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Part 1: The Purpose of Life | Part
2: Why Does Evil Exist?
Part 3: The Hidden Dimension of History | Part
4: The Culmination of History in Our Time
We are entering a new century and a new millennium. Abundant speculation
and anticipation exists with regard to what will happen when the year 2000
finally rolls in. Some believe we are nearing the end of time and that apocalyptic
doom is awaiting. Others predict that we will witness the dawn of an age
of peace and prosperity for all.
The question we have to ask ourselves is: have we as individuals, despite
the technological progress and material abundance, become better and happier
people? Have we become more loving,
caring and responsible? The answer unfortunately is no. Technology has enabled
us to produce more and better goods, but it has not at all improved the
well-being of our familiec and communities. Even though our knowledge of
the physical world has increased tremendously, we remain ignorant of life's
spiritual dimension. The hatred that separates people, nations and races
is the same as it always has been.
As a result, the world is beset by problems that seem insoluble: war, famine,
environmental pollution, drug abuse, AIDS, family breakdown, crime and suicide.
Who has the solutions to these problems? Government institutions certainly
do not have the answers, nor can we expect them to. Neither will the ultimate
solution be found in a scientific research institute or laboratory. The
established religious institutions, for all their vigor and long-standing
dedication, have been unable to prevent this crisis from developing. Their
moral authority has been severely questioned.
A New Expression of Truth is Needed
A deeper analysis of the problems in our society reveals that they are not
new. In fact, the failures of our modern civilization are the result of
a deeper cause, which can be traced back to the beginnings of humankind.
We observe that throughout history, people have striven for happiness and
yet have indulged in attitudes and behaviors which lead to unhappiness and
utter misery. Why is it that human beings have always longed for peace and
brotherhood, and yet have caused so much conflict and suffering? Are love
and hatred, good and evil destined to coexist, as some believe, so that
lasting peace and harmony can never be achieved? Ifthe world was created
by a loving God, why is there so much suffering?
These and many other difficult questions touch upon the very essence ofour
being. What is the purpose of our life? What is our origin and destiny?
Does God exist, and if so, how can we know God? Humankind has sought to
answer these questions through religion, which is a spiritual, internal
path, and through science, which deals with the external world. However,
religion and science have interpreted reality in conflicting ways, leading
to confi·sion and conflict. To move beyond the present impasse, religion
and science must be brought into harmony by a higher understanding oftruth,
one which interprets the spiritual and material aspects oflife within one
consistent framework.
To have a real effect in the world, this higher understanding of truth should
also solve the inconsistencies within and between religions, creating the
basis for reconciliation among religions and cultures. The major religions,
based upon teachings given in the far-distant past, do not compel the intellect
of modern people. In particular, this new expression of truth must clarify
the meaning of the Bible and all the world's scriptures, paving the way
for the world's religions to resolve their internal struggles and become
resources for building world peace.
Furthermore, the true nature of God must be revealed, enabling us to know
God through both logic and heart, and thus leading all people through the
power of their consciences to lives of goodness. The new truth should reveal
the source ofthe contradiction within the human heart, and show us how we
can resolve the conflict between the mind and body. If we find peace within
ourselves as individuals, then peace within families, communities, nations
and the world will become a real possibility.
The purpose of this booklet is to introduce this new and revolutionary teaching.
It is called the "Divine Principle" and is based upon the teachings
of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church. The Principle,
as it will be referred to hereafter, is the result of divine inspiration,
prayer, and the study of religious scriptures and oflife itself. Many tears
and much intense suffering were part of the price of gaining this profound
There are three main parts to the Principle: the first part deals with the
nature of God and why He created man and the universe; the second part explains
why God's ideal for man was not realized and how evil came into this world;
the third part explains how God has been working throughout history to restore
humanity and establish His ideal world of true love.
From reading this booklet, it may be difficult to grasp the full power of
the Principle, but if you begin to see even a glimmer of its potential to
enrich your life, then you are encouraged to continue your study.
Part 1: The Purpose of Life |
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