World of Peace, Cheon Il Guk"
(Words from the video
shown just before True Mother's speech)
Transcription of the words of True Mother/True Parents:
Even though human beings had sought goodness according to the actions of their consciences all throughout humankind's long history, today we face an indescribably complicated era afflicted with racial problems, religious problems, ideological problems, territorial problems , boundary lines, defense lines and others.
We cannot just sit quietly. We know that God is working hard and not resting in order to conduct the providence.
This problem arose because man deviated from the main track, and the indemnity providence was necessary to enable human being to return to the original track through their own efforts. However, this was a difficult problem for human beings to solve alone.
Through the history of all religions, especially Christianity, the messianic idea came to us as our ultimate expectation. But Jesus, who came two thousand years ago as the begotten son, should have met the begotten daughter, and they should have become True Parents.
The Roman Empire was already prepared to be the realm of kings. It was already prepared to enable Jesus message to be spread throughout the world. But two thousand years of suffering have passed since then. Jesus promised that he would return; and, he promised to hold the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. That means he wanted to become the True Parent that gives new life and resurrects fallen human beings as God's children.
At the Second Coming, God sent the Lord Whom He had prepared. True Parents have come to the earth as the returning Messiah, and have completed and perfected the providential history of restoration through indemnity !
You all know the spirit world exists. The spirit world is our ultimate destination. We cannot live in our physical bodies for much more than a hundred years. If we are to go there, we must rid ourselves of everything that is wrong and which is of this world. We must shape our mind, our body, our family, tribe and nation so that we can be welcomed in the eternal world. However nice a place you may reach, if you are alone, you will feel lonely.
As you will lead your beloved families, tribes, and nations, you must now reveal the truth.
The world is still full of problems left unresolved. People of the world live in a state of insecurity not knowing what could happen to them the next day.
The beautiful natural world is being destroyed through the fault and wrongful actions of human beings.
Our mission is important. We must take the lead in guiding others onto the path heading toward a world of peace. Let us (be able to) say that your citizens are not alone in revering Heaven, loving people and loving the country and that the surrounding countries do the same thing. If all countries had such a heart, would they be greedy? If all nations cooperated in the heart of loving heaven, loving the people and loving their nation beginning with Asia, peace would certainly spread from Asia out to the world.
The Unification Movement is a movement through which the Blessed families and Peace Ambassadors can cooperate with each other closely to develop the true family and sexual morality movements, defending the young people of the world from family breakdown or involvement in crime.
Many countries have their own path, their own dreams. I am sure that those in leadership positions, the heads of state and those in charge, people leading nations, would want their people to live well, wouldn't they? However, at this point, it is impossible to pursue one's national interests alone and promote happiness, freedom and peace.
There are many national boundaries and many indescribable barriers such as racial and religious conflicts. Yet we know about these. When we serve our Heavenly Parent, the Creator, we know what path the seven billion people on earth should follow.True Parents are the ones who have taught the way we should follow. All countries can become one as sibling nations through True Parents. If the 194 countries move together with one heart and vision, all the problems that human beings are agonizing over can be resolved.
In particular, we are facing many dangers as a result of environmental problems. The disorderliness of humanity is destroying creation. The natural environment, which is a source of joy to us, is being destroyed.Even though our leaders are greatly concerned about this environmental problem---because they worry about everything in the future---it is quite unfortunate that they have not been able to do anything about it.
We must communicate. We must be able to talk to one another. In order to do so, however, we must have one center, we must have one goal. Then we will certainly be able to realize the one world that True Parents, our Heavenly Parent and humanity have desired.The unified world of heaven and earth, the subject of Heaven Parents and of our deep yearning will materialize before us without fail if this movement of practicing true love as taught by True Parents expands from this nation all throughout the entire world.
I ask that you do your best wherever you may be. The 430-couple heavenly tribal messiah mission will be surprisingly easy. That mission is the one that enables you to give people hope and become their proud Cheon Il Guk ancestors who introduced the True Parents to them, the orphans who were once lost and wandering, having lost their parents.You can become pioneers, the good children and loyal subjects of Heaven.
That is why I ask you again sincerely, to not only relieve the angst of Heavenly Parent, True Parents, and Jesus Christ, but also to live on earth as victors, truly good children and loyal subjects who can be remembered by True Parents in the spirit world, the world that is eternal.