2014 Events of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification |
2014 Motto: |
August |
6th day |
1 |
7th day |
2 |
8th day |
3 |
9th day |
4 |
Hae Jin Nim's Ascension (8/4/1964) |
10th day |
5 |
11th day |
6 |
12th day |
7 |
13th day |
8 |
14th day |
9 |
Plenary of the World Summit of the Universal Peace
Federation |
15th day |
10 |
Symposium for Peaceful Re-Unification In the Korean National Assembly building |
16th day |
11 |
17th day |
12 |
2nd Anniversary of the Ascension of the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind (Solar 9/3/2012) 2nd Anniversary 17th day of 7th month, 03 HC
18th day |
13 |
19th day |
14 |
20th day |
15 |
21st day |
16 |
22nd day |
17 |
Declaration Day Jeon-ban & Jeon-neung (1999) |
23rd day |
18 |
Blessing (2004) |
24th day |
19 |
Opening of the 1st World Culture and Sports Festival - Solar August 19,1992 |
25th day |
20 |
26th day |
21 |
27th day |
22 |
28th day |
23 |
29th day |
24 |
Shin Ji Nim's Birthday (7/20/1994 Lunar, 9/5/1994 Solar) Universal Seonghwa Ceremony of the Cosmic True Parents July 29, 03 of the Heavenly Calendar |
8th Month |
1st Day |
25 |
2nd day |
26 |
Shin Joong Nim's Birthday (8/2/1993 Lunar, 9/17/1993 Solar) |
3rd day |
27 |
4th day |
28 |
5th day |
29 |
6th day |
30 |
Hyung Jin Nim's Birthday (8/6/1979 Lunar, 9/26/1979 Solar) |
7th day |
31 |
Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages (Pal jeong shik) 25th Anniversary August 31,1989 Solar |
September |
8th day |
1 |
9th day |
2 |
Shin Wol Nim's Birthday (8/9/2003 Lunar, 9/5/2003 Solar) |
10th day |
3 |
True Father's Ascension (Solar 2012) Celebrated 2nd Anniversary 17th day of 7th month, 03 HC |
11th day |
4 |
12th day |
5 |
13th day |
6 |
14th day |
7 |
15th day |
8 |
16th day |
9 |
17th day |
10 |
18th day |
11 |
19th day |
12 |
Universal Peace Federation Inauguration (Solar 2005) |
20th day |
13 |
21st day |
14 |
22nd day |
15 |
23rd day |
16 |
24th day |
17 |
25th day |
18 |
26th day |
19 |
Hwa Yun Nim's Birthday (8/26/1977 Lunar, 10/8/1977 Solar) |
27th day |
20 |
28th day |
21 |
29th day |
22 |
30th day |
23 |
9th Month |
1st Day |
24 |
Cheon Bu Ju Hwi: Declaration Day of Heavenly Parentism (9/1/1989) |
2nd day |
25 |
3rd day |
26 |
Kook Jin Nim & Ji Hye Nim's Blessing (2004) |
4th day |
27 |
Ji Hye Nim's Birthday (9/4/1979 Lunar, 10/24/1979 Solar) Day of Dispensational Reversal Toward Unification |
5th day |
28 |
6th day |
29 |
7th day |
30 |
October |
8th day |
1 |
9th day |
2 |
9.9 Jeol: Liberation Ceremony for the Liberation of the Parents of Heaven and Earth and the Substantial Realm (9/9/1999) Proclamation of the Realm of Liberation of Cosmic Unification for the Parents of Heaven and Earth 9th day of the 9th month HC (1999) 15th Anniversary |
10th day |
3 |
11th day |
4 |
12th day |
5 |
13th day |
6 |
Shin Hyang Nim's Birthday (9/13/2004 Lunar, 10/26/2004 Solar) |
14th day |
7 |
15th day |
8 |
16th day |
9 |
Shin Eh Nim's Birthday (9/16/1989 Lunar, 10/15/1989 Solar) |
17th day |
10 |
18th day |
11 |
19th day |
12 |
20th day |
13 |
21st day |
14 |
22nd day |
15 |
23rd day |
16 |
24th day |
17 |
Shin Pal Nim's Birthday (9/24/1998 Lunar, 11/12/1998 Solar) |
25th day |
18 |
26th day |
19 |
27th day |
20 |
Day of Dispensational Transition Point Toward Unification (9/27/1988) |
28th day |
21 |
29th day |
22 |
30th day |
23 |
Declaration Ceremony for the Liberation of the Parents of Heaven and Earth and the Substantial Realm (1999) |
Leap 9th Month |
1st Day |
24 |
2nd day |
25 |
3rd day |
26 |
4th day |
27 |
Young Jin Nim's Ascension (10/27/1999) |
5th day |
28 |
6th day |
29 |
7th day |
30 |
6500 Couples' Blessing 26th Anniversary (Solar 1988) |
8th day |
31 |
November |
9th day |
1 |
10th day |
2 |
11th day |
3 |
12th day |
4 |
13th day |
5 |
14th day |
6 |
15th day |
7 |
16th day |
8 |
17th day |
9 |
18th day |
10 |
19th day |
11 |
20th day |
12 |
21st day |
13 |
22nd day |
14 |
International Christian Students Association Established (1981) |
23rd day |
15 |
24th day |
16 |
11․16 True Parents' Blessing Ceremony for Second-Generation First Original Blessing of 190 Couples 5th Anniversary (Solar 2009) |
25th day |
17 |
26th day |
18 |
27th day |
19 |
28th day |
20 |
29th day |
21 |
10th Month |
1st Day |
22 |
2nd day |
23 |
Tiempos Del Mundo Established (1996) |
3rd day |
24 |
4th day |
25 |
5th day |
26 |
Ascension of Hong Sun-ae (Dae-mo nim, True Mother's mother) (Solar 10/5/1989) 25th Anniversary 5th Day of the 10th Month HC |
6th day |
27 |
7th day |
28 |
Shin Cheon Nim's Birthday (10/7/2008 Lunar, 11/4/2008 Solar) |
8th day |
29 |
3.6 Million Couples' & 36 Million Couples' Blessing 40 Million-Couple Blessing Ceremony 17th Anniversary (Solar 1997) |
9th day |
30 |
December |
10th day |
1 |
11th day |
2 |
12th day |
3 |
13th Day |
4 |
Hye Shin Nim's Birthday (10/13/1963 Lunar, 11/28/1963 Solar) |
14th day |
5 |
Shin Chul Nim's Birthday (10/614/1999 Lunar, 11/21/1999 Solar) |
15th day |
6 |
16th day |
7 |
Supra-denominational Christian Association Established (1966) |
17th day |
8 |
18th day |
9 |
19th day |
10 |
20th day |
11 |
21st day |
12 |
22nd day |
13 |
23rd day |
14 |
Heung Jin Nim's Birthday (10/23/1966 Lunar, 12/4/1966 Solar) |
24th day |
15 |
25th day |
16 |
26th day |
17 |
27th day |
18 |
Summit Council for World Peace Inaugurated (1981) |
28th day |
19 |
29th day |
20 |
30th day |
21 |
11th Month |
1st Day |
22 |
35 Previously Married Couples' Blessing (1976) Belvedere |
2nd day |
23 |
3rd day |
24 |
4th day |
25 |
5th day |
26 |
1st Cheon Il Guk Blessing (2004) |
6th day |
27 |
7th day |
28 |
Shin Gil Nim's Ascension (2005) Dedication of Cheonseong Wanglim Palace 7th day of the 11th month HC (1999) |
8th day |
29 |
International Cross-cultural Blessing Ceremony for World Peace (2005) |
9th day |
30 |
10th day |
31 |
This template is based on 1999-2013 Kathryn Coman
by McLaughlin Business