and we cannot live without our nation. This applies to all levels. So we cannot live without the world, nor can we live without heaven and earth. Such is the culture of heart. Then what does the bright culture dawning in the East refer to? It refers to the culture of heart. From now on, we are to create the world based on heart. (151-29, 1962.10.7)
It will be a culture centered on the families of the True Parents and yours. When we practice true love, we will have a culture centered on the family. The culture of true love does not refer to an individual, but to a family culture. You should live your daily life within the realm of the True Parents' culture, which is the realm of one culture. You should live centering on one culture, one language, and one alphabet.
Lot's wife, who looked back when Sodom and Gomorrah were burning, turned into a pillar of salt. Likewise, when the time comes to burn away all of your culture, if you are still attached to it and look back, you will turn into a pillar of salt. You should know that such an age of a historic turning point is coming. Although you live in the same realm of daily life as the True Parents, if you still do not have the same culture and use the same language and alphabet, there would be nothing that is more shameful. (266-91, 1994.12.18)
If you do not use the unified language, a cultural gap arises as in the past. This is quite a serious problem. The same is true in the spirit world. Habits last eternally, even there. This is how difficult it is to remove old habits. However, this can be corrected on earth. If you develop stronger habits than your old habits, you can overcome them on earth. You must do it right now. Otherwise, you will be in trouble when you go to the spirit world. You will get stuck when you are in the spirit world. (289-208, 1998.1.2)
The coming future world is the world of the new culture of heart and the culture of love based on the true family, where God, human beings, and all things live in harmony. It is the world of interdependence, mutual prosperity, and universally shared values in which people live for the sake of others in true love and live together in harmony and cooperation. The future history is to be one that realizes the dream of "one global family through the ideal of true family" centering on the True Parents, and through the ideal of "humanity as brothers and sisters," transcending races with true love. (288-172, 1997.11.27)
You should live with fun and joy in true love. You should be able to communicate with animals, harmonize with all things, and harmonize with God. Then there will be no such things as national boundaries. There will be no different cultures. It will be the culture of love. Since the culture of love is the culture of hobbies, a life of pursuing hobbies is love.
Loving your spouse and loving your sons and daughters can be extended throughout the scope of the world. All are the expansion of your family and the realm of your object partners, celebrating culture. That is why the world based on the culture of heart where you enjoy yourself is the culture of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. It is the culture of hobbies. Such a culture of hobbies is the original culture of love, unrelated to the Fall. The culture of hobbies is the culture of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. (276-209, 1996.2.24)
The world based on the culture of heart rooted in the original lineage is the world of heart. It is the world where true love is manifested. As we enter the age to manifest the heart and globalize it, the unified world of the culture of heart, the world of the unified culture comes. It is the one world free of wars and strife, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven.
Once the world based on the culture of heart is established, everything is over. All these things are set forth so that your families can enter, on earth, the realm of the royal family of the Heavenly Kingdom as freely as you want. You should know that the contents of the Pledge have been determined with the hope that you can align yourself with all of this. (276-209, 1996.2.24)